Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | This channel is logged -> irc.armbian.com
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does anybody like mate desktop besides me
@NicolasDorier (Nicolas Dorier): @TheVladCostea Personally using https://t.co/aiT8KzaAyW on rockpro64 Hardware is here: https://t.co/vY6JSOGfcZ We plan selling some fully assembled later this year, but you can also do it yourself. This is using our "docker deployment". (38s ago)
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I like Mate on older cpu's ~ 2009/10ish
grrr still stuck with 1080p on odroidn2 with mainline
like i just lookat some sort the kernel source and its like TODO, 2k, 4k timings
so i have no idea how his magicaly works
making my own modelines didnt work
I guess I can live with 1080p
lanefu: which kernel?
4K timing exist for Amlogic for ~ 2 years now
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Hello ) spanish people
i need fix for ssv6051 wireless driver, not found for my armbian 20.02
this s905w amlogic
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Good morning
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lanefu: my N2 also not goes to 4k always. sometimes is stuck at some low res.
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @Superna9999 @jsebean @librecomputer @armbian #Armbian most likely will support v2 too if they can provide samples to the lab as well as help with integration. Armbian can't do that on their own by research and (reverse) engineering due to lack of ressources and funds. (6s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @librecomputer: We will be introducing Le Potato V2 soon. This is not a replacement for Le Potato which will still live on. We have remo… (26s ago)
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@starsurfer83 (Star): @librecomputer @armbian what about gigabit ethernet this time on board or just 100Mbit again? (22s ago)
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@onteconur (Onur ŪNLŪ): @armbian @librecomputer you are the best mate !👍👍👍🥰 (3s ago)
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@MiguelAgueda (Miguel Águeda): @starsurfer83 @librecomputer @armbian The Amlogic S905x SoC is unfortunately limited to 100Mbit ethernet (3s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @xoofx Yeah and its also very costly trying to change that pattern - to educate people to not spam us with requests. We are constantly receiving urgent & "tiny" ones on Github, forum, IRC, some dare to spam in private. A pile of that work backed with nothing is measured in millions ... (10s ago)
@xoofx (Alexandre Mutel): @armbian Agreed, I'm doing a few courses in some engineering schools and I'm already talking about OSS (in the positive way of sharing), but I should probably talk about the dark side of it as well... More awareness in the mind of the following generations can improve a bit things... (11s ago)
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@sheredom (Neil Henning): @xoofx @armbian I wonder if @github could do something here - if there was an easy integrated mechanism to request money for a fix it would normalise the pay-for-support model? (3s ago)
@onteconur (Onur ŪNLŪ): @armbian @librecomputer maybe you should add to usb3 data speed cos I'm using the raspberry pi and Orange pi PC ( Yeah I am a armbian fan as well) as web server, I rather to use the USB ports as main storage due to sd card's speed limitation. Many people can interest this info as well. Thanks (26s ago)
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@onteconur (Onur ŪNLŪ): @armbian @librecomputer Maybe you should add to usb3 data speed cos I'm using the raspberry pi and Orange pi PC ( Yeah I am a armbian fan as well) as web server, I rather to use the USB drives as main storage due to sd card's speed limitation. Many people can interest this info as well. Thanks (19s ago)
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@ThE_JacO (Raffaele Fragapane): @xoofx @armbian To be honest it's not just OSS, it's garden variety entitlement and lack of consideration. In other models the terms change but the problem is the same. In Commercial SW you get threats of wallet vote, in proprietary you get passive-eggressiveness. In OSS you just see it naked. (26s ago)
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@sheredom (Neil Henning): @elhipernauta @xoofx @armbian @github Right I guess I want something more like ‘ok I’ll do this but it’d cost £2k’ - rather than an ongoing sponsorship? (12s ago)
@nx_righthere (nxrighthere): @sheredom @xoofx @armbian @github Bountysource was an attempt to solve this, but GitHub has chosen the path of a half-baked "Patreon" for programmers, which makes no sense to me since professional areas where these services are operating requires different monetization approaches. (21s ago)
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@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @DieZuckerbude @Superna9999 @jsebean @librecomputer @armbian I need a care box with some beer money and 2 of everything @librecomputer is launching. 😄 (20s ago)
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@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @cnxsoft @ASUS @google_chromeos I never managed to put the energy into getting @armbian onto the Veyron, I would assume this would be harder, otherwise these would be quite solid Linux sticks. Being 32-bit they aren't quite as memory hungry as their aarch64 counterparts. (18s ago)
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@meanmicio (Luis Falcon, MD): "Exploring the Brain" of @olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 💚 #GNUHealth installation process with @armbian , PostgreSQL12, Python 3.8 and Linux kernel 5.4. #GNUHealthEmbedded #Freedom #LibreHardware @ohsummit https://t.co/14NHo9A2S7 (8s ago)
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twitter bot, neat!
I am otherwise not on the twatters
IgorPec: I've looked at AR-329 branch for overlays, and the general-add-overlay-compilation-support.patch was the wrong one, seems a copy of meson, not from the original sunxi.
AR-329 [Task] "Switch sunxi dev target to kernel 5.7" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-06-24. Status: In Progress
hey, ok
this means we have overlays operarational ?
I will finish my build and commit the changes later, including the missing general-sunxi-overlays.patch
hey TRS-80 ... have you check #armbian-commits :) even more chatty
great! add it to that MR and merge in
IgorPec: yeah forgot I used to idle in there, too; guess I need to set that up again, thanks for reminder
that's more to see whats going on the Github
good to keep abreast though
TonyMac come around IRC any more? I know he would usually be on at night US time, I didn't seen him yet but only back couple times now myself
yes, he is around
perhaps not now :)
@armbian (armbian): RT @meanmicio: "Exploring the Brain" of @olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 💚 #GNUHealth installation process with @armbian , PostgreSQL12, Python… (20s ago)
* TRS-80
goes back to trying to get openweathermap binding working in OpenHAB
TRS-80: i am also interested if you succeedas
all relevant info in my post. Was looking at code now and debating if I can understand it enough and want to spend the time to implement
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ok, will check on OH forums. anyway its not a critical stuff. i usually update my Openhab setup once per year and now its not the best time :)
i notice that most of the free weather services are down .. all wants some subciption
IgorPec: I touch on that very point in my opening paragraph; I chose OWM because they seem to stick around over last few years as I been "thinking about it"
lots of APIs closed, companies bought out, etc...
yes, i know
anyway its not a critical info, not having weather on Openhab
its one of those, nice to have
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Weather Channel have the nerve to take user contributed data and lock it down, absolutely obnoxious, yet most people just go along with this
IgorPec: personally I think it is sort of important to "automating" especially if you plan on doing stuff with heating/cooling like use predicted temps for that day whether to fire heater or open windows, etc... depends on your individual plans of course, but I plan to do those things. I hope to maybe actually save some energy / $$$!
Already I implemented Astro binding, and certain lights (which are in a group) come on at Sunset automatically. :D
I am not that far yet ;)
IgorPec: don't feel bad, progress is slow; this is my second or third try over literally years with OpenHAB, also I am not working and instead working on Home Automation and other projects full time!
IgorPec: commit done ! Could you try yourself a build of AR-329 branch ?
AR-329 [Task] "Switch sunxi dev target to kernel 5.7" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-06-24. Status: In Progress
anything I can help you understand though, don't hesitate to ask!
martinayotte: ok, will do
This time around I am going sort of "distributed architecture" with MQTT broker running on separate box (old Cubietruck) whilst main JVM and OpenHAB is running on ODROID-XU4, and so far I am liking this setup a lot!
TRS-80: yeah, i realised that it will be some work and never its the right time to fiddle around.
just when you get something working, OpenHAB 3 will come out :D
it is already in beta, apparently, and I see forum posts early adopters already producing Docs
Documentation (and forums) are a strong point for OpenHAB, at leasxt
TRS-80 meant to say: Documentation (and forums) are a strong point for OpenHAB, at least
MQTT seems to be rapidly becoming the "glue" tying lots of things together. I even plan on routing some data straight into Graphite (Carbon) time-series database directly at the MQTT level, without even needing to go through OpenHAB. That still in planning phase, so we will see how it works out...
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@W00fer (W00fer): @meanmicio @Olimex @armbian @ohsummit I wonder when a A10 like distribution is coming. Everything released is for the A20. (9s ago)
IgorPec: I've received an email about a "shellcheck" failure on AR-329, what that means ?
AR-329 [Task] "Switch sunxi dev target to kernel 5.7" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-06-24. Status: In Progress
@W00fer (W00fer): @Olimex @meanmicio @armbian @ohsummit I did now. Thank you. What is the difference between a minimal and base image? (27s ago)
If the "compile changed kernel" check fails it is a bit more complicated :D
chewitt: 5.7.6
i may have been looking at the wrong files.. just lookign for anything where resolution is referenced
so annoying.. X like sees has modelines for my higher resoltuiosn in teh logs...but has them at 0hz
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marrtinayotte: this shellcheck will be gone once we adjust bash syntax to meet higher standards. Currently all tries resoulted in build script failures ;)
i mean errors will be gone, hopefully
Ok ! (I don't know much about it, and can't find what was the error ...)
