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awf_sbrt: definitely possible unfortunately
Is there any good way to fix it that won't cause issues in the future? I could try to make the initrd smaller (I'm not sure what caused it to grow so much), or I could change the load addresses, but I'm not sure which option is better.
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is this normal? in omv5 i see a pending update for armbian-firmware 20.05.5, but the armbian changelog shows 20.05.5 as never released/skipped: https://docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog/
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awf_sbrt: do you have a dedicated boot partition
fizikz: maybe that's cached. Try an apt clean and apt update
lanefu: at this point i already installed it successfully. confused about the version number vs the changelog notes though
and someone else confirmed the same 20.05.5 version on their device, so it's not just me
lanefu: No, and I'm starting to figure it out. I managed to reduce initrd to <13MB so it should be able to boot now.
awf_sbrt: how'd you clean it up
Removing nbd initramfs hook saved a little over 2MB. It's still a bit bigger than I'd like, so I'm trying to fix that.
(I was playing with nbd at some point. I don't need it on boot.)
It still pulls in more stuff than I'd like, so I'm looking at that.
fizikz: honestly our release methodology is very much a WIP so its possible .6 wasnt built for all flavors
lanefu: but 5 was? even though the changelog says it wasn't released?
sorry for the confusion around the package versions
tldr 20.05.05 is correct for armbian-firmware
Okay. I'm around 10MB now, slightly smaller than on a fresh image. Rebooting now...
awf_sbrt: sweet. so the hooks are litraly upset because the package is too big, right?
lanefu: so armbian and armbian-firmware have different versions?
kernel should show .6? mine is 5.4.41-odroidxu4
lanefu: U-boot loads the initrd at 0x43300000, and after that it loads the fixup script (and overlays, if I had any enabled) at 0x0x44000000. That leaves 13MB for initrd, if it's any larger, it will overwrite a part of it and cause a checksum error.
Disabling lvm2 and mdadm hooks saved another 3MB, which brought me close to a fresh image which don't have those.
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awf_sbrt: ahh okay! that makes sense..albeit unfortunate
lanefu: Mmhm. At some point the load adresses will have to be changed I guess, it's only going to be a bigger issue as things grow. But now my system is working, and I have working 3D acceleration!
And thanks for your time!
awf_sbrt: actually the kernel itself probably won't show that.... the versioning is primarily oriented around the published images
awf_sbrt: awesome you got 3d working... i need to do more on my desktop boards... anyway you find a really important edge case I'll try to log it somewhere
I don't think the first message was meant for me!
s/actually/fizikz: actually/
lanefu meant to say: awf_sbrt: fizikz: actually the kernel itself probably won't show that.... the versioning is primarily oriented around the published images
Okay! I'm glad I helped with something.
Oh, I also disabled the busybox hook, since it's not on fresh images either.
fizikz: the xu4 image is probably still 20.05.4...
awf_sbrt: yeah there's a lot of workto be done on the upgrade front :(
lanefu: Mmhm. This is started as a Jessie install if I remember correctly, so I've hit a few issues over the years. But I always managed to fix it.
awf_sbrt: yeahhhh you've had a good run
lanefu: the xu4 image is probably still 20.05.4 but armbian-firmware 20.05.5 package was installed? getting really confusing...
I don't know how to put you at ease, but don't worry about it. as mentioned earlier the release process is still a WIP
not worried, since i haven't experience problems due to this. just confused
cool, yeah sorry for the confusion
on another note, any thoughts on why my weekly "borg check" went from taking ~2.5 hours on omv4/armbian kernel 4.y to 5+ hours on omv5/armbian kernel 5.y ? notice the load spikes are higher on omv5/ kernel 5.y (data since may) https://i.imgur.com/AYiMU52.png (note borg is single-threaded)
DaRock has joined #armbian
fizikz: eww that's a bummer... any major changes in the borg version?
whats ` cpufreq-info |fgrep decide|tail -n1` say
the borg version is the same 1.1.9
The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use
lanefu: in case it helps, here is the armbian-config benchmark with omv5/armbian kernel5.y that i did a while back: http://ix.io/2k57
i just noticed something right now: is it strange that section "System health while running 7-zip single core benchmark" is showing cpu loads of up to 7?
