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AR-227 [Story] "Move Espressobin current to K5.6" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-04-27. Status: In Progress
If I want to build armbian image with chewitt patch — I have to add to compile.sh parameters `KERNELSOURCE=https://github.com/chewitt/linux.git KERNELBRANCH=commit:25db1cd3522903f4b7bb62cba2c0da60e5c76064`? is it correct?
if you cloned the entire repo, you start in the master branch
ahh.. no
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most build systems will request a snapshot from github
best to pull from the HEAD commit of the branch
which is currently fc32c3cbaf2d43b10cd1883db4536dfbb7089b05
* Tonymac32
needs to set reminder to buy electric smoker and powder coating gun.
Good morning
good morning
Quite a busy night from a quick view over the backlog :P
lot's of talking anyway
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Booting the C2 to check for bugs other than audio
I'll later briefly test OPi One, Zero and One Plus
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this looks good. Other than not rebooting
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all the time spent watching seemingly unresponsive terminals makes me miss good old fashioned drive activity LED's
reverted evil mainline patch and have sound on C2
lanefu ^
good morning
@#$@#$@ symlinks messing up my mojo
good morning
sound on c2 with 5.7.y?
Morning Igor. Btw you may want to identfy with nickserv once with the bouncer to get everything in place including the project affiliation cloak and channel permissions
OrangePi one seems fine on 5.7.x cpufreq is working
I need to recommit the fix though, it got borked somehow
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also need to verify the frequency is right, GXBB was clocked wrong in 5.6 with my patch
fixed. That gets rid of the upstream blocker to audio, now to see what else needs cleaned up
cpufreq is broken on 5.7
no or unknown cpufreq driver
maybe dts regression
most likely, yes
I would propose to just open bugs for what is find from this point
ok, my not quite golden ears are satisfied the sound is as right as it can be
ok, leave this. if 5ft won't find time, i'll fix this
Maybe you find some use by comparing the files
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Hi guys. Just ordered the odroid n2+ and I intend to use it for docker (among other things) please what it the recommended way to install docker from armbian. Is there a wiki somewhere to follow. Can I just use apt
Not sure but maybe docker can be installed from armbian-config tool
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bigbrovar: yep just use apt for docker
lanefu: thanks. The latest Docker is in the repository then I believe.
At least latest stable
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Docker version depends on upstream distribution, Focal, Bionic, Buster to say
Yep ive been using the docker straight from ubuntu bionic and debian buster for a long time
IgorPec: Werner: I've done "meld" between megous 5.6.y and 5.7.y and effectively opp are missing, I will create a patch in next few hours ...
martinayotte, awesome. Ping again once its there, will happily test it
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Werner: I've started a build now, I will test soon, at least on OPiOne+
martinayotte: i already did some patch mergine with megy 5.8.y branch
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i am checking if we are missing anything else beside dvfs for h6
IgorPec: no surprise the new login code breaks the automated testing scripts. I tried to just login manually first, but couldn't figure out how to disable the first login code on the automated testing scripts
lanefu: yeah , that was not implemented yet ;)
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first login code tries to login and if it fails, proceeds to user cration IIRC
Okay. Ill take another pass at it
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IgorPec: so your maybe better than mine, since I based mine from 5.6.y ...
yeah, i am somewhere in the middle
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Also, I've only diff the DT ... Did you check also the driver´s code ?
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i am checking commits
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Oh ! my patch created duplicates ... I've to redo it ...
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Ok ! It seems that some opp are present for some H6, OPi3 for exemple, but not for some other such OPiOne+ or OPiLite2. This is due to #include "sun50i-h6-cpu-opp.dtsi" not present in all boards.
lanefu: downloading now, only 10Mbit/s :(
they're on to us
HerculeP: retry
my poor opi prime just can't hang like it used to with big workloads
heh, 50..90 now, still lame
90Mbit is lame?
last time it was 150..200
ha okay
<10 Mbit/s again :(
nvm, doesnt matter
you want me to compress image?
nah, not needed, got much time ;)
yeah I haven't looked at reboot yet
Tonymac32: want me to go ahead and log reboot as a bug?
<lanefu "IgorPec: no surprise the new log"> I propose to pass env variable — sshd should be configured to pass it. But then you can set it on connect, and then get in login script
chewitt thanks for the N2+ info/stuff, I had N2 booting mainline u-boot but the kernel was locking immediately and I was at the time setting up sound on 5.6. I need to circle back
lanefu go ahead, it's a problem, but I'm not sure it's a new one, haven't looked at our other kernels since 4.19
C4 doesn't boot reliably without the 24MHz hack .. still to be investigated
the N2 board support also stops the MAC changing on each boot which is annoying
ugh. I won't mess with C4, I don't have one/no one does in Armbian? narmstrong submitted it
it works fine
not sure it will get much airtime now I have a new shiny to play with, but I didn't find any issues with it
just another board (tm)
I didn't see the draw of that one, newer cores, but not compatible with the cases I have, etc
of course I also have a mountain of idle boards, so...
lanefu don't put that evil on me
try to reboot potato again, I get about a 50% yield on reboot attempts, I'll make sure the high-speed SD stuff isn't being re-enabled anywhere
IgorPec: That a quite huge patch ... Is it bringing the whole 5.8.y changes into 5.7.y ? :-P
Also, I'm not quite sure it includes the DT changes requires for OPiOne+/OPiLite2 ... I'm working on that right now ...
