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* Tonymac32
knows TRS-80 enjoys freshies
Tonymac32: you know me all too well, in fact I almost said freshy XD
Also, guess what Winn Dixie Fresca knock off is called?
I did too, when I first saw it recently
Still getting the kids ready for bed I'll be in and out
learned this new drink, called a Paloma, apparently: tequila, little fresh squeezed lime juice, and Fresca (or generic equivalent, if you don't have Tonymac32 kind of money)...
When Winn Dixie stuff goes on sale I buy like (20)x 12 packs of the stuff for like 4/$11 or something, it's plenty good for mixer
* Tonymac32
has money? hmmmmm
anyway if anyone is around, I am /still/ looking for some inexpensive SBC just to use as an audio node, likely with some sort of Amp "HAT" that is not RPi
maybe I should make a forum thread, surely I can't be the only one looking for such parameters
inexpensive... I2S...
as I recall you wanted multi-room sync, yes?
I know you keep thinking it can be done on like an ESP
yes and I had the prototype / PoC actually working at one point
rofl well it might be, but I was just trying to remember the requirements
and someone actually had one of those multi-room audio setups running on an ESP32
but I lost the link so trying to remember
yes basically DIY Sonos, plus HA system talking to us
I already have living room node in form of RPi with HifiBerry AMP2 on it... so this is for another room
and model for additional rooms
trying to jog my memory here, name of softwares in this realm
something like RPi Zero would be fine I think, although I have extreme disdain for fruit companies who masquerade as F/LOSS whilst actually being nothing of the sort
Tonymac32: snapserver and snapclient are the GNU/Linux-y way, for those without beards on their neck there is also the good ol Squeezebox, the server of which is now opensource to my understanding
just put whatever into a pipe and it will be synced to all devices
I plan on mixing the music + HA voice stream into one (or interrupting the former with the latter, when needed)...
but anyway should be very simple hardware requirements for the SBC, on the amp side unfortunately everything seems to be made for RPi although could be re-mapped of course...
I have some old school intercom phones, like the secretary/office ones
lol great
are they red, Gorbachev?
I plan on putting one in my shed and one in the house, no black
are these really old school or are they VOIP?
I will also have some multi-extension VOIP set up, once I buy my property and have a biggeer place
they are old school buzzer and incandescent light ones
they were from an RCA office
back when RCA was still RCA
mostly for internal use, also likely VPN lins to other family, basically our own private telephone network... "one day"
they will likely live forever
and can also be used as a bludgeoning weapon, should the need arie
TRS-80 meant to say: and can also be used as a bludgeoning weapon, should the need arise
never ordered through them befeore should be interesting
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ChriChri_ is now known as ChriChri
:( v20.05 branch looks like it's out of sync from hotfixes igor has rolled out
wow, my borther got some crappy margarita mix when he visited, said it needed more lime. I just put an entire lime in my drink on top of the mix, yeah, that was the problem
we won't speak of this stuff labelled tequila he bought
Tonymac32: I know you seem interested in doing this on ESP32, but I am perfectly happy paying few bucks to do on "inexpensive" SBC
yeah yeah, I only posted that because you mentioned it, there absolutely nothing "end-user" ready
Tonymac32: yes something like that! 512MB one is only $20 and would be fine for the application
the pinout has the I2S populated as well
how much power does esp32 use compared to cheap pi's and similar
that would have been my next look, thanks
fromport: less? :D
fromport it's not even on the same chart
my Pi 0 with wifi pulls between 150 and 300 mA just sitting there
then another order of magnitude down from Wi-Fi things like ESP are like Arduino Pro Mini with nRF radios which you can sleep and run on batteries for years (with some tweaks)
My Pi "A" sized ESP32 board that I made uses 70 or so, but I need to test WiFi's impact/etc
Obviously the Pi has more reach, the ESP32 has no lack of poewr but coding stuff (like Snap client) from scratch is a PITA
an ESP32 with proper use of the ULP coprocessor and sleep modes can also run on a battery for months+
It has to be kept in mind that the RPi 0 processor is an antique, the process is outdated/inefficient, the architecture is multiple generations behind the least powerful core in most systems (ARM11)
So it isn't really fair comparing it to, well, anything, except that certain parties brag up all the junk that comes from that direction like it was sent from a higher being
ROFL I tried to pull the TRM for that core on ARM.com and got a 404
Tonymac32: I come here because it is my only refuge on the Internets from mouth breathers who think that RPi is the greatest thing since sliced bread
The Pi 3 is why I wound up here. What a pile
I was happy with the Pi2
In fact, in the sort of movie scene where you find youself back to back deep in enemy territory with some old friend, I ran into Igor over at OpenHAB forums. trying to spread facts to generally impervious NPCs, which is why I decided to come back here recently
I bought an orangepione from amazon because i was looking for an rpi, but it was same day deliveyr on a sunday
and that opened a BIG can of worms
one of my coworkers sent me a link to the tinker board
and well, yep
movie scene, back to back literally bumping into I mean, I ran into Igor in some thread over there lol
lanefu: you are better off
much better
My Pi 3(s) sit collecting dust in their nice cast aluminum heatsink cases
the firmwarepocalypse was the last straw for me
I don't follow the RPi bullshit any longer, but I do have one old one I bought, using it for media center (no sensitive/personal data)
what is this firmwarepocalypse you speak of?