7z is going to run threads based on number of cores.. and since xu4 has 8 cores tha tmakes sense
the whole big-little thing is kind of voodooo.. maybe make sure borg's pid is bound to a big core?
oh while running single core.. at 7
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hey Tonymac32 !
fizikz: you've got me curious.. so running benchmark on a mc1-solo
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lanefu: thanks. solving this would be a load of my mind
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I had a faulty liquid cooler on this machine of mine, found it at full stop a few weeks ago, when rebooted, got 800 MHz 1 core
so I bought a massive heat pipe heat sink with a 140 mm fan
it's now almost impossible to break 45 C
I am really disappointed, it was a Corsair H100i closed loop setup, my H60 is still plugging away 7 years or so after I put it on my overclocked 3770
but, since I run full towers, there's really no reason to spend that money I see now.
So now 64 GB RAM and a cooler so big I was surprised the case shut on it, all win
ok, to topic: Meson64 5.7 has no audio again, hahaha
Tonymac32: meson can kiss my ass.. im still fighting 4k even wit 5.7
it detects my monitor higher resolution modelines..but for 0hz refresh
did you build with no patches? I think we are still fucking it up somewhere in our stuff, since it's a convergence of a lot of other work
Oh thats a good idea
when you take libreELEC and Khadas and upstream patches that haven't been accepted all at the same time, it gets ugly really fast
that said, I have also found that my cables can influence whether my 4k works or not, even "good" cables seem dodgy sometimes
yeah so im in a dumb situation where im using an ACTIVE hdmi 2.0 to display port 1.2 converter
...4k works fine with kernel 4.9
oh my
but the allwinner stuff handles it no prob
i even took my display port kvm out of the equation
at least 1080p is working.. i was stuck at 1920x1200 which isnt the best aspect ratio for upscaling
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"HACK", "WIP", "FROMGIT", "FROMLIST" All in one pile in this patch directory. :'(
*puffs on cigar, puts on boots*
maybe we should complicate things more by putting patches in a database and then dumping them by queyr
fizikz: mine did same thing on single core benchmark
lanefu: interesting. that doesn't seem right, does it?
did anything else stand out?
wasnt watching close enough
lemme just run that one benchmark by hand
you didn't save the benchmark link?
wait, what's it doing?
single threaded benchmark has loads as high as 7
fizikz: yeah i stupidly ran it through armbian-config and didnt get a link
lanefu: it's been a while since i ran it, but i thought i used armbian-config and got a link printed in the terminal. unless i don't remember correctly..
I need to retest running high loads on those boards, it would hang on kernel 5.4
lanefu: could that indicate a problem or is that just an issue with the benchmark?
interesting that htop shows you the big and little cpus with different frequencies. on the hc2 all 8 are incorrectly shown as LITTLE
Tonymac32: i've been having an issue on kernel 5.4 /omv5 where "borg check" takes ~2X as long to run than it did on kernel 4 / omv4. not sure why, but this strange benchmark result caught my eye
fizikz: try wrapping your borg command with taskset -c 7
that should force it on a big core
I don't know how it would misidentify on the HC2 vs the HC1, they are literally identical
They should even share the device tree
lanefu: i did watch the borg process when it was running and it stayed on the big cpus
my comment was about htop not identifying cores/frequencies correctly
which is *really* weird, for reasons mentioned above
fizikz: what version of htop? mines 2.2.0
alright im gonna celebrate Werner's awaking by going to bed
Sleep well
haha later
good night. thanks for the benchmarks
fromport has joined #armbian
Tony, do you want a project affiliation cloak? Like @armbian/maintainer/Tonymac32
The 2nd term can be chosen more or less freely, like contributor, developer, staff...
That's up to management. ;-)
Also feel free to take a look at the irc section of our documentation to get a overview if you haven't already ;) .rtfm
Check out our awesome documentation! It's tremendous, promise! https://docs.armbian.com/
rtfm rofl
Yes and no. I have to ask users if they like to have a cloak. I am not allowed to do this on my own.
sure, it would be cool if the cloak came with invisibility or something, but affiliation will do. :)
What do you mean by invisibility?
"cloak of invisibility", like magic.
it was a joke, nothing serious
Ah haha. Yeah well not that kind of cloak ;)
Just let me know what you think which term fits best
maintainer is fine.
Okay, will do that.
Have to communicate to freenode staff and depends on when somebody has time ;)
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Tonymac32: found it. hardkernel recommends 12V/2A power adapter and says the hc2 consumes less than 1A/12V in most cases, and up to 2A with high load and spinning 3.5" HDD
see section "which power adapter should i use?"
