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@drtune (DrTune): @beajammingh @ryanhuber eh I actually disagree; I get a lot of embedded systems images (armbian etc) and the torrents are pretty snappy and well seeded (31s ago)
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looking for a rock64 testing image focal desktop kern 5.6 or.7
all I see is 5.4
then there probably isn't one with the newer kernel
get 5.4 and compile your own kernel
for 5.6 or 5.7 if you need
after dd the img whats the sdcard partiton layout like?
how many partitons
looks like just one unlike ayufans
kern panic 3 times unable to handle null pointer at virt address
comes after hware optimization
either kern config is off or uboot/dtb
such is life on a v2 rock64 at armbian I thought id try after a few months
would sound to me like maybe a difference in uboot re: timings and such, may want to see if you can find an image that works for you and use the dtb from it on a newer image and see
should be checked manually if quotes are changed
IgorPec: testing a build now
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i fixed one problem regarding cache creation and u-boot creation bug also, just need to add it
with my fixes it should. i am checking chroot compilation now and it looks fine
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IgorPec: thanks! unfortunately my laptop died during the build
due to battery or our scripts ? :)
battery. it's a 3 year old dell now ;) probably did too much compilation for gentoo
btw. what's the best approach to change a kernel config and provide that patch to armbian?
run through the menu and apply the changes there (is it written to disk anywhere outside of the image?)?
ah sweet. thanks! :)
output/config/linux-rockchip64-dev.config which you copy to config/kernel and make a PR
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hej hej
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Hey IgorPec! :D
I just wrote you back at OpenHAB
Well that's what motivated me to re-appear (partly). :)
Been thinking about it anyway
yeah, pretty much the same as here. i got school kids too, and they had last day yesterday
they are home now and they were at the time corona was roaring around, so yeah
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TRS-80: !
lanefu: Aay mate! :)
good to see you
likewise :)
I bumped into Igor of all people, over at OpenHAB forums, where each of us were apparently independently trying to help the heathens to see the light XD
but I been thinking about coming back around anyway (at least IRC) as I been missing you guys
haha.. i hope you enlightened at least one soul
so.. openhab configuration.. is that done in UI, or config files?
IgorPec: Good Morning !
gday :)
regarding sunxi .. do we have a solution for overlays?
IgorPec: I didn't look at it yet, but I will since I'm an overlay fan :-)
great. that is the remaining issue, then we can merge and test
Ok ! I will build that branch and look at the issue ...
ok, the rest is in reasonoble good shape
IgorPec: thanks for the merge, are kernels for 20.05 build from master?
beta.armbian.com will be updated soon
from master
If I am not mistaken, martinayotte is a new addition since I last appeared? Nice to see you martinayotte!
:) Martin is here since ever
but not very active here on IRC i supoose
Maybe +v is new on him then? Or I am simply mistaken (happens often enough, lol)
Martin has v since he joined a few...month ago I guess?
that's Werner doing
TRS-80, feel free to take a look at help irc to get an overview of what services are now there and what features we have.
Werner: Yes Igor pointed that out to me in our PM at OpenHAB. I was sure it was your doing. ;) Very nice work! :)
Thank you. I appreciate it.
lanefu: Very good question. Often recommended in forums is to use PaperUI to do initial config because of auto-discovery, etc. Problem is it puts stuff in internal database and gives you weird random item names. I am re-doing my setup, and this time took small extra time to put /everything/ in text files. This way I have a complete system, in a repository, and can completely re-create from
scratch if needed. I am sure I am preaching to the chior in this regard to Mr. "Site Reliability Engineer" ;)
TRS-80: ha... I use HASS, which used to be fun beause it was all yaml driven config.. but it's been evolving to integrations via UI.. which is good.. but... also ba
lanefu meant to say: TRS-80: ha... I use HASS, which used to be fun beause it was all yaml driven config.. but it's been evolving to integrations via UI.. which is good.. but... also bad
^ neat!
yeah that one is dope
You made a typo and now suffering from psychic trauma? No worries! You and even anybody else can fix your inability using sed! Using s/search/replace will affect your last message or if you mention somebody his/her last message. Be a hero. Be Correctionman!
