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<Tonymac32> This chili mango snack mix I got is disappointing. There is mango, and some other nuts/fruit, but the chili is not what I had hoped
<Tonymac32> A proper snack of this type should have me conflicted about my next bite, but unable to stop because the flavor is worth the pain. Like good Thai food.
<Tonymac32> Of course, I can't go to Mexico anytime soon... :/
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<archetech> I eat thai weekly
<archetech> pad thai curry chicken medium
<Tonymac32> There was a place near Notre Dame in Indiana, if the father was cooking, medium was perfect. If the son was cooking, medium would make you weep uncontrollably, while continuing to eat of course.
<Tonymac32> I know good places exist up here in Michigan, but I haven't gone exploring to find any
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<archetech> yes heat varies by cook
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<Werner> Good morning
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<lesless> Hi folks! I have problems with MPD - sound is breaking up. It just disappears for a second. I checked CPU load during playback, it's below 20%, there are no errors in dmesg and running MPD with verbose logging didn't show anything as well. Here are the details https://gist.github.com/lessless/0538b6f7c33bf7fe66eb441c86239b9e
<lesless> Any suggestions on how to debug this?
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<Werner> Did you search if there are known sound issues for your particular board whatever it may be?
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<lesless> Werner yup, nothing there. It may also help to say that I'm using external USB card, not a built in output
<lesless> And nothing about it as well
<Werner> I guessed that USB thingy from the provided files :P Though no idea about the issue, sorry.
<Werner> Feel free to try a kernel from a different branch (dev, legacy...) and see if it persists.
<birkoff> qctrl-M
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<igorp_> werner: hey
<Werner> Hey Igor
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<igorp_> i hope you are not going to kick me out :)
<igorp_> going in and out all the time
<Werner> Your vacation will end some day :P
<igorp_> network is terrible around here. hehe
<Werner> Well you could compensate by using an IRC bouncer :PPP
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<Werner> Wait. terrible network? Are you in Germany?
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<xwigg> why did you choose manual irq->cpu assignment over irqbalance?
<IgorPec> yeah, too much other troubles
<IgorPec> you mean that tkaiser commit?
<xwigg> yes, dismissed it earlier when adding zeropi because that just works
<IgorPec> but it got reverted due to overheat
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<xwigg> that tells me fixing irq to one core is bad solution for these boards, irqbalance would distribute it
<xwigg> or is FIQ the reason irqbalance is doing overtime?
<IgorPec> AFAIK irqbalance is not working properly / not at all
<IgorPec> which is why those hacks exits
<xwigg> will take a look when i've time, essentially irqbalance does the same glancing at the code
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<xwigg> opi one dtb seems to miss PMU entry, could this be the cause for kernel freezing/panic? I've got no board to test
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<Werner> Since I do not see this issue on any of my other OPi one boards I guess it is hardware related.
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<xwigg> werner: coincides with batch of bad temp boards?
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<Werner> No idea
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<xwigg> opi pcplus arrived, just waiting for heatsink to get started
<Werner> Just ordered a NEO3
<xwigg> a yeah, I'd really like to have ordered that instead ;)
<Werner> Aliexpress offering 300 points if you install their chrome assistant. You can exchange those points into 3$ off coupon.
<Werner> Just use a portable installation or isolate it somewhere else for privacy concerns.
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<xwigg> thx for the hint. mobile app is also cheaper.
<xwigg> but i got too much projects laying around, so need to finish them first. The OpiPC+ will be nas, will require some tweaking
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<martinayotte_> xwigg: I've several OPiPC+ around, none of them have heatsink and they are working fine.
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<lanefu> yo
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<c0rnelius> the new N2+ looks pretty nice.
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<xwigg> what's with these temps so high
<lanefu> N2+ ?!
<lanefu> duh i'll look at cnx-softwaree
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<c0rnelius> could just visit hardkernel too. its right on the front page
<chewitt> if you prefer to read code on the N2+
<lanefu> lets click to click buy if i goto cnx-software
<lanefu> s/lets click/less likely
<ArmbianHelper> lanefu meant to say: less likely to click buy if i goto cnx-software
<IgorPec> sadly they didn't change usb hub
<c0rnelius> yeah i saw TK's response to that ha
<IgorPec> according to tk
<lanefu> yaeh thats a shame.. is the hub undervolting? or does it just suck
<IgorPec> IDK its one of the low quality ones
<IgorPec> probably all those usb related problems are because of that
<xwigg> how do you test usb hub?