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Shellcheck automatically checks all shell files of the build script regardless if there were changes or not.
@armbian (armbian): @W00fer @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit https://t.co/vBSDlzTF3a Copy and paste, s/lime/lime-a10 and make a PR and images will be produced in the next cycle. (14s ago)
Ok ! I found the logs ... Wasn't related to my commit ... :-P
Yep :)
perhaps we should run this only if bash scripts has been changed?
I think I'd consider that only if it is not too much extra effort to filter this trigger. Shellcheck does not make the whole check that much longer.
@W00fer (W00fer): @armbian @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean. (10s ago)
TRS-80, The current driver for my device in OpenHab talks directly to my devices over serial or sockets. I want to move away from that model for home automation systems because it requires everyone to write an interpreter for the protocol. My newest work is using MQTT and SSDP on ESP32 so the logic can be embedded and managed by the community centrally. The SSDP stuff last I checked did not work with my system. It was only
recognizing "known" supported devices. I recall the plan was to make it generic but it was a while back. Did this happen? Is MQTT the better direction than SSDP PUSH notifications? Sorry this does not belong here but I saw OpenHAB and MQTT so :)
werner: yes ofc. I hope we will soon find time to fix resons for those errors
Yeah. Unfortunately I am not that deep in bash syntax.
will sort it out, but its not really a priority ...
currently i am reverting those "fixes" :)
Its just kind a visual enhancement :P
well, some are real potential problems
I am getting to point of being low to perhaps even medium level bash wizard, so maybe I take a look some day. No promises of course. :)
Dr{Who}: hang on a sec ;)
the key problem is that you check functionality after applying changes suggested by shellcheck
we ended up in a broken build system and some parts are still
Also do we have any sort of style guide, or is there any interest in trying to make it look consistent even, or anything like that?
Because stuff like that bothers the crap out of me, therefore maybe I am not the right guy for the job.
perfectionist? I feel you but in a different matter :D
Like I told someone at MySensors, I can't help but make it complicated/perfect, I'm descended from Germans XD
Maybe I should just take a look first before getting ahead of myself
I mean, what sort of stuff are we talking about? General cleanup? Moving things into functions? Formatting? Or?
Depends. If you wanna do "go big or go home" then a complete overhaul since there are still some years old stories like about to move the user patches stuff in an external file and such
,searchissue script
AR-253 [Story] "Add prerm script for headers" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-05-19. Status: Done
AR-217 [Sub-task] "Make variant of CI-scripts that makes a list of build targets based on changes, rather than 1" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-04-16. Status: To Do
AR-162 [Task] "Improve Github build script welcome read.me" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-02-03. Status: Done
Not what I was looking for but well...
Dr{Who}: "did this happen" I suppose I need to know what particular device you are referring to, and even then I might not know anything if it's something I don't use. Having said that, my overall take on it is that OpenHAB right now has lots of bindings that talk to things in particular ways (serial, or whatever) particular to devices. This is currently the strength of OpenHAB which has a lot
of bindings and is like the glue between otherwise disparate systems. However I see a trend more towards generalizing things to an in-between protocol like MQTT which seems to slowly be taking over as the glue middle layer. Does that answer your question?
Trend overall in the IoT / HA space, I mean
Werner: Yeah once upon a time I tried to get into it, but got sort of lost and confused and wasn't sure where to start. So it would probably start out with few little cleanups here and there, next thing you know I get sucked in and start spending 14 hours straight days going through the code like a fucking madman
resulting in, as you say "go big or go home" not intentionally, but by getting sucked into it once I become familiar
Just noticed [ warn ] * [l][c] xxx-add-bananapim2-zero-heartbeat-led.patch [ failed ]. Does this patch even make sense since usually the red led is not on heartbeat on other devices anyways?
TRS-80, yeah, do smaller fixes. I did the same. Also for the documentation.
IgorPec: it's not too expensive to run shellcheck all the time.. it's a seperate job that runs in parallel on github's runners.. so shouldnt slow anything down
i know it doesn't eat resources, but reaise questions "what have i done wrong"
perhaps we disable this until we fix it=
Bash was always a bit kind a mystery for me tbh. I saw if statements on different places without any brackets, with one bracket or with two and I have NO idea how and why. Maybe shellcheck likes a "different" bash-syntax? Probably sounds totally stupid but that is how it feels
i'll change it to pass, but report
shellcheck is pretty idealized.. I cranked it back on our CI check to just warnings.. adn then filtered out a few checks on top of that
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@armbian (armbian): @W00fer @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit OK, sorry :) ... that you/anyone can enable Armbian for Olimex Lime A10 (or some other board) by changing few lines in a config. Well, we'll do it. (5s ago)
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TRS-80, yes that is the what I was seeing too so it is nice to have it validated.