* Tonymac32
has skeptical face on
but as you pointed out, if it draws up to 2A and the supply is 2A...
yeah, I think we have some threads talking about power supply aging/etc
Running stuff on their limits is not necessarily a good idea.
Learned that recently at work the hard way :D Had a relay that was rated for 6 amps and had a constant flow of 5.2 amps. Well, end of story was that it melted some day ^^
makes sense. but given the benchmark results now, from at least 4 devices, i think it's reasonably clear it's not a hardware issue
melted :S
Chrysler designed their fuse boxes with a relay on a PCB to run the fuel pump, because the fuel pump relays that plug into the sockets never fail
the surface mount relay meant for telecom use does break
because it's rating is not high enough above the motor inrush current
and it can't be serviced
Broken by design...like the Allwinner H6 ^^
haha they list the TDP of the exynos as 5W. using that I can see where someone would imagine a 2A supply adequate
Werner :'(
For the H6 it needed a smart Chinese woman to get around it....not sure what to do in Tony's case :/
I literally bypassed it with another relay
freenode said stuff to me about hidden hosts, so they had time I guess
Yep. It has been applied. Simply do a whois on yourself.
so I wonder if this complete fail of memory bandwidth had something to do with my BOINC task crashes on the MC1
I noticed my server wouldn't transcode anymore but didn't think much of it since it was a shaky software deal anyway
Tonymac32: who listed exynos TDP at 5W ?
it popped up in a couple 2nd hand data listings. I would imagine this is linked to cell phone usage
well i guess today's "accomplishment" was making others aware of their devices' miserable performance. for a while it seemed like i was the only one who noticed.
I need to learn more about HMP apparently, I did not expect there to be a real RAM access difference outside of clock speed
do you think these results would explain the increased time for borg check?
the little core memory speed difference is significant between kernel 4.x and 5.x, but the big core seems similar
i redid the benchmark in case something changed in the past 2 months: http://ix.io/2qom
haha, i will kick my kids out of the room and install racks :)
cpufreq still working on sunxi
aha, probably its related to h6 only
that is my suspicious
h3 and h5 have the same files
Makes sense
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @orangepixunlong #Orangepi one plus running @armbian based @debian #Bullseye with #Panfrost on #Linux mainline and #MATE desktop environment with #Compiz extension. Not very smooth at all but running. Nice. https://t.co/wSsWf9I0zX (30s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @DieZuckerbude: @orangepixunlong #Orangepi one plus running @armbian based @debian #Bullseye with #Panfrost on #Linux mainline and #MATE… (14s ago)
@RealDanct12 (Danct12): @DieZuckerbude @armbian @orangepixunlong @debian I kinda miss Compiz when I first try it in a VM, that's like 8-9 years ago. Nowadays Compiz is quite dead, or is it? (15s ago)
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @RealDanct12 @armbian @orangepixunlong @debian Mate has an integration package: https://t.co/wxiejlxfN4 (11s ago)
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@gnuhealth (GNU Health): Proud to announce #GNUHealth embedded for @Olimex A20 - LIME2 & @armbian! LibreSoftware + LibreHardware 💚 #GNUHealthEmbedded . Stay tuned for the images! https://t.co/kuQ0bnkOLu (20s ago)
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Tonymac32: i noticed our menson64 current, and dev patches are different despite same kernel
tried dev kernel to see if it would fix my res problem, but no dice.. building a unpatched kernel now
lanefu: my N2 does not always detect resolution
hardsetting does nothing for me in boot.ini
so its not just yours
here's what Xsee... it gets the resolutions, but not refresh http://ix.io/2qpM
s/Xsee/Xorg Sees at startup/
lanefu meant to say: here's what Xorg Sees at startup... it gets the resolutions, but not refresh http://ix.io/2qpM
yeah, but screen is not alright already at boot
Tonymac32: tried test again on odroid with kernel 5.7.. same http://ix.io/2qpX
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good evening
can I send a question?
you dont ask bad etiqutte
excuse me?
you're asking for personal attn
well...I just wanna try to solve a problem with my Odroid c2
state your board and question for it
ok odroid c2
yes ok..the problem is that desktop enviroinment want start up after updating
wont start up
which armbian image ?
i Can still log via ssh so I can use terminal
ubu deb ?
armbian 5.6.15 meson 64
ok now wait for someone to help
look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors
before going any further, armbianmonitor -u
says : System diagnosis information will now be uploaded to invalid message format Please post the url in the forum where you've been asked for
by the way..in the log file there are some errors
(EE) Screen1 deleted because of no matching config section.