<IgorPec> good question
<IgorPec> generating traffice and see if it survives?
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<xwigg> must be some roadmap somewhere describing test of different transfer types
<IgorPec> lanefu: any luck with hosting?
<lanefu> well cloudflare ended up not being inexpensive solution i thought it was going to be for managing mirrors.. although it probably still wouldn't be terrible
<lanefu> i think i'll go back to my original plan of having a smart redirect service hosted in aws, or on droplet
<lanefu> if i do it as a aws lambda it will cost pennies honestly
<lanefu> so what functions does the current hackerspace VM serve.... dl.armbian, forums, wordpress? does it do any building?
<IgorPec> no building
<IgorPec> beside those rsync.armbian.com as weell
<lanefu> any idea how much outbound datatransfer that does a month? 500Gig? 1TB?
<IgorPec> it builds download links ... that's all from building and mkdocs, small thjngs
<IgorPec> i can only rely on google analitics here
<IgorPec> if its reliable?
<lanefu> i glanced at the daily reports for dl.armbian.com... avg was like 10Gig a day
<lanefu> i rounded up to 450gig a month based on that
<lanefu> re mirror sites... do they mirror apt.armbian and beta?
<IgorPec> beta is not mirrored
<IgorPec> 450g vs 30tb on the network adaptor?
<lanefu> so i was a little confused by your contacts conversation... because he was both encourging us moving to a droplet, but then was offering another server blade
<IgorPec> do you think forum is generating that much traffic?
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<IgorPec> he wants to tear down this thing and build new one ... i think
<IgorPec> so we have to temorally move anyway
<lanefu> oh!!
<lanefu> okay
<lanefu> 30tb traffic on the NIC sounds impossible for a month
<IgorPec> this is how i understood. at least a day downtime is expected
<IgorPec> check it :)
<lanefu> hmm
<lanefu> yeah maybe not so impossible
<lanefu> TX packets 32088242831 bytes 113461998680189 (113.4 TB)
<lanefu> 111 days uptime
<IgorPec> yep
<lanefu> 1TB a day
<IgorPec> ok, but we don't know how much each part
<xwigg> must be the img downlaods
<lanefu> yeah.. would you be cool with giving me sudo on that box? i can maybe setup some additional traffic monitoring
<IgorPec> i'll
<IgorPec> this can give some estimation
<lanefu> yeah thats what i was looking at yesterday, that made me thing 10GB a day avg
<lanefu> *think
<IgorPec> forum eats it all?
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<lanefu> have you added any new mirrors in the past 110 days where there was a big seed?
<IgorPec> no, but you know what is
<IgorPec> torrents
<IgorPec> each time someone intstalls build tools
<IgorPec> it uses our server
<lanefu> ahhh! okay
<IgorPec> downloading tools, then all updating, apt certainly also consumes a lot
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<IgorPec> try sudo
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<lanefu> can you add a NOPASSWD: ALL to my sudo. since i only use ssh key
<IgorPec> try
<lanefu> yep works!
<nekomancer[m]> bwahaha!!! "On-board RTC backup battery holder is mounted on the board." (N2+). My N2 have not fixed RTC battery :^)
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<nekomancer[m]> and armbian still have no N2 RTC timer support in DTB.
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<IgorPec> someone has to add it, right?
<IgorPec> i am pretty sure it exists in 4.9.y kernel?
<chewitt> unless you mean the vrtc thing
<lanefu> IgorPec: wow yeah.. okay just watching iftop things stay pretty busy on thre
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<TRS-80> good day
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<TRS-80> lanefu: I logged on today mostly to tell you that you use whatever window manager you prefer, usually based on which language you prefer to write your automation scripts in; anyway how are you getting on with your 4k project?
<TRS-80> lanefu: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Comparison_of_tiling_window_managers is a really good starting point
<TRS-80> thought came to me today as I sit down to start playing with Selenium WebDriver Python bindings and realize I want it to open on a specified workspace, hence reminding me about Python bindings for the i3-ipc interface...