from the Pi3 on at least (as far as my experience goes) they have made multiple rapid changes to the "firmware" on the VC 4 that "fixed" things, always by throttling performance down from advertised
remember the ARM cores are accessories for the VC4
imagine my shock
I am well aware
* TRS-80
hoards Libreboot supported hardware exclisively, like some sort of Techpriest
the Pi3 had a shittier driver situation than AMD going on, so I bailed
TRS-80 meant to say: * TRS-80 hoards Libreboot supported hardware exclusively, like some sort of Techpriest
it is all about Freedom in the end, but try and point this out to NPCs and in return you will only get the fluoride stare
I gave up complaining about Amlogic blobs, at least they are smaller, and honestly should be easy enough to "competitively analyze" were someone in the mood
seems like most blobs are around video (especially) or then sometimes wifi
wifi/LTE are unavoidable I think, generally
video is usually tough, but at this point Mali has been beaten to death by community work
there are actually a few available
very few
like like atheros
I go out of my way to buy such products
but generally, that is true
I ned to run an I2S test on my H2+
what did you mean by "Mali been beaten to death"?
* Tonymac32
may have theat entire series of boards
open source mali drivers both in kernel and user space
I am really liking the Libre thing; are they really Libre or is it just marketing (I need to do more research)?
more or less the same way the Allwinner stuff got there, pure force of will by the community
OK now we talking about Libre boards or Mali? :)
for libre computer, the schematics are around, the boards are using SoC's that are decently documented (Amlogic is, well, Amlogic though)
OK gotcha
the force of will part was Mali
Libre Computer funds a lot of mainline development work to BayLibre eetc
that too
Mali is reverse engineering effort, right?
for the 400/450 and T6/7xx yes
Remember ARM did not make those
the licensing is all messed up
I know, I have been trying for years to figure it all out, yet still I struggle
lvrp16 has a pretty clear mission statment / vision on sustainable SBC platforms
legitmiate intent and delivery not just marketing
lanefu meant to say: legitimatee intent and delivery not just marketing
dont want to speak for them tho
did you though
is this a person? a company?
a person with a company haha
lvrpi16 is on here usually, a person, representing a company
oh there they are
ohai! XD
it's my pet project to see the proprietary nonsense in sbc's end
* TRS-80
got a real good chuckle
cause it's a clusterf*ck
well, Amen!
* Tonymac32
doesn't mention it keeps me with things to do
except you did
well, good for you
95% re-engineering the same bullcrap over and over again
sdk problems that never get fixed
fix it once, fix it forever, so we can actually build useful stuff that clutter up our house
who woke up c0rnelius
these are very predictable problems, as a result of dinosaur propretary business models
and generate e-waste
...like my RPi 3's?
I say it all the time, ultimately it is about Freedom (in the Free/Libre Software sense)
(I haven't thrown them away, but...
freedom and control
i'm not so much about the free software stuff as much as the "it makes sense and doesn't waste time" stuff. it just happens FOSS does that.
* Tonymac32
needs to stop getting distraced, has DAC, and Tritium
these are not some esoteric "nice to have" things, but rather fundamentally apples and oranges, both with quite predictable outcomes...
lvrp16 did anyone do a writeup making these play on DAC's? I haven't tried yet but will write it up
you mean with I2S? no
I'm way too utilitarian, these boards spoke to me
I'm not that familiar with clock tweaking that's needed for DACs
H5 doesn't have I2S support yet
lvrp16: What I am trying to say, is all the issues you mention wrt SBCs, are quiter predictable outcomes from proprietary business models... This is very functional and real world consequences, yet most people think Free Software talk is "theory" or "religion"... I really don't get it...