Did we have N2 audio or no? I can work on that once I re-introduce the DAC patches on potato, which I think is the only one to have an analog out in my collection
Tonymac32: haha i see a pattern on the reboot
it's usb... if I don't touch usb. (don't touch keyboard / mouse) and reboot via ssh it works
if i use HID, then reboot from ssh .. fail
ugh ok
I have an idea where that might live
(that matches your copied dmesg bits too)
[TheBug]: FYI the 5.6 image has seperate device files for ebinv7
lanefu: download finished :) - generally some compression would have helped a bit
I've wrongly choosen the "All locales" on new "first login"... It seems that it will take hours to get all of them ... :-(
Maybe this option should not be available ^^
Right ! at least during "First Login" ... Since I don't knonw side effect, I won't interrupt it and leave it running ...
HerculeP: k.. do yu want me to do xz for images going forward
martinayotte: if you skip chosing, it defaults to UTF8 en_us
I compress all images I share for downloading automatically with pixz.
which maybe thats a tweak. we should leave note in prompt what defaults are
Werner: automatically?
just a simple for loop to dig through all images built
thats pretty clever
i need to move my armibna images to adifferent volume on my nas
for i in *.img;do pixz $i $i.xz;done
i do some janky stuff like build, then ctrl-r and find my last `rsync` command lol
i'd like to add like a post-hooks in userpatches for doing stuff like that
although i could just put a wrapper around compile
Oooooh... who can we get to write a bash autocomplete script for compile.sh :)
blerg no fun.... can't just pass it boot a parameter eh?
will log bug adn reference link
no idea if possible. open a bug in jira and ask piter for advice
IgorPec, I tried the same with your branch just for the heck of it. The error is the same.
ok, i'll fix it asap
Hm well I guess I was wrong with my assumption that sunxi-current is basically equal to sunxi-dev after the move to 5.7 since dev seem to compile flawless. Sorry martinayotte
currently they are not identical. i only added stuff to current
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@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): Just built a kernel 5.7 Armbian image for my NanoPi K2, and for the first time since I've owned the board the HDMI screen is clear of green static... I thought the board was defective to be honest, so now I'm very curious. (I did not have this problem with the ODROID C2) (32s ago)
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^ This guy needs to learn things, what a noob
only quirk: locale & TZ set OK but kbd still US :(
SD is a sandisk 32GB
.... A1?
.. A1? [da~>eng]
a1, class 10
hmmm, my sandisk extreme 32 GB does not reboot
dunno extreme or not , have to shutdown to check
I'm watching an unboxing of an IBM AT right now, don't want to take mine out either. :P
HerculeP: technically Tonymac32 gets the congrats
Tonymac32: it is a sandisk ultra
oh, congrats Tonymac32 then :D
* Tonymac32
is not the greedy type, lanefu is critical to the success/failure of this venture
...K2 rebooted
.K2 rebooted [en~>eng]
IgorPec: didn't you saw my earlier commits for OPP ? Maybe we won't need yours if we start working on 5.8.y on DEV soon ...
ok, K2: Reboot OK, Sound OK, HDMI OK, WiFi: OK, USB OK
if only the kbd would be set acording to TZ it was 100% perfect (couldn't even enter raspi-config)
my ssh issue I reported earlier is fixed too :)
want me to check wifi too?
HerculeP: the more we test the better
Wifi Via USB was fine on mine, I have a tiny AC adapter
built-in wifi on K2 worked as well. :P
* Tonymac32
also accidentally tested having multiple adapters when he forgot the built-in on)
martinayotte: this was very early drop / commit since my supreme commander was calling me :)
those patches should be picked out if we need some. also before i noticed we have hdmi_audio and audio_hdmi or something ... similar lables for the same stuff
* lanefu
stepping away for a while
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lanefu, Tonymac32: old tiny Edimax usb dongle works well
I actually soldered mine to an RPI a long time ago
didn't see wifi country select in armbian-config tho
you can implement it :)
* HerculeP
is too old/too dumb for that
* Tonymac32
thinks he meant "wise and experienced"
its bash scripting
nobody is too old for that :)
I can code some pascal and php, didnt do much in bash,
* Tonymac32
learned pascal
IgorPec: "supreme commander" ? Wife or children ? :-P
on turbo pascal database program I wrote decades ago is still in use ;)
HerculeP meant to say: one turbo pascal database program I wrote decades ago is still in use ;)
martinayotte: you can't be wrong :)
I had a Russian professor, he called his wife "The Kremlin" when she called him during class: "Guys, it is Kremlin, excuse me"
martinayotte, confirmed. cpufreq is working again on One Plus
Using dev branch for now
He was also one of the biggest men I have ever seen
Werner: still waiting my OPiLite2 "all locales" to finish, I will then confirm OPP is fixed there too
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VIM 1 is booting
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5.7 seem have brought some further regression regarding desktop. Whole board froze for me a 2nd time now after playing a little around with desktop environment on bullseye. Will retry on focal
Board is quite hot. Could also be thermal related. I think dev or 5.7 in general is still missing the thermal trips in the dtb
check if cpu speed goes down under stress
if it throttle at all
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thermal trip points are there in sun50i-h6-cpu-opp.dtsi, but maybe the driver doesn't handle them
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Above 70°C I think it should go lower but it still running on 1.8GHz
70 is to loww i think
I'll let it cook for a while
Ah yeah, totally forgot about the dvfs thingy...that could also be still a reason for the desktop freezes
80°C and still not throttling.