<lanefu> Oooh cool table
<lanefu> i'd probably use jinja templates via ansible to write configs.. so probably the text-based config ones woud be best for me
<lanefu> re 4k... i learned a lot, and learned i have more learning.. took a break from that
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<TRS-80> some times we need a break :) this is one of many reason I have like 10 projects going at all times :)
<TRS-80> also because http://structuredprocrastination.com/ :D
<IgorPec> which is why i go grab my towel and go swiming ... later
<Werner> Have fun
<IgorPec> tnx
<TRS-80> IgorPec: cheers! :)
<TRS-80> less is more
<TRS-80> lanefu: Anyway config is one thing but I was referring more to scripting, if and when you ever need it. I did not "need" it until today, but I knew this day would come, and so weighed that in my decision initially. Sooner or later you will want to control your window manager programatically. That is one of the main points of these sort of wm. So make sure you can do so with whatever language
<TRS-80> bindings you prefer.
<TRS-80> it just dawned on me today as I set out on the WebDriver adventure, and I thought of you right away :)
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<lanefu> yeah dynamic stuff would probably be bash or python for me
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<TRS-80> you and me both man
<TRS-80> i3 has a command line client i3-msg, and there are python bindings to the interface also; I only say this because I just looked into it and that's what I use (and plan on using for this)
<lanefu> i need to get a pinebook pro
<lanefu> i'm hardly ever at my desk these days
<lanefu> so usually on my macbook
<TRS-80> one of other general criteria I follow is to choose widely used/supported software, this way at some point down the road when I need some functionality or library, chances are it probably alreayd exists; another reason I chose i3
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<TRS-80> so there were lots of practical reasons for the choice, not simply idealogical as I think you may have presumed :)
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<TRS-80> one of points for my "universal install" Makefile was to instantiate similar environment on any machine; for me that includes a number of classic ThinkPad based laptops; I wrote a bash script that query what monitor(s) are attached and then set up workspaces accordingly based on that; it's still WIP but I think I proved the concept at leasty
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<nekomancer[m]> <chewitt "https://github.com/chewitt/linux"> thank you!!!
<HerculeP> good afternoon
<HerculeP> lanefu: usb works well on odroidc2 (using that test.img, still no HDMI sound, no SD reboot)
<HerculeP> couldnt find my emmc, lol
<HerculeP> ssh root@ -> Connection reset by port 22 :(
<HerculeP> didn't have time to investigate yet
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<lanefu> HerculeP: okay good to know.... thank you
<HerculeP> np, it is in my own interrest
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<lanefu> WTF all teh traffic is coming from hitting the archive indexes on apt.armbian.com... all unique IPs
<lanefu> its constant
<lanefu> ..and only on debian stretch and jessie
<lanefu> i lied is ee ubuntu too
<lanefu> stretch by far the most popular one
<HerculeP> x11vnc works on the same connection while ssh fails :(
<lanefu> HerculeP: ssh -vvv
<lanefu> usually it's some handshaing issue with your authorized keys file being wrong perms, or priate key.. etc
<lanefu> or its broke :P
<HerculeP> well, I didn't touch anything except setting local kbd etc, ssh worked out of the box in previous images
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<HerculeP> -vvv didnt throw any "errors", https://pastebin.com/grPLXZSS
<[TheBug]> HerculeP
<[TheBug]> are you trying to login as root
<[TheBug]> ?
<[TheBug]> Did you upgrade to a newer version of Debian or a debian based system?
<HerculeP> I tried both, root and unprivieged user
<[TheBug]> If so it automatically blocks logging into ssh via root and root using password in the config by default in new versions
<[TheBug]> you need to login as a user and su to root
<[TheBug]> and then if you want you can modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config to renable root if you need
<lanefu> IgorPec: HAHA all the traffic is from consnatly download apt-repo index files... this is from just 10 minutes of monitoring in real time https://snipboard.io/32wXsU.jpg
<HerculeP> user o7: same Connection reset by port 22
<IgorPec> aha, so we simply have so many users :)
<IgorPec> too many
<IgorPec> or there is some bug?
<lanefu> IgorPec: well i was wondering if there was some polling interval problem. but all the IPs looked to be unique
<lanefu> i'll have to do some deeper trending
<lanefu> but freaking crazy
<IgorPec> some lame-made apt mirror?
<HerculeP> ssh root login works on Linux Foc2 5.6.18-meson64 #20.05.4 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jun 15 01:50:20 CEST 2020
<IgorPec> i know some did mirror
<IgorPec> then perhaps just block that ip?
<lanefu> ...like i said unique IPs are requesting
<IgorPec> i would just block them. thjs is abusive usage
<IgorPec> so we don't need to find some crazy bw hosts
<lanefu> yeah.. okay i am seeing som reoccuring IPs.. my grep-fu must have sucked earlier
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<Werner> Traffic and space are pretty cheap in Germany. At Hetzner I see the cheapest box at the auction for 26,32 € which offers 2x3tb hdd and unlimited gigabit traffic.
<[TheBug]> Is bandwidth an issue?
<lanefu> currently pushing out 1TB a day
<IgorPec> we are not sure if its an issue yet
<[TheBug]> that shouldn't be too bad really
<[TheBug]> whats your allotment
<[TheBug]> and what services are using the bw
<TRS-80> even with the torrent network?
<IgorPec> it could be bogus .. but since currenlty we didn0t have limits ... we didn't care much
<[TheBug]> vnstat is a useful tool for tracking that system side
<[TheBug]> may be worth if not installed installing it so you can best track
<IgorPec> torrent can't be measured
<IgorPec> but this site also serves torrents
<[TheBug]> vnstat tracks all usage of the interfaces on the machine
<lanefu> yeah i already did some analysis with iftop and iptraf
<[TheBug]> then provides a simple command line tool 'vnstat' to review
<IgorPec> we have more sites
<lanefu> transmission wasnt using much bandwidth
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<lanefu> https was the businest
<IgorPec> one one VM
<lanefu> and now i'm diggin into which access logs
<TRS-80> what I meant was, I thought torrent network would reduce the load on main servers, even though those are also torrent clients... which is the whole point, right?
<lanefu> and there's basically a ton of wasteful queeeries of the apt repo... see my screen shot
<TRS-80> OK I think lanefu just answered my question
<[TheBug]> How large is the data set?
<IgorPec> but torrents also pulls from mirrors by default
<[TheBug]> curious if I have somewhere I could mirror it
<IgorPec> you can establsh a mirror
<IgorPec> rsync.armbian.com
<[TheBug]> I have plenty of space and bandwidth question is space
* TRS-80 considered many times setting up a torrent client
<[TheBug]> er
<IgorPec> apt and dl are exported
<[TheBug]> that sounds redundant
<TRS-80> mirror, rather
<[TheBug]> I have a lot of various servers with space and bandwidth but not sure any will be able to hold the whole dataset
<IgorPec> mirrors will help in this situation since we have to enable balance somehow
<IgorPec> data usage ... one moment
<[TheBug]> if you know the size of the dataset I can at least see if I have something
<TRS-80> for me, I always was looking for some easy to find indicator of how many nodes, perhaps some status on the torrent network, but never seemed to be able to find such information
<IgorPec> torrent network is pretty much as is, but works well
<TRS-80> I know that personally I am much more inclined to contribute where there seems to be more of a need, but I could never determine the level of "need" as regards the torrent network, so never felt motivated to go any further
<IgorPec> dl = 1.5TB
<[TheBug]> hmm
<[TheBug]> wondering if a SYSARM server I have would work okay for a little mirror
<[TheBug]> I think I have a few of the 2TB versions idling
<[TheBug]> maybe can mirror it to one of those
<IgorPec> the need is urgent now since our current hosting partner will tear things down durin summer time and large downtime is expected
<[TheBug]> could use it for apt mirror but probably not torrent
<IgorPec> we have to move primary infrastructure somewhere ... over the night
<TRS-80> IgorPec: wtf, ok
<TRS-80> I need to run to post but I will bbl to discuss further. Actually since you guys are discussing now I will leave this box on so I can read the current conversation when I get back
<IgorPec> TRS-80: perhaps i am exaggerating a bit :)
<[TheBug]> While they work on that do you need alternative infrastructure?
<[TheBug]> and whats that downtime look like
<[TheBug]> is it months, days, hours?
<IgorPec> we need HA infrastructure for web and forum
<IgorPec> the rest is mirror already now and when our current infrastructure is back, we will continue to use it for images
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<IgorPec> we don't have redundancy for forums and web in first place
<ArmbianHelper> AR-2 [Story] "Improving download infrastructure" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2019-11-10. Status: To Do
<lanefu> ha yaeh i have plans for all this stuff in my head, i need ot write it down for you all
<[TheBug]> Hmm.
<IgorPec> lanefu: perhaps just keep it in that Jira
<lanefu> yeah good point i'll update jira
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<lanefu> If someone what's to research debian's apt autoupdate poling interval for repos... that would be helpful :)
<lanefu> i need to make sense of why the apt repo indexes are being hit so hard
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<lanefu> somebody must have shipped a freaking product with armbian stretch
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<IgorPec> that's quite possible
<IgorPec> like million of devices ? : )
<IgorPec> perhaps asking out at https://www.debian.org/mirror/ftpmirror
<IgorPec> IRC, #debian-mirrors on irc.debian.org.
<lanefu> yeaeh.. like million of devices lol
<lanefu> okay good idea i may ask there later on
<lanefu> i'll dig into this more tonight.. i need to do $dayjob
<IgorPec> alright, can we start any other activities in between. we have to move in any case
<[TheBug]> IgorPec: left you a pm when you have a chance, no rush
<IgorPec> missed that :) i am on
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<Tenkawa> quick question, on the odroid-n2 unit it should be able to boot either chainload or directly from usb right (either method would be fine) to mount a usb root?
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<lanefu> Tenkawa: I think to usb boot, you'd have to chainload via Petit-boot on teh onboard spi... or boot from sdcard and mount usb root
<IgorPec> lanefu: check email ... talk later. i have to be off line for a while
<Tenkawa> lanefu: thanks… I was reading conflicting information out there and I'm going to go with the microsd chainload route I think
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<TRS-80> Back. Sorry, my VPN seems to be a little flaky last few days.
<TRS-80> lanefu: did you copy my last?
<TRS-80> 16:11 <+TRS-80> lanefu: if you were looking for defaults, in Armbian at least I see in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02-armbian-periodic that APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists is set to 21, algough by default APT::Periodic::Enable also seems to be set to 0; is that what you were looking for?
<lanefu> TRS-80: Ooooo that is a good find.... whats the value for that paramter do
<TRS-80> / Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days (0=disable)
<TRS-80> APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "21";
<TRS-80> but it's disabled by default (the second param I listed)
<TRS-80> lanefu: ^
<TRS-80> sorry, I know you are at work lol
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<lanefu> its all good... IRC is hinded in a terminal, if i look it my own doing
<lanefu> okay my conspiracy theory continues that some is running armbian on some sort of product on a billion devices and maybe adjusted the setting
<lanefu> to like.. 1
<TRS-80> interdasting
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<xwigg> ditch the https for repo's so stuff can be cached along the route
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<xwigg> rtl871x kmod is spamming log (4/s) in default image
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<Tenkawa> lanefu: you around?
<Tenkawa> anyone got their hands on one of the new N2+'s yet?
<lanefu> Tenkawa: yo
<lanefu> i just found out the N+ existed today
<Tenkawa> looks nice doesnt it?
<Tenkawa> hey, I did some more research into my problem earlier and this is peculiar and wanted to run this by you to see if you had any insight
<Tenkawa> I think I have determined I can get this going with u-boot however I need a good template for making the boot sequence.. I got it to at least not blue blink on me but that was it..
<Tenkawa> I have the kernel dtb and uimage on a vfat microsd and all seems to be good.. just need the file layout
<Tenkawa> I think I was "close" with my first try but I am not sure about all of the load addresses I found so you know...
<lanefu> are you using a boot.ini?
<Tenkawa> yep
<lanefu> armbians is pretty similar to the one hardkernel has
<lanefu> should be able to borrow either
<Tenkawa> ok I'll go grab it and check it out
<Tenkawa> the diff in speed on this drive compared to the emmc i have in right now is drastuc
<Tenkawa> er drastic
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<Tenkawa> so I really want to get this going
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<Tenkawa> Thanks. I found one I'm getting ready to test.. wish me luck heheheh
<lanefu> sweet good luck
<lanefu> bbiab
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