HASS is HomeAssistant? I think I have also referred to it as HA? Or these are different things?
lanefu: ^
Werner: I would likely have found that one on accident, as I frequently to s/foo/bar anyway... :)
TRS-80 meant to say: Werner: I would likely have found that one on accident, as I frequently do s/foo/bar anyway... :)
see lol
perfect :)
512 Kb of memory (on minimal or server image)
Do such boards even exist?
yeah hass == homeassistant
yeah the naming got a little weird, because there was like also a RPI distro
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Werner: ESP32 maybe ;)
yeah ESP32 woudl be close... lichee pi
HASS on a esp32? :D
lol, would love to see that
hass for micropython
we have ESPHome in HASS, its really nice
you can commission sensors from HASS, and it poops out a firmware you can flash to a esp , and its automagically a sensor in hass afterwards
will it let me change that after it gets them?
no, wait
ctrl c
buZz: I have couple on the way as we speak (d1 mini) as well some others, also ESP32, etc... :)
TRS-80: #arduino knows a lot about them
also #esp8266 exists
I started with MYSensors which is Arduino (usu. Pro Mini) plus choice of radio (often nRF24) so I am not complete noob
Just switched to PlatformIO and preferring it a lot over official Arduino IDE!
official IDE almost completely turned me off to Arduino development altogether in the past! Only reason coming back now, is because I finally got around to playing with PlatformIO!
archetech: use master
i have no idea why it keep switching to master
there were some changes merged today to fix this but perhaps not completly
what do I change to do that
TRS-80: fine by me, just saying there's a big pile of ppl to ask esp8266 specific stuff in there ;)
branch=master ?
no, RTFM :)
./compile.sh EXPERT="yes"
the rest choose manually
buZz: So far I found what I need by searching Internet; but thanks! Somehow I only seem to use IRC for #linux, #bash, #python and even those only rarely (and less often as I go along...)
wait.. do people actually talk to you in #linux
target OS no focal choice that way?
TRS-80: irc is a treasure trove of knowledge, just need to find the right people ;)
EXPERT="yes" and will be
you have to choose IMAGE making, not just kernel
lanefu: Yes, the key is don't go in there saying you are "hashicorp nomad" or such buzzwords :p
leg currect dev
and "plex isn't working"
lanefu: Oh yes also small distinction... the chanel is technically ##linux; if you are in #linux you are in overflow or your nick is not registered!
^ may help the response rate... :) ^
IgorPec: might want to try expert=yes yourself if ya dont beleive me
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archetech: git pull and go
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Can there be added btrfs rootfs? `sudo ./compile.sh CLEAN_LEVEL=make,debs,images,sources FORCE_CHECKOUT=no BOARD=rock64 BRANCH=dev RELEASE=focal LIB_TAG=v20.05 BUILD_MINIMAL=yes BUILD_DESKTOP=no KERNEL_ONLY=no KERNEL_CONFIGURE=yes EXPERT=yes`
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nekomancer[m], I have not tested but was planning on testing so let me know. In lib.config add ROOTFS_TYPE=btrfs
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IgorPec: its building
great. its on 5.7.y, i merge that PR in
and i am also plying with rockchip64 atm
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IgorPec, what board? I have a rock64 I run docker on for my home. I want the new RockPro64. They packed a lot of cool stuff onto it.
currently doing something with rockpi4
arti has joined #armbian
is there anything you guys didnt enable in the kernel ? jeepers
Think of the common person who's running Armbian and they skill level.. if there wasn't most things enabled then people would be here every 10 minutes asking about modules or including their specific driver.. so I assume the idea is provide most / easiest compatability possible for all types of users.
[TheBug] meant to say: Think of the common person who's running Armbian and their skill level.. if there wasn't most things enabled then people would be here every 10 minutes asking about modules or including their specific driver.. so I assume the idea is provide most / easiest compatability possible for all types of users.
yes its big for coverage
archetech: huh. what are you missing?
its quite a big config
Hey [TheBug]
nuttin it justtakes long time to build when pleasing the common denom
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IgorPec: hey
gots me an img lets see if it boots
>its quite a big config
Ill give it a haircut next time no media or nas
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nope same thing as before no boot just red/white lights on
you got some rk3399?
no just the r64
huh, this one is the most problematic one
ok, i can check in the following days if it runs with on latest trunk
Armbian_20.08.0-trunk_Rock64_focal_dev_5.7.6_minimal.img is what it built
yes, that's fine. i made numerous build for rockpi4 today and it works
remb mines a v2 lanefus builds work on his v2 same build dont on mine we tested it 3 mons ago
yeah, i know.
was hoping a uboot/dtb change occurred gues not
must hiberneate. tty tomorrow
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