any white smoke yet?:)
Ok ! My OPiLite2 has finish. cpufreq-info is working there too ...
Wait. It does go down above 80°C to 1,7ghz
then it works
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Let me fix the gpu clock again and restry
Looking good so far. Does somebody have another H6 board with HDMI to test desktop? Like the pine64 or Orangepi3?
Would look much more awesome if it would show the system architecture and kernel ^^
I dont know if it is possible to fix this dvfs issue in the gpu and probably needs deeper research I'd suggest to add a workaround as fix for the next release
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Werner: I wish my stupid pine H64 would show up in the mail
Woohoo actually looks like it will be here thursday
its the 3gig (4) model
werner: I will do desktop build for OPi3 and let you know, I'm usually only using headless ...
I started from headless too and simply installed xserver-xorg lxdm lxde
VIM 1: USB OK, onboard WiFi OK, sound says OK but I don't hear anything :P
not a supported board so no big deal for now
I've plug my HDMI LDC on this headless OPi3, and HDMI is working at least with plain console.
martinayotte meant to say: I've plug my HDMI LCD on this headless OPi3, and HDMI is working at least with plain console.
martinayotte, play around on the desktop for a few minutes (make sure it is rendering with Panfrost) and check if it crashes or freezes. If so try to echo /sys/devices/platform/soc/1800000.gpu/devfreq/1800000.gpu/max_freq to min_freq
I don't think it's configured for panfrost out of hte box
I'm not fluent at all with Panfrost
Simply install mesa-utils and do glxinfo|grep render
Should state direct rendering yes and OpenGL renderer Mali T720 (Panfrost)
If it states LLVM then something is wrong
martinayotte: i'll pull my oneplus offline and do some desktop testing so you dont have to get bogged down with it
martinayotte, Hm there might be some mesa package missing...let me check which packages I actually installed
In the meantime, my desktop 5.7.8 build will be finished ...
* IgorPec
is building on Laptop :(
Great. dpkg.log seems to be incomplete...
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Werner: fixed that bug, will commit when possible
I think I installed libgl1-mesa-dri additionally...
Oh wait. martinayotte which OS are you using as base?
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Afaik bullseye is the only OS that ships the needed packages with. Even focal needs some additional packages from 3rd party or installing mesa from sources...
Werner: I'm an old fahsion guy : Buster
So, I will stop my build and restart it with Bulleye
Is probably the easiest option atm, yes
any big complains for new login ? :)
Restarted ...
For Focal there is a ppa from oibaf (which I had no luck with though) but for Buster there is probably the only chance by installing mesa from scratch. Actually pretty straight forward but collecting the dependencies is really annoying ^^
IgorPec: we need to hide "all locales" choice, I felt into this caveat and had to wait 2 hours
didn't notice that ... huh. how to get there?
When it ask which locales do you want, I choose "all", severals hundred locales unneeded ...
aha, perhaps we should have 1) automatic 2) none / select later
Maybe a hint that it can be easily adjusted later using dpkg-reconfigure locales or maybe trough armbian-config (?)
yes, i'll rfc
when I installed the odroidc2 img the only choices were two DE locales
sure ... on my second test, I've choosen only few english
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werner: fixes are up, now it should build and dev should be = current again
@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @fkardame @ManjaroLinuxARM @khadas_official All of our (armbian) amlogic boards but the N2 are booting mainline u-boot, I just (on purpose) wiped out the eMMC on my VIM 1 with nand-sata-install to test that function. I've always had strange quirks with Amlogic HDMI. (27s ago)
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Build was successful
ok, are we ok to pass it to Lanefu?
i will join testing as much as possible, have access to some devices, but i don't see hdmi :)
i will also try to further clean the remaining patches from megous
If we need that workaround where would be a good place to put it so it applies to all H6 boards with HDMI?
For the One Plus it seems it is mandatory. A few seconds after I released the clock to dynamic again it crashed.
Done for today. Later
tty we will fix this eventually, still enough time
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i love it have my orangepi plus2e can drive my 4k monitor and all its subresolutions available from gui
yeah, things progressed nicely
i will also need to get offline until tomorrow
RC cut?
yeah lets cut
ok, i'll change to nightly later ... now have to socialise a bit ;)