(EE) Screen2 deleted because of no matching config section.
url ?
(EE) Fatal server error: (EE) Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Pleasde specify bus IDs for all framebuffer devices
until we don't see logs which we want to see, its pointless
IgorPec yes
linux is a work of 10000 people
redhoticaro: did the armbinamonitor -u return a ix.io url?
but you have a network on that computer?
IgorPec I've tried to copy and past the log file from terminal but I don't know how
IgorPec yes
is my home network
if you can't provide logs with our tool, its more wrong that just a desktop not getting up. probably
I did it but the command return this : " System diagnosis information will now be uploaded to invalid message format Please post the url in the forum where you've been asked for"
lanefu yeah, display has always been a problem on amlogic, the clock system is split between kernel, uboot and the infamous "blob". Now, why it doesn't like the CEC info I really can't say.
lanefu for XU4 stuff, that is the Hardkernel kernel doing the same?
Tonymac32: 5.4x is hardkernel... 5.7 is mainline
reboticaro: how is the symptom?
well is that the desktop environment doesn't bootup
works only the shell typing ctrl+alt+f1
redhoticaro: had you done in customizations to the desktop config for 3d or acceleration
just run apt update and apt upgrade and after that...bye bye
but the desktop is black screen or desktop without menues?
its bionic desktop where mesa drivers are broken
black screen with only in the top-left the white dash
Tonymac32: you think this is more of a u-boot problem than a kernel problem
also tried apt -f install and just rescued teamviewer
wich shows black screen when loggin in as well=(
earlier I said CEC, I meant EDID
but yes, it could be
i'll test it on hardware. lately i haven't done much tests with bionic
we need to collect all of the info we can and compile it in one place and let baylibre know, we'll need the EDID/etc dumped per monitor and board with issue
lanefu ^
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I've had issues with every kernel including 4.19
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is there a fix or not?
we don't know
so maybe I should install a new image right?
wait few minutes
i will see if i can reproduce. at least something
yes, bionic desktop is broken
but now i have to see if its a kernel or ubuntu problem
stid has joined #armbian
I'm running armbian bullseye on NanoPi M4V2. The source list looks like:
And after upgrading today I found that both 'linux-u-boot-nanopim4v2-current' and 'armbin-firmware' are missing. Is this expected?
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stid: no, this means something is wrong
you upgrade how?
I'm still keeping those two packages but they don't seem to be listed in the package list
redhoticaro: get Ubuntu Focal, Bionic is simply broken
I did the upgrade through 'aptitude' by pressing 'u' and 'U', then 'g'. That's it
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broken upstream and that is low priority to fix
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IgorPec i have to reinstall image from the beginning
I guess it would result the same if I run 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade'
redhoticare: yes. or you fix problems with Ubuntu
Ubuntu Bionic desktop is fragile ... one thing you try
IgorPec I checked the packages at beta.armbian.com, and both packages are missing too
add Option "AccelMethod" "none" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-armbian-defaults.conf
and reboot
stid: yes, i see. i have to dig-in and understand why
IgorPec you suggest ubuntu not armbian?
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IgorPec Thanks for looking into this
redhoticaro: ubuntu will not boot at all
redhoticaro: Armbian comes with many variants and yours is broken
its Ubuntu Bionic based
i just check Ubuntu Focal based and desktop works. but Bionic might be fixed if you add that to the XORG conf
you can also upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 ... but its yet another adventure
check forums. some folks succedded
at thjis point i prefer to start from begininnig
thank you
u welcome
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IgorPec The packages seem to be there at http://apt.armbian.com. Should I switch to this mirror instead? I wonder what is the difference between beta.armbian.com and apt.armbian.com
beta is for development
as a name suggests. can be broken
here things are updated when changes are made to the code in any way, while apt repository is more tested
man we need recruit a desktop team to worry about desktop config and upgrade testing on that frnt
yeah. lets start with a forum topic ?
aka announcement to seek out for a desktop ceo
is there a way i can force armbian to not rename ethernet like you can do on intel in /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" ? i would like it to survive upgrades with newer kernels