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TRS-80 is hiding again I see
he was here 2 or 3 times
I saw in the history, must need to rotate IP's again :P
so did you catch wind of how we're spewing bandwidth
that was my impact in like 2001 when i worked at sears... i called it the duke.. got laid off
and one of the guys rebuilt it for me and painted it red and i got it back when i went back
how old is that? mine is just a Harbor freight Earthquake that looks like it was drug behind a truck for a while
fast forward. moved to virginia in 2004.. and didn't hook it up to air compressor until.. 2016?
And then Viriginia was no more
didnt work at first.. but i spray air tool oil in it. and gave it a push start while holding trigger and it woke up
Miouyouyou: its true, its not what it was, but is
push start while giving it air, , no love of having fingers haha
The duke make and unmake states, one at a time, with Lanefu
People from the UK seem to like my RPi Arduino Uno clone haha
But not people from France. They are too good for it I guess...
french people want something iwth a kernel
"Where we're going, we don't need any kernel"
Should have called it "Arduino Un" instead
oui oui device tree mon ami
.. arduino
I did horrible in French class, but it was not speaking, it was using too many letters
and too mane 'e's
Check out our awesome documentation! It's tremendous, promise! https://docs.armbian.com/
. arduino
All these 'e'.... Vietnam flashbacks
. hard oui no
...the irony of mentioning Vietnam and France at the same time...
* Tonymac32
knows some history
apparently armbianhelper only translats when Werner is looking
* lanefu
knows less history whats the rub
Well, people don't mention US and Vietnam for their nice and fruitful relationships
we only went in there to reinforce our European ally
And flex some muscles
was a dumb idea
But Vietnam wins. Always !
white savior syndrome, but america and a country instead?
History: France tried to invade Vietnam for Michelin and "Rubber trees"
Didn't turn well
So was a colony of France, France abandoned it, we actually aided in their drafting of a constitution (communist even), and then France wanted it back and Russia was bad and had nuclear weapons so we went in
the rest is well documented in classic rock and movies
The best sources for history
there's usually less government... supervision of music. ;)
Well, we had a president who used its powers to create a studio for her singing wife
Didn't turn well too
I was looking at approval ratings, I am almost certain there isn't a single western leader with a good position right now
Maybe in one of the smaller EU countries
"Good leaders are like eagles. There's none at this altitude." (c) Demotivators
So what are you building with RPi clones and impact drivers
Going for shell oil too ?
I'm not using them at the same time
the little Pi 0 Uno board was just a fun distraction
* lanefu
has combined welder, drill press and SBCs thanks to SBC tree
"It was a ruse to divert people attention"
* Tonymac32
thinks lanefu is showing off
What has SBC tree done !
it is like an SBC coatrack
it helped my seek attention
and teach twitter about the conductivity of paint on steel
Twitter has become sentient... it learns !
it collects bitcoin too
the only truth is attention seeking behavior in social media
lanefu hahaha, does it call itself Elon?
So it's literrally mining for bitcoins, by drilling ?
It has a diamond pickaxe
Given that on my chat lanefu appears green, I guess he's a creeper with a diamond pickaxe drilling machine mining for bitcoins
* Tonymac32
has no LED's for his production intent boards. *pulls up digikey*
"Buy 50 rolls of 2000 leds"
"WTB 12K LED. 10g. PM ME offers"
* Tonymac32
uses an IR LED
IRL led
You should build VR sensors
The one provided by Valve make such a stupidly high pitch noise.
And then there's the Flight sim guys building Positional Tracking system with 3 leds wired together with coat hangers
Würth Elektronik: The extra stern electronik
Do you need an extra star, though ?
Think about the weight, and how much it will cost to deliver it
Digikey will have it here by Saturday
Last time some dinos tried this, it didn't end well for them
I was tempted to use a ridiculous color, but it is very expensive
Just tear some "gaming" stuff apart, and you'll have your rainbow leds for the cheap
Then make a "Gaming" edition of all your products
I was raised by very stern people, so I usually just get boring things without lots of colors
* Tonymac32
would not want to upset grandmother Mueller
I'd thought star people would be more bright, but ok
* Tonymac32
looks around and realizes he really isn't joking
I actually chose my computer case because it was quite plain, no brash chrome or LED's or anything
This is becoming harder and harder to do.
Yes it is.
Plus these rainbow leds never stop, even after you power the computer down
yeah, they put them on the standby power rail
You have to cut the juice for the whole thing to stop
Apparently all the computer case designers currently live in fraternities and use their PC to light the bar
Because "The party never stops !"
* Tonymac32
is pretty sure we just said the same thing
Yeah :3
So, when are you going to release little 'Fragging' Pi 0 Uno Gaming edition ?
* Tonymac32
adds some i.MX parts to his cart, doesn't make eye contact with Lanefu...
Were lanefu attacked by i.MX boards when he was younger ?
