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There he is
I knew I should come around this time :D
look what the cat dragged in
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TRS-80 cheers
lanefu my Pine H64-B has been running protein folding for several months with no downtime
There he is! What's happening my negro
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How are you getting on with OpenHAB?
Man I got so far, then got distracted. Story of my life
Tonymac32: sweet thats what i wanna hear... does it use a weird power connector or the opi kind?
Did you really get far? Dude I am on like my third try, finally making good, solid and stable progress (I think?) lol
lanefu it uses the skinny 5V barrel jack
trs-80 I got to light flipping, some events, etc
I have certain lights now coming on at sundown! Much excite!
I need to pick a machine that isn't any good for anything else *OPi-3 1 GB COUGH*
and set it up for real
(Not a knock on the OPi-3, but mine is a 1 GB model, which is useless for a lot of things
Tonymac32: ha.. i have oneplus... i run pihole and wireguard on it
1GB + java? :P
yeah, Cubietruck with OpenHAB was a little sluggush at times, ODROID-XU4 now never breaks a sweat
sorry i forgot not eeverything java is an enterprise spring ap
fizikz: good find.. yeeah i tested painline 5.7 and had same expeerience
lanefu headless with ZedRAM should be OK
so I have Cubietruck running mosquitto and XMPP server and someother lightweight things now
fizikz that doesn't sound impossible
Tonymac32: would dram timings be device tree stuff?
the Cubietruck. Never has one. Was trying to get one of those Seeed iMX6 boards, but it disappeared in Cambodia according to the shipping paperwork
lanefu probably uboot stuff
a lot of these boards just trust that uboot configs the hardware
Cubietruck is ancient history by now. You can get ODROID-XU4 actually cheaper anyway! I just had one for long time now.
Fun fact: Igor trying to get/build Debian on a Cubietruck was what led to Armbian...
right. my home media/file server is an XU4
could probably add OpenHAB to that no problem, unless you are like transcoding or something
I was just putting finishing touches on custom MySensors / MQTT based thermostat / HVAC control! Much excite!
that does happen
well you probably have multiple of them I would imagine, no? :)
even I have 2... ;)
I may or may not have a stack of 5 MC1-solos....
I do know that
and an XU4 running retroarch in my living room
* lanefu
waves at Tonymac32
Do you also stream? Or only video games?
still have 2 mc1-solos in plastic
I think the OPi-3 will be the one though, I honestly can't think of any other use I have for it since sunxi is not my wheelhouse
bah, I keep forgetting I bought that damn HiFiBerry AMP2 for the RPi, guess it stays in living room
has anyone verified if the benchmark issues also exist on kernel 4.* lately?
I mean, if you have it laying around... I suppose you are excused XD
fizikz no, I don't have any running that
me neither. but i'm thinking it would be good to check
going to roll to legacy kernel... looks like all armbians for xu4 use same uboot
Tonymac32: if i run kernel 4.9 on my N2 am I a quiter
cuz 4k works
I mean if your allwinner stuff has 3.14 on it why not. :D
yah tritium h5 was driving my 4k last summer
on mainline
do you believe carburetors are superior to fuel injection by chance?
for throttle response
... I assume a returned fuel system at all times
returnless is crap
PWM fuel pump = sadface
even my carb has a return on the fuel pump
OMG i lost the needle to the carb on my powerwasher in the lawn
that was a fun search
so my wife's "Kohler Courage" pushmower wouldn't run with it's obviously not made-by-harbor-freight chinese engine
if it were a "Predator" branded Chongqing Rato or loncin it would be perfect
anyway, this thing is trash. I simply disassembled and reassembled it and it runs again, didn't find anything in the carb
i ended up getting a new carb, which has the wrong choke linkage
cuz mine is a Subaru/Robin engine
so parts are extra dumb
I know a Suburu SOUNDS like a lawn mower
hahaha yeah
that doesn't mean lawn mower engines are Subaru
i had a 1974 VM karmann ghia with a 1776cc motor, then a 2110cc motor that i sometimes drove with open headers
it would at least someetimes sound like a harley
man, you really just go looking for pain and suffering I see
yeah cuz you know what
the stock 1600cc with headers ran perfect
idled in 15 degree weather and had head
got like 30mpg
but nooo.. i wanted to go faste
my brother got an Audi RS3
and immediately flashed it to take E85
so now fuel is an easter egg hunt and he has to monitor the quality of the fuel
yeah so i don't understand the E85 thing with drag motors
but it also drinks faster
i thought ethanol has less power
per volume yes
but you add lots
got it so it like atomizer and kabooms better
lanefu meant to say: got it so it like atomises and kabooms better
in any case, to top it off it's a VW, and at $65k new it is about Buick levels of quality.