Odd. hotkey..
TRS-80, FYI. your nick brings back fond memories of playing with the built in assembler on a TRS80 when I was like 8 or 9.
Werner: Shell scripting in general is bit of an arcane subject, particularly the deeper you go. Lots subtle differences between various shells, often based on (to me, anyway) interesting historical reasons. You can write shell script as commonly found on the internet and probably be fine 99% of the time maybe? But once you start down the rabbit hole of more enlightened information sources like
the Woolidge FAQ, etc... you are truly on the path to esoteric wizard-dom.
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And as lanefu alluded to, shellcheck was written by these sorts of people. But those checks are there to catch the edge cases, which I suppose "may" blow up in your face some day.
(or not)
Dr{Who}: Ha! I thought I was doing good to be understanding BASIC in third grade; one of my first experiences with a computer, and hence the moniker!
@elhipernauta (🅼🅰🆁🅸🅰🅽): @sheredom @xoofx @armbian @github I'm not familiar with how GitHub handles this but I believe that's challenging in terms of tax liability. A recurring amount to support one's work (a-la patreon) can easily be identified as a donation, while individual payments for bug fixes constitute pay for services rendered (11s ago)
TRS-80 meant to say: Werner: Shell scripting in general is bit of an arcane subject, particularly the deeper you go. Lots subtle differences between various shells, often based on (to me, anyway) fascinating historical reasons. You can write shell script as commonly found on the internet and probably be fine 99% of the time maybe? But once you start down the rabbit hole of more enlightened information sources like
If someone would be so kind as to suggest an entry point, perhaps where there is the most need (in our current scripts) maybe one day I start having a look around in there. But not today, soon I need to get ready to go hang out with normals in meatspace. Blech! :/
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Dr{Who}: Cheers! (forgot to add) ;)
:) back at ya.
@W00fer (W00fer): @armbian @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit I would do it if I could. Heck I even want to donate some small euro's to someone to provide me with a good Linux 5.x kernel image for my A10. Compiling and building such iso's is out of my knowledge. I have only very basic Linux understanding, even when tried hard to improve. (26s ago)
@W00fer (W00fer): @armbian @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit Here you go. It's not much but I try to donate to a lot of small software projects. Now let's hope you can notify us of a new A10 build 😄 https://t.co/ATRGmu0ZgY (7s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @W00fer @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit Small? We invest 30-60 hours into the project every day. Check https://t.co/0Hmwus54Pn in about 30-45m. Remember that its not tested on real hardware ... but similar A10 boards are working fine. (23s ago)
@W00fer (W00fer): @armbian @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit Thank you. Is this CLI only? (21s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @W00fer @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit Yes ofc. You need desktop image? It can be installed from armbian-config. (24s ago)
@W00fer (W00fer): @armbian @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit Ok I will have a look. (17s ago)
TRS-80 shows up and everyone starts talking again :p
Thank you, at least I feel I contribute /something/ now. :D
About to jump in shower, but still looking for suggested entry points to maybe cleaning up bash scripts? Or we can talk about later.
You should first talk to mrueg - he is covering this and he already made several attemnts
OK, I will look for him later then. Cheers!
And/or maybe start looking over GitHub PR's, etc...
IgorPec: just brainstorming. Do you think it's practical to implement a --dry-run flag to the buildscripts just to validate configs but not build? It may not even make sense Trying to think of ways for lean testing
you mean to build image bot not really build ?
Yeah. Basically saying what it would check out, patch, and would have built i guess
how do you mean?
Maybe do everything but the actual building. So get the sources, apply patches and see if they fail?
do split testing into phases?
Well fair point from CI it seems less useful. Honestly probably a feature im just wanting to use locally
aha. we have implemented that you can call functions like compile_kernel or compile_u-boot
but since patching is called out from there, additional switch would be needed
to exit if enabled ... and its done.
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Ohh gotcha!
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@W00fer (W00fer): @armbian @meanmicio @Olimex @ohsummit Link is working now. Thanks. (10s ago)
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Hello. Sorry if it's not the right place to ask, but is it normal for booting to break when switching kernel from 4.19 to 5.4? It looks like my initrd grew to 15MB, so it gets overwritten by the fixup script on boot and then it dies with a checksum error. (Buster, Orange Pi Plus 2E)
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