Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | This channel is logged -> irc.armbian.com
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archetech: catchin up.. you fighitng rock64 again?
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Are you guys still working? Or are we drinking now?
I just suceeded for the first time turning on a group of lights automatically, based on the movement of celestial bodies. Strangely, my wife was not impressed.
possible she saw something likethat already
nerding forever and always
not for wifes
lanefu, gave it try no luck
I use kde so armbian is just a testing thing
> not using KDE on Armbian
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I setup a cronjob that update the torrent list once a minute. If you see one that keeps downloading but the percentage does not increase this means its broken.
once a minute is too severe
you might trigger some spam protection ;)
In which way? I don't think that redirecting the output of "transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -l" is consuming much power ;)
And well put the date on top but that does not matter either :P
but even its detected it can take hours / days before we find time to fix
Yeah I need a workaround for that, maybe a watchdog that crawls the syslog
Um...use the build script and select edit kernel config before building
ugh it downloads all versions of gcc
is there way to cross build it in docker? using multiarch/debian-debootstrap?
Cross compile is basically what the build script does. Just look at the code. You can extract the steps from there and experiment.
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is there any one available
i want to ask
opinion about
ubuntu touch
why scream so loud
i thought you were all sleeping
prist do you have an idea about ubuntu touch?
For common knowledge about the IRC behavior I recommend to .rtfm which link will be shown below this message. As for Ubuntu Touch I have no idea how this could be related to Armbian in any way.
Check out our awesome documentation! It's tremendous, promise! https://docs.armbian.com/
kikos: ubuntu touch contains an impressive amount of software bugs that will be fixed over time
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Werner, IgorPec i used armbian/build docker, but result was legacy image i would to compile linux-image-dev-rockchip64
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indy: have you read manual?
yes but dialog allows me select only rockpi-s rock64 rockpro64 etc but not rockchip64
i expect it is for legacy
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read manual
lazniness is not supported
it is not about laziness, it is about lack of time :)
understand. for 1000 USD/h I am willing to support you. ok?
AR-328 [Task] "Move Meson64 current to 5.7.y" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-06-23. Status: In Progress
Is there a particular reason the Orange Pi 3 is very well-supported while the Pine H64 B is not? Is there something wrong with the latter, or is the OPi3 just more popular?
anyone can support it
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IgorPec, i'm trying to start contribute
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IgorPec, i would like to see preempt_rt kernel packaged as embedded boards are good targets for playing with realtime
and why are you telling me this?
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lanefu: i think i fixed that problem
AR-328 [Task] "Move Meson64 current to 5.7.y" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-06-23. Status: In Progress
IgorPec: sweet.. PS sorry i re-ran a bunch of CI jobs just so i could get a screenshot of top for my blog lol
yeah, just to not repeat jobs
oddly github showed my runner as offline...... even tho it wanst i had to restart teh service
so i guess we'll need to keep an eye on that
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lanefu: great!
for implementation i am to tired
perhaps tomorrow
@armbian (armbian): Read a story about updated #armbian continuous integration powered by self-hosted Github actions runners. #jenkins #automation https://t.co/UvWNo0dvd2https://t.co/cg6GTKMmsg (9s ago)
yeah man :)
i wish i would have that much sense for writing.
I've got another topic or two where I'm hoping to feature armbian again
.... and also not being another cliche media player / webserver story
making valuable content is hard
yeah it is....
i mean that was a product of a week of work fiddling with github..and i was lucky we already had the CI scripts from our jenkins work
yes, it was actually an upgrade.
And a decent one
also the "build all" part improved a lot. that part which still needs to be implemented
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hello, i have build a armbian image , that i have write to a sd card. now it didn't boot from the sd card, and i didn't understand why. I have follow the instruction from https://github.com/armbian/build. I think, that it didnt boot, because i have not insert the path to the correct dtb file for my box. This for my question, in what file i must insert a variable to the correct dtb file for my box? Sorry for my bad englisch
did you write uboot to it
I ask that because you said you built the image your self
if you just built the image it may not include uboot inside the image you may need to write it afterwards
hi thebug ok, and how i incluce uboot?
first you need to verify what youa re actually doing -- are you just downloading the image from the site and dding it to the card, or are you actually building the image locally your self?
i build it locally
The images provided by Armbian should have uboot included, if you built the image your self, this will only be the operating system by default, you will need to get uboot also for your device, compile it and write to card
it gets written to the first part of the card