and not like high end buick quality
I mean like mid 90's buick Century
Good morning
It's everything I would expect of an economy luxury offering, other than the fact it is unquestionably fast
and not economy
Good morning
fizikz: testing Linux 4.14.186-odroidxu4 now
Werner: extra early for you
Just arrived at my office
+1 i'm curious
Werner: what time do you go home from work
lanefu: Somewhen between 2 and 3 pm cest. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later :P
2 or 3PM is when people start to leave me alone and i can start actually doing work lol
I am legally required to work only 32 hours/week now, it is... interesting
since I was easily doing 50-60 before
Tonymac32: wow thats like type email walk away mid
Tonymac32: Same thing, but both numbers are less atm
Meeting...just a fancy word for what we call here "blabla" :P
after the necessary and completely mandatory 30 hours of meetings not much gets done ;-)
werner we have a much less appropriate term for it
hey do you all use custom feeds for the forums or anything
like tvboxes has ruined the forums for me
no, and yes
so i kinda dont look at the firehose anymore
I have this problem also
I managed quite decently for myself to ignore it :D
but your avatar describes me looking at it
time to make Amlogic boards sing again, and also I have this ASUS board with literally the most massive power delivery system I've ever seen on an SBC
HHAHA @tony i could make some new membership groups and deny ourselves access to the tvboxes forum
rofl but sometimes I need to cheat off of Oleg
yeah doubledged sword i guess
tell me about this asus board
RK3399 PRO
whats diff between pro and regular 3399
Has an NPU 4 GB RAM for SoC, 2 GB RAM for NPU
same core config, but NPU?
wireless AC adapter
the input is 12V to a 5.5x2.5 barrel jack, so bigger center conductor than the XU4 for example
good for amps
and has a power input header
and the FETS used to protect against back-powering/reverse/etc are gigantic
AR-337 [Bug] "Odroid XU4 Memcopy Slow on all Kernel 5.x 80MB/sec instead of 370+MB/sec" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-06-30. Status: To Do
I spotted someone mentioning that audio was broken in 5.7.x for Amlogic the other day (or night)
5.7.6 has an accidental backport from 5.8 included that needs to be reverted
commit is 1bb707fbfd5c246028d76b8f11a19dfd118d6306
5.7.5 and earlier are okay
I believe a fix will come, but until then the revert is fine
time for me to crash. hopefully thats an easy cherry-pick to pull out
lanefu: sorry, no i don't know if memcpy can be run on its own. but sounds like you made an exciting breakthrough!
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Nice catch indeed if it is true.
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fizikz: you wanna test kernel for stability?
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IgorPec: Werner: Is there any sort of syntax in Jira for annotating something as a "known issue"
that could go into release notes easily?
Not sure what you mean. The Jira IRC bot?
not that i am aware
nah, Jira Jira
but how do you mean to tag this or what?
to display known issues here?
on IRC?
not IRC.. mostly just thinking about how to easily log something so that it shows up as a "know issue" with release notes
lanefu meant to say: not IRC.. mostly just thinking about how to easily log something so that it shows up as a "known issue" with release notes
ahaa, you mean like a new group: "Story" "Fixed Bugs" ... "Known issues"?
actually yeah
cuz we can liknk a story, or a bog, to a known issue too
lanefu meant to say: cuz we can liknk a story, or a bug, to a known issue too
probably by adding a new type ... let me test
it is possible to add "New issue type" ... but am not sure if this is the best way
perhaps displaying opened bugs from the backlog under is better?
if possible to automatise
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IgorPec: yeah good point... maybe managing the bugs better makes more sense
because adding more types will make more confusion, i guess
in theory all bugs that are recorded are known
thanks chewitt I'll take a look later today (day job ATM)
lanefu like I said there was a lot of back and forth about that DMC before it was accepted, it wouldn't be that surprising to find something is messed up still. Good catch
Tonymac32: thanks.. classic case of open source group effort... since it took fizikz and odroid's response for clues. and you emphasizing how terrible 80MB is :P
IgorPec: So here's kind of an example of what i'm trying to figure out to track... We found a bug, we have a fix, but it's probably considered a workaround... so hwo to keep track and document that its a workaround https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-337
AR-337 [Bug] "Odroid XU4 Memcopy Slow on all Kernel 5.x 80MB/sec instead of 370+MB/sec" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-06-30. Status: To Do
lanefu: either with a label or component
k... label probably makes most sense
yes. we don't use this much anyway
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okay now that I made a difference.. back to messing with CassandraDB :(
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i like how my code change is literally 2 characters... (actually the same character twice).. and then I write this like opus of ticket info
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lanefu: i would like to test your kernel on my mc1/hc2/xu4 !
fromport ... its getting to beta.armbian.com in 1h
or less, its building right now
are you building that native on arm or are you using cross compiler ? (just curious)
Igor this may deal with the instability issues as well under heavy load
possible, i will also do some more testing, have xu4 on the desk
sbc-bench never finishes on my mc1 (no fan) and reboots
fromport: interesting.. i've been doing my testing on 2 MC1's
BOINC always crashes at the end of task, machine hangs for me. I couldn't find any warning for it so far, it just does
I have mixed feelings aboutu BIG.Little I know Jon Masters doesn't have much confidence in anybody implementing it properly
Tonymac32: man i wonder what would happen if you just shutoff the little cores when you ran boinc
I don't think it's that simple
it is if you don't understand how things work... like me :P
disabling little cores might actually be a solution ... if we could do it
it can be done via the device tree
as far as I know
probably ... workaround as a last restort
for ID in {0..3};do echo "0" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${ID}/online;done
does it work?
yeah man
and echo 1 to turn them back on
great, adjective, synonym for Armbian
htop only shows 4 cpus now
thee little cpus are first, right?
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I don't think i'd wanna ship with cpus disabled.. but maybe as a tweak in armbian-config
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or could just put the trick in the docs
imma stop talking now
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@WanganTAMan (BUIZ♢): How do you even make the brother printer work in an armbian CUPS server- (9s ago)
honestly I think disabling the DMC is the way forward, it obviously defaults to high-speed, unlike the RK3328 stuff that defaults to Extra Lame Mode (TM)
^^ Throw in trash buy HP
I have a brother laser printer, it goes into deep sleep and never wakes up
i have HP and it works ;)
i have a HP Laser from 2003 and it just works
great feature for WiFi printing...
unfortunately you're out of touch with modern day
i like my bubble
* fromport
is very happy with it's brother printer. PITA to get working often, but once it works, it is great. great costs/performance
fromport: apt update and upgrade on beta repository will give you lates kernels
IgorPec: thanks!
IgorPec: aka switch to "nightly" from "stable" in armbian-config?
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now this scripts still runs on my command, but it could also run in a cron
since it only goes to rebuild stuff if changed
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Unpacking linux-image-current-odroidxu4 (20.08.0-trunk.28) over (20.08.0-trunk.27) ...
IgorPec: after makng changes to shellcheck last night.. it gave me some more thoughts about testing
gonna see if I can get one of our data engineers to help me a bit
great. i was not doing much with xml creation
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lanefu: fromport: i don't mind quick tests, but my hc2 is my backup server so i don't want to take extended/big risks on it. thanks to fromport for stepping up with an odroid farm!
is it simple to downgrade from nightly back to stable later?
fizikz: yep you can do it all from armbian-config
lanefu: and there shouldn't be issues from downgrading back to stable after nightly? the beta packages will get removed cleanly?
fromport: exciting!
standard memcpy : 327.8 MB/s <- much better ! thanks all!
vs standard memcpy : 85.5 MB/s on my "old" kernel: http://ix.io/2qA6
fromport: and i see the memcpy result is fixed while you're still on the hc1 optimized board config and the resulting slower cpu frequencies
IgorPec: Ok ! It seems only "history pollution", nothing changed in files histories ...
fizikz: reconfigured and rerunning
nice. also note the latency results are fixed too
my mc1 bench is still running, max 1.9Ghz as well, will change/retest when it is done as well. thanks for your eye for details ;-)
fizikz: yeah you just switch back to stable from armbian-config
that's awesome news y'all
thanks lanefu for figuring it out !
hope this gets fixed "upstream"
fromport: yeah the real fix is for them to figure out the timing stuff.. fortunately this fix is just toggling a kernel feature so nothing to upstream
lanefu: is it armbian-config -> System -> Nightly ? switching back would have a Stable option? would the installed nightly packages get downgraded automatically?
s/this fix/this workaround/
lanefu meant to say: fromport: yeah the real fix is for them to figure out the timing stuff.. fortunately this workaround is just toggling a kernel feature so nothing to upstream
fizikz: correct
Werner: I f-ing love that sed thing with armbianhelper
lanefu: i meant to say "i hope the upstream figures out why the patch is working on 4.x but not on 5.x kernels and i hope they fix it asap " ;-)
oh that patch doesnt exist in 4.x
did you notify the author directly or just the bug report ?
afk, emergency at work. bbl
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fromport: I just made the armbian bug report... i also posted updates on the odroid forum thread fizikz started... https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=184&t=38774 hoping hardkernel will continue to take interest... i'mm not really up for eaching out to maintainer since i dont understand tehmemory timing stuff
martinayotte: great its nothing
Right ! It was happening to me in the past, but it is always scaring when I do such mistake.
git is a powerfull tool and it takes time to master.
i also sometimes just stare :)
or google
lanefu, It's a toy :D
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lanefu: memory (318 MB/s) and latency benchmark results confirmed fixed with kernel 5.4.49-odroidxu4 on my HC2 http://ix.io/2qAV
fizikz: that's great news... thanks for speaking up and helping me understand the problem
now for the real test: doing borg check. if that finishes in 2-3 hours instead of 5 hours, this will be a happy day
Ohh yeah the grand finale
@IpponUSA (Ippon Technologies USA): Mid-journey to the #cloud and have compute sitting idle in your #datacenter? See how @lanefu modernized a project’s testing to the cloud with #GitHubActions, while still using #onprem #compute to save on costs! https://t.co/e5BhkZKlXu #Armbian #Linux #GitHub #CICD #DevOps (7s ago)
thanks for actually working on this problem. it's been around for a few months and there was little to no response on it. admittedly a tough problem where the first suspect is borg or some other software that might have changed
:) :) woohoo my blog posted
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@lanefu (Lane Jennison): I'm particularly proud of this blog as I was able to practice my #DevOps DevOps craft while benefiting @Armbian, a Linux project I'm very passionate about. https://t.co/VuMRLVzjh2 (7s ago)
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5.7 doesn't want to boot on the neo4
(or it's booted but video and networking don't work properly)
also, this is a thing for 5.7 to keep in mind for users with external wifi devices - https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/6/22/633 (ath9k is broken)
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lanefu: preliminary result looking good. borg check on one of the repos finished in under half the previous recent completion times. seems like this memory issue and fix/workaround are relevant to my borg problem
fizikz: saweeet. Nice to have really tangible improvements
@NicoD99364191 (NicoD): How to install #Panfrost on #Armbian #Focal https://t.co/h4HpFnq6JC (24s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @NicoD99364191: How to install #Panfrost on #Armbian #Focal https://t.co/h4HpFnq6JC (9s ago)
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lanefu: borg check completed in 2.75 hours, as in omv4 / kernel 4.x vs the lately 7-8 hours in omv5 / kernel 5.x. oh the joy...
I hope the odroid folks followup on your forum thread
one can hope
any idea when this workaround will be pushed to stable?
Not sure. I'll cherry-pick a hotfix and we can merge when appropriate
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ok. in the meantime i'll just avoid installing updates from nightly on my backup server
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now for a minor quibble, any idea why htop is showing LITTLE for all 8 cores?
Try uninstalling, apt cache clear, then reinstall
Maybe your large cores never fully matured and they're still small?