TRS-80 meant to say: lvrp16: What I am trying to say, is all the issues you mention wrt SBCs, are quite predictable outcomes from proprietary business models... This is very functional and real world consequences, yet most people think Free Software talk is "theory" or "religion"... I really don't get it...
well, for other H3 stuff there's really just overlays if I remember (been a couple years since my NanoPi Neo DAC stuff)
wow you have a spelling/grammar nazi bot?
sed bot
what lanefu said
n.b., I asked for the correction
TRS-80: I just saw cheap general purpose chips and it seemed like a fun thing to work on, 4 years later...
hasn't made a dime but it's a blast :D
any of you all have a tiny hdmi display you like for testing? I don't actually like messing with SBCs at my desk lol
> lvrp16 | it's my pet project to see the proprietary nonsense in sbc's end
* Tonymac32
sobs uncontrollably as looks into own future
> lvrp16 | cause it's a clusterf*ck
Tonymac32: haha life is what you make it, better than being a politician
to each his own I guess
Friend, you are espousing Free/Libre ideals, whether you realize it or not. There is nothing wrong with this!
I'm pretty sure being a janitor is better than being a politician
* Tonymac32
wonders how far underground TRS-80's bunker is...
lvrp16: I'm happy to see that kernel support on the amlogic and allwinners SoCs are well supported.
either the users control the program, or the program controls the users, those are the only 2 possibilities
Kurt Vonnegut, "Player Piano"
> Fiction
Fiction is often a path for telling truths
TRS-80: I'm more about having high level engineers not worry about low level stuff. Provide them with a simple, reliable, standards-conformant, easy to use platform for writing code that doesn't need to be ported everytime they move to a faster or cheaper platform.
I'm a high level architect in a former life.
Tonymac32: touche
lvrp16: you don't have to backpedal into "open source" on my account, far from it
<---- use to work for the man
I'm an EE who learned x86 assembler and Java at the same time
* TRS-80
goes back to sharpening his pitchfork
* Tonymac32
still works for the man, :'(
* TRS-80
hasen't worked since November and has never been happier
working for the man is not so bad, you can drop everything at the end of the day.
well, sometimes
* lanefu
needs to get a fulltime job being himself like TRS-80
I was doing 60 hour weeks before the shutdowns
and only have time now because in order for my employer to suck up my tax money I can only work 32
lanefu: no one is willing to pay money for that
(I don't think)
ooouph, all my friends work less as they move up, i was doing 4 hours a day. my good friend has dropped down to 1 hour a day.
then i started this and i work 3x more than I do before getting paid 3x less
well, I would have to go 2 more levels up to work less, and, well, people management... yeah....
yeah i ended up demoting myselef from management at my last job... which is _really_ hard to unload a team of 5 linux nerds
lanefu: you can't work with people that are too competent or too incompetent. both create a lot of extra work for yourself
ask my boss. >:(
true.. i had a good team, but i spent too much time fighting for them cuz of org dysfunction
I am too cranky to put up with corporate bullshit any longer
4 guys had to surround me today in IKEA to force me to put on a mask
im actually a manager at the consulting shop I'm at, but its really great sincee all my reports have their own engagements.. its more like career counselor mentor stuff
I am at the end of my rope
* TRS-80
is a big guy
Tonymac32: you caught in golden handcuffs?
sunshavi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
I get paid well, and it's enough to keep me from telling everyone exactly what to do with themselves
I think that is mostly what the pay is for
* Tonymac32
still looking for opportunities
any less is not worth it
my strategy now is to reduce expenses by buying some land out in the boonies; then you don't need to work so much nor put up with as much bulshit :)
* TRS-80
is well on his way to that goal
* Tonymac32
looks at WV, close to where home was...
it's on m yshort list, too, actually...
good people, but the thing about having no teeth is true
sunshavi has joined #armbian
and fat
beautiful though, and tanks can't operate in the mountains ;)
come and take them, federales!
it's hard to get into some areas after a hard rain, so yeah, nobody is moving any military force through that mess
all jokes aside, with recent craziness reaching unprecedented levels...
* TRS-80
finally pulled the trigger on (10) 80% lowers when they popped up on a good sale
* Tonymac32
cringes at unprecedented frequency of use of the word unprecedented
sorry was not aware of that :D
Being from KY and Living in VA for 15 years.... I make fun of WV a lot
Wait, KY?
making fun of WV?
lanefu: "WV luggage" you are my brother's family, they made the same trip back and forth...
I don't even know how to unpack that
for many years
eastern KY is just like WV tho
im from western KY
All of SEC jokes revolves around which fan base has the lowest tooth per head count
dude KY _loves_ their basketball team.. Blue is a religion
lanefu: are you from Lexington area? I got kinfolk there...
kinfolk with land....
hence that area also being on the short listr
3 hours west.. Owensboro.. Lived in lex for a few years.. made a few attempts at attending UK
All I know is people who put liquids in mason jars are ok with me. Allegedly
my family are outside / around Lexington; High Bridge area...
Tonymac32: you and me both, brother
* lanefu
doesn't think Tonymac32 is talking about BBQ suace
* Tonymac32
loves bbq sauce, but needs something to wash it down with
* Tonymac32
knows some Romanians who enjoy something they call "Holy water"
I love visiting there, my brother (who is a history buff) tells me that part of the country has one of the most geographically stable populations in the country...
it comes similarly packages
lots of Scotch / Irish military folk coming from there (including that part of my family)
Jim Beam have huge black aging barns, some of which can be seen from my brother's porch out in the countryside there, it's really beautiful, always love visiting there
* Tonymac32
is scots-irish/german, from a region that has been that for 200 years +
Why do you think we get along so well?
Oh but race is a social construct, sorry I forgot.
well, I'm generally cranky and enjoy whisky, take that as you will
* TRS-80
goes to make a freshie
H2+ is Amlogic?
yeah that's what I thought
something Tonymac32 said earlier
HallWinner, but the H is silent
wtf is a freshie
or are you being for real?
a tasty delicious adult beverage
ahh gotcha
yeah i dont drink much
i was really good at it in my 20s tho
I don't either. Only when in good company (like now).
I have some whisky with japanese characters on the bottle. They seem to be good at it
based Wapanese
> Form Factor and GPIO Compatibility (Not Software!) with Raspberry Pi 3
I may have found my audio node base
I think I will take the plunge on one of those cheap AliExpress knock off HifiBerries
As I just can't see spending more than twice the price of the board, on the amp lol
well, let me focus for a minute on setting up a DAC
don't mind my idiotic ramblings
I've got a pimoroni PHAT DAC (5102A) handy from my ESP32 experiments
the JustBOOM stuff has I2C work I just haven't bothered to get into
this topic has piqued my interest
the little 3W Adafruit amplifier boards are just straight I2S as well, easy for tests
this node is for bathroom, maybe single ceiling speaker, 3W enough?
fuck Adafruit though
it's probably $50
heh, I don't remember, it's beena while since I got it
* Tonymac32
has purchased 30-40 SD cards in the last 3 years, thrown 3 away, and can't find any...
I need some more... What do you buy?
awf_sbrt has joined #armbian
* TRS-80
has read unbelievable amount of bullshit about SD cards, to the point of paralysis
I just use SanDisk Extreme or Samsung
I used to be pretty happy sith Samsung, but I heard newer ones kind of weren't so good as they used to be
I haven't tried them on a speaker that sounds acceptable either
coco's are on my "to get" list ;-)
so the quality is unknown
I was thinking like Monoprice outdoor waterproof speaker, you know, round one in ceiling type (in bathroom)
my 7 year old loves the CoCo, I'm getting the resources/info together to make some carts for it
LOL from Adafruit page: "
Turn up that Raspberry Pi mix to the max"
> 3W
max is /in italics/ btw
did you see my post from yesterday? they were promoting twisting capacitors off of PCB's as a rework method until people lost it and they changed the title
I get it, they're learning too, but marketting/quick share of dubious methods should have a small bit of filter for stability
Post where? Adafruit or Armbian?
Adafruit on their blog.
Yeah, I neither go there nor buy anything, ever, because... well, marketing...
I posted it here because my head kind of exploded at the idea of ripping the traces right off of the PCB
if I lift a trace due to heat I can recover
If I do it by mechanically ripping it off the board, well...
I desoldered pads on a "smart" outlet recently whilst attempting to reverse engineer it (for the cause)
Anyway, no one knows everything, as Bill and Ted learned from Socrates: "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing"
but they charge too much for "learning"
the muppets will continue to eat it up
I'll say the products of theirs I've picked up are quite solid
I was very concerned about the 3W audio board, but it turned out it was the RPi that was garbage, not the DAC (surprise!)
you have that one you linked? I noticed they have a similar small one to the $3 AliExpress ones, theirs is $5 though
sorry, $6 actually
yeah, I ahve the Adafruit one, I picked up various HATs for testing with my micros and Armbian
each of those chips handles 1 channel,
yeah I saw that
they have a pull resistor to determin which LRclock they care about
I suppose I looking for little board with small integrated amp (software control)
they all just seem so expensive for what they are though
maybe little bigger than the one you linked from Adafruit, but smaller than AMP2
for instance
* TRS-80
thought he could find something cheap meeting those specs on Ali
but so far no joy
perhaps I should design one?
cheap might be a problem though, I'm on the wrong side of The Big Lake
Speaking of DACs and ADCs, I received two ADS1115 boards a few days ago, but I suspect they are dead/fake. They both return constant results, [0,0] and [255,240] no matter what I do with them. Does anyone have any experience with that?
do you have pullup resisitors on the I2C?
because that will do that
* Tonymac32
is not beyond messing up I2C, the Cursed interface
Hmm, the board has 10k resistors on them, do I need external ones?
Also reading from the config registers gives expected values.
for reference the Pi has 1.8 K from SDA/SCL to 3V3
but if the config registers are correct, then./..
* Tonymac32
uses microcontrollers for anything even pretending to be realtime
* Tonymac32
provides status updates to jittery linux boxes
* TRS-80
made his own HVAC control recently
* Tonymac32
would not do that in Michigan
* Tonymac32
doesn't want to freeze to death in his sleep
oh ye of little faith
So the chips are dead then? That's what I thought. I even wrote a script to write random values into it, but never got anything else out of it. Thanks for the confirmation!
it seems likely something is wrong
I had no problem accessing an ADS1015 on the Pimoroni automation hat with an SBC, ESP32, ATMEGA328PB, etc
I could try to dig up my ESP32 and try it there, I'm trying it in an Orange Pi Zero.
Yeah, if there is an arduino library for it
I wish we had overlays as their own repo... hiding them in patches is messy and hard to trace
And the main issue I came here for: has anyone else been dealing with frequent (usually every couple of hours) hangs after switching from 4.19 to 5.4? (Orange Pi +2E, Buster)
for some reason I also see aliexpress.ru when I look in uMatrix (although it's blocked)
awf_sbrt I'm afraid not, I'm not knowledgeable about their hardware in general
awf_sbrt: did you check the forums?
TRS-80: The last time I checked I found some older posts, I don't remember finding anything 5.4 specific. But let me check again.
Oh wait, I found some results now.
all I can offer is I think ODROID-XU4 (which I own/use) Stable I think are on 4.something because reasons (last I checked)
different chip, but seems maybe some issues with 5.x
satanic Samsung DMC apparently on XU4
I read about different boards
yeah it's same chip as s5 basically I think?
lanefu pulled out the *nixfu
the phone? something like that
ddurst has joined #armbian
I looked it up one day, I noticed becaue I have long been a fan of s5 and still run them, as they are last s series where you can still replace batteries :D
I had a Nexus (Old gaurd version TI OMAP) for a long time
awf_sbrt: these are all 2e's runner bionic http://ix.io/2qGw
lanefu meant to say: awf_sbrt: these are all 2e's running bionic http://ix.io/2qGw
awf_sbrt: check your ntp/chrony config and make sure its okay
mine occasionally go into a tail-spin enough that they dont ship the error via syslog that i need to troubleshoot the actual problem
systems usually are can ping, and otherwise not reachable
lanefu meant to say: symptoms usually are can ping, and otherwise not reachable
lanefu: Hmm, ntp config looks OK, it's set to my two local servers, and I haven't touched it in ages. It was pretty stable on 4.19.
I can usually ping them when it happens (but at least once network died too), and it seems that at least some things keep running when it happens.
Some of the time, anyway.
have you ever found any consol emeessages?
Hmm. systemd-journald complains about some things, I think I have a log somewhere.
Also, if I leave, say¸ 'vmstat 1' running on the serial console, it's still running after the hang. I can ^c it and get a shell prompt, but it hangs if I try to do anything with the shell. It also still responds to SysRq keys.
lanefu: I can't find any logs from when it hangs, sorry.
yaeh always my plight
`openssl speed -multi 4` if that crashes your board.. crank back your cpu-speed
I'm also running a MySQL server as a replication slave (on an USB SSD) and it seems that at least some of the times it keeps running during the hang until I SysRq-e it.
mysql continues to write to disk?
Yes, I see the SSD flashing, and after rebooting the replication lag is pretty low, even if it's been in that state for hours.
(At least most of the time, it seems)
okay so its not usb going to sleep then
switch to mariadb? :P
Also I copied root to the SSD and booted from that just in case there's something going on with my eMMC, but it didn't help.
I meant MariaDB, sorry. :P
remembeer the old days where high uptime was good
and now it just means you're not patching
Also, before the kernel upgrade I finished a 3 day llvm-10 build without any issues. I had to switch to 5.4 since I wanted to play with 3D acceleration.
have you tried apt-updating for fresher armbian kernel. there's been a few patchese rolled out
Hmm, I'm on 5.4.45 now. Let me check what's the current version now.
Looks like .45 is current for this thing now.
can you do `sudo armbianmonitor -u` and share the url?
Werner: is late for work today
lanefu: http://ix.io/2qGG (and the openssl thing is still running)
you're using the tkaiser approved usb-sata chip
Also, the last time I had CPU limited to 960MHz, and it lasted a day or so instead of a few hours. But it could be a coincidence.
Oh, that's good I guess. :P It's just a random external HDD I had and a random m.2 adapter from aliexpress.
must be munin
so you're running bcache?
It's running and mounted, but the cache device is long gone, and I haven't touched the partition in ages.
But I can try removing it to see if it helps.
I also want to move the root back to eMMC and move the database to the HDD to see if it's the SSD causing it.
yeah good plan
these problems are always a bit maddening
alright i gotta goto sleep
Oh, I was also getting constant RTL871X spam, I just disabled network-manager and it went away. Good night and thanks!
I'll come back when I have more data!
Good morning
TRS-80 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8]
IgorPec, it might be a good idea to send out some reminders for the upcoming release talk.
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Mony has joined #armbian
guidol's how-to works perfectly on the Tritium, with the exception of substituting in all the I2S1 stuff for I2S0
goor morning. Werner: yes, i'll put out. Lanefu recommends to change the predicted 4th of July
This means 11h?
IgorPec, I was thinking about that too. Might not an ideal date for US citizens but I also think that its not too short term to change it.
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next week i am out of office, but that should not be a problem
Do we have many participants from the US?
Many? No. Some? Yes
lvrp16 i2s DAC on Tritium was a piece of cake.
or H3?
lol no, H3, I haven't tried the H5 yet. I was trying the one TRS-80 would probably buy, the cheap one. ;-)
those instructions with obvious change to i2s1 from i2s0
yeah once i'm done this u-boot stuff, i'm gonna have to do all that
Not sure how the US celebrates but since it will be forenoon when the talk happens it should not interfere too much I guess?
lol I want to make an overlay library, some are board-specific, but we really dfon't have a good way to handle that
Werner we get really drunk and play with fire for a night, whoever survives is declared winner by Darwin rules and moves on to the following year
Yeah I guessed something like that. Though I still assume there are some braincells left at forenoon :P
that depends on whether there were any to begin with, but ideally
my priorities are u-boot -> distros -> overlays
have to re-spin a dozen distros across 8 boards
at least the SPI NOR ones will be easy
* Tonymac32
listening to metal on Tritium can't hear things about SPI NOR
I need to open up this cheap hybrid tube amp and adjust the input stage for line in. It was set up to take a headphone input to go to a headphone output, apparently
Or finally break down and build my own
werner: 11.7 at 1pm CEST
Up to you.
for me its anytime :) but to cover US and Singapore at once i think this is the way to go
ok, i see. I will copy/paste into new one
Meeting starts at 2pm GMT.
Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Upcoming release talk at July 4th 2pm GMT - don't miss it :) | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): For fun (and a friend) tried to get a @pimoroni PHAT DAC working on the @librecomputer Tritium H3. Following instructions on @armbian forums by Guidol for the NanoPi NEO, adjusting for i2s1, no problem. 😎 https://t.co/NPz8OMllZN (4s ago)
Bis Morgen!