I haven't actually done anything with a linux-capable SoC yet, on my list of things
lanefu mentioned the huge bandwidth leak we seem to have, and said I wasn't a suspect unless he saw me buying some NXP stuff
Do you really need Linux for simple automative tasks, though ?
No, honestly I prefer to avoid it for small control jobs
I mean, unless you're making some multitasking UI driven tool, an OS always seems overkill
Linux in an embedded space can look a lot like those automatic seat belts from the early 90's
And then there's Windows Embedded
I like how the QT team is now trying to convince people to not go the HTML5 route, instead of QT
If QT steers people away from javascript im good
I'd take them seriously if their QML UI designer would help creating nice UI quickly and efficiently... But their defaults area really fugly
Not really
Since QML embeds a Javascript engine
With even less Debugging tools than the browsers one
But you still have to build the engine with C++
but if it wasnt for QT there'd be no KDE
and actually also no gnome
And no KHTML
so no Webkit
Palm WebOS, 2009
But still... Every time I build something with QT Creator, I'm like "Could you make it... so that it really looks like a specialized tool ?"
bell-labs, alcatel, lucent, man, there's a lot of big old musty stuff in this room
They're not old. They have support for CVS 1.11
meanwhile the plan9FS stuff lives on in virtio and WSL2
It's the "outer space" part
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Someone sent me a message about my atmega328 board, saying it worked great, and then asking if I ran the DRC and saying the pinout didn't make sense...
* Tonymac32
looks over at RPi hats working on Arduino code
...I thought it made sense...
sounds like they missed the point of the board
No, I think they were expecting the labelling to be different
I labelled per Uno pins, and the schematic is per RPi pins. Maybe I should be a little more clear
"You didn't make Yet Another Pinout !??? WHY !?"
but I also have a nice graphic showing how they line up, and a header file so you can use the RPi numbers
Who looks at "graphics". Real developpers don't need "pretty graphics". They need Reference manuals !
oO( Maybe I could combine the two ... Hmm ...)
im just happy the wiringPi era is over-ish
this board exists because I was kind of spinning my wheels with CS and wanted something really easy to design to just keep busy
I need to upload a picture of a better one too, that one didn't get cleaned
so i was just looking at your website
it seems you have exactly 2 solutions
It is a minimum effort situation
Spam the wordpress and block all comments until approved
Maybe make two schematics, one with RPi pins, one with Arduino Pins, with a button on the website to switch between the twos ?
hmmm. I could also just put a table in the schematic
Or a table on the wordpress site, if that's what they're looking at for references.
Just find a good HTML5/CSS dev, look at him in the eyes, and start typing "<table>" to see his reaction
cricket one is a cool little board tho
Miouyouyou hahahaha <br><br><br>
I have seen that wrapped to 4 lines
on real websites
I don't even know how that happens
That's how you gauge the dev team average age
lanefu thanks, it's kind of minimalist, the final one at least has an LED on it like the Uno
and solder jumpers in case you need those last to I/O, you can trade them for one of the SPI or I2C pins
* Tonymac32
learned HTML from MySpace
is a relic of the old age, so they ever have a HTML parser written in Perl or PHP 4, or they're doing some good HTML3 dev with <font face=""> bgcolor and all the glory stuff.
when you want to write examples for HAT's, and are très lazy
I was thinking that you might want to trigger a compilation error for GPIO_0 and GPIO_1... But I don't know if you can pull a pragma with #defines
yeah, I was trying to think of how to do that, but didn't really spend a lot of time on it
because it will compile
"This is not the GPIO you're looking for"
I will update it, as the new one has the I2C going to both the normal pins and the ID, and the jumpers can select what 21 and 25 are
or 26
ive got some arduino and like an adrafruit gema with micropython... and i just cant thing of anything to do with them w/o wifi
I am probably going to put a header for those tiny ESP8266 modules on the higher function boards that have the spare UART to handle AT commands
the 8-pin jobs, you know the one
fos a cortex M0? sure
I think it can SPI as well, I haven't relly looked that hard
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just enough to put my mainframe on wifi
It's either that (relatively maker friendly with a small board footprint) or leaving the pads for the ESP12-S, which is less friendly and more invasive
Since, unlike the RPi foundation, I recognize that I make toys
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but there's so many DIN enclosures for your RPI industrial solution
I had a lengthy discussion with someone who was about to bury one in a piece of line equipment to replace an old DOS machine
Miouyouyou nice
Also works with clang, it seems.
hmmm, but will it work on assignment to another variable?
I guess somewhere it should trip up the works
Yesh, it also triggers a compilation error when doing assignments
test.c:7:10: error: This is not the GPIO you're looking for
int a = GPIO_0;
"all your IO are belong to us. Except those. Keep those."
LAnefu I have a small update to the Cricket ONE planned, the ONE+ will use a CH551 USB micro and program the 328PB via SPI to save space on bootloader
lanefu meