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wooohooo i got my download redirect script working http://ix.io/2sh1
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great good morning news :)
Morning Igor
Noob question: can I just rename a .diff file to .patch and it'll work (in userpatches)? I've compared them to .patch files in Armbian and I can't find any glaring differences in the syntax
A patch can contain multiple diffs so basically yeah if it contains the patch syntax it should work.
@armbian (armbian): RT @cnxsoft: Radxa Rock Pi 4C board with Rockchip RK3399, 4GB RAM, micro HDMI 2.0, and mini DisplayPort 1.2 video outputs is now available… (6s ago)
@pfeerick (Peter): @armbian It seems the documentation site is down? https://t.co/VtMKEbokb6 (15s ago)
IgorPec stated earlier there will be a downtime
So was to be expected
dl. still works
@armbian (armbian): @pfeerick We are in the middle of upgrading our infrastructure. We only managed to transfer most critical services to the new one before this (planned) maintenance. Docs (mirror is on Github anyway) will be back in 1h. https://t.co/Tjo3FHVeuF (3s ago)
next time, this will be done automatically - selecting live mirrors
* HerculeP
was just checking that twitter msg, sorry for the noise
no problem
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@pfeerick (Peter): @armbian Thanks. Didn't realise the docs hosting was included in that... thought it was just the forum! ;) (2s ago)
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Does the build tool start compiling the debian/ubuntu stuff only if and after the kernel has successfully compiled?
Though I think an option has been introduced to skip this and use packages from the repoistory instead
Good. I started compiling everything when I left the home, and when I came back the process had failed at the ubuntu stage
http://ix.io/2siM *Posting here so I can look it up on mz PC(
PPA_rpi4: there's lot of pain with resolutions out there.... only the allwinner chips do a good job
I guess thez win it all, after all
good thing mz Tanix TX6 arrived todaz, so I can plaz with that too
*and immediatelz, two little pieces fell out of the interior(
we don't maintain those rc6-arm-64 images
I built this from balbes150|s stuff
going to try the official Armbian images too, but I was hoping I wouldn|t have to compromise on hwaccel etc.
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hi ppl again:-)
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I've got a very bad (low) fps with Webgl sample (aquiarium)...
...using Firefox
.using Firefox [en~>eng]
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total score 168 from wirple.com/bmark
I havent seen any arm distro that can do opengl w/o freezing the os X or wland
on mali gpu's
made good progress but thats the state of it
archetech: yes I've got much better results with mali gpu's indeed
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ROFL.. im stress teseting my URL redirect service..... my stress testing tool is running out of memory and the service has zero errors lol
does it detect cycles?
ewps it was also following the redirects and trying tgo dowload images :P
iokay its working much better
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@lanefu (Lane Jennison): ...and a sweet Frite came in the mail from @librecomputer ! Going to experiment with @armbian testing images on demand thanks to SPI boot and LOST The only thing that didn't come from china this weekend is time. https://t.co/cO6MQnOsVU (3s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): RT @lanefu: ...and a sweet Frite came in the mail from @librecomputer ! Going to experiment with @armbian testing images on demand thanks… (22s ago)
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man im beat
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