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@EarnCryptoForF1 (CryptoForFree): 🔶what do you get when you mix a cheap tv box with #linux and #Bitcoin ? 🔶A really cheap Crypto Miner thanks to @armbian. https://t.co/fJKwVPgb65 (28s ago)
IgorPec: Chat on 4th will be okay i should make it
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@EarnCryptoForF1 (CryptoForFree): @trylolli 🔶 What do you get when you mix a cheap tv box with Linux and #Bitcoin? 🔶A really cheap node thanks to @armbian.🤗 (12s ago)
@EarnCryptoForF1 (CryptoForFree): @trylolli 🔶 What do you get when you mix a cheap tv box with Linux and #Bitcoin ? 🔶A really cheap node thanks to @armbian.🤗 https://t.co/R14AvttaDV (14s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @TonyMac_32: For fun (and a friend) tried to get a @pimoroni PHAT DAC working on the @librecomputer Tritium H3. Following instructions… (4s ago)
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lanefu: great!
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if we are so distant from 20.05.y i rather made from trunk, but use that version number
i know its not the most correct way, but its usually better
trying to get to the bottom of H3 random mac since v20.05, but bit lost; I know the kmod is forced to randomize, but I see bash script randomize and lots of commits with randomize mac fixes. So I do not grasp the intention of solving this issue; I'd guess a firstboot add to udev rules would be sensible?
rebuild images and update repository for XU4 ?
xwigg: afaik h3 mac has fixed mac address. which hw you have issues with?
friendlyarm zeropi, and according to forum topic #14525 BPI M2 Zero as well
i am running zero pi and m2 in my test rig and both have fixed addresses
which images are you using?
igor hmm.. do you have v20.05.7 in a local branch?
Yes, 5.4.43 image has issue, apt-get update to 5.4.45 has issue.
(5.4.45 = v20.05.3)
ok, well, its not a known problem to me. need to be researched
any hints were to look?
sttmac driver changes
which i know they were, upstream
thx, will try
i will also check later
don't tell ;)
igor ideally we'd patch the release. fix is already in master. anyway yes rebuild images for XU4
rebuilding started ...
will that push a new .deb for limux-image-currrent-odroidxu4?
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lanefu: yes, also update for packages
fizikz: ^ stable update soonish
images were just done, repository needs 15-20m
stable repo, beta was updated already yesterday or before
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hi! Is there someone here that can help me with bufferoverflow examples on rpi4, raspbian buster, that work in GDB but not outside of GDB ?
we don't deal with rpi
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@luisbruno (الجبر): For some reason, my newly etched armbian image tried to connect to 171.1 01.16.204:80 on first boot. Went into TIME_WAIT since I had forgotten to plug in the ethernet. I haven't seen it do it again yet -- should faff about with it again, to try and repro. (10s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @luisbruno Official Armbian is not calling anywhere! But for 3rd party Debian/Ubuntu package base we can't be 100% sure. You are welcome to bring the issue up on https://t.co/FpfLdtQod0 Perhaps its just reaching out to sync time? (7s ago)
@luisbruno (الجبر): @armbian could very well be some apt-get connecting to that IP, for example. my next step is to start over, no ethernet and HDMI only, and try and replicate (19s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @luisbruno Please reach out to forums or IRC #armbian at freenode (18s ago)
i haven't ran wireshark for ages on cleanly build :)
Either time sync or armbian/ubuntu mirror. Not sure if armbian has unattended-upgrades in ubuntu images present?
on desktop this could be present
i think we have it, but disabled by default. not sure atm
i have far bigger issue here. my main fridge broke down :(
oh man no fun
says port 80. so not ntp
So maybe apt
they were nice enough to delete original tweet
its good igor was able to respond promptly
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aha, false alarm
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So, I have a NanoPi M4, which has USB2.0 OTG over USB-C support. Anyone know how to enable and use this feature?
Would love to be able to do something like networking or serial connection. Like you can with the Raspberry Pi
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if its easily enableable..its through a device tree overlay.. which _if_ it exists.. you can enable via armbian-config system->hardware
otherwise no quick answer
Will look. Thanks for the reply.
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lanefu: awesome! what's the best way to return to stable? install updates while on beta then switch to stable? or switch to stable first then update?
switch to stable then update
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how can I know what CPU kernels are what by numbers for big-little SBC?
For example, I can tell to docker build use only cpu 2-4, or 1,2. Then I need to know what CPU by numbers are "big", and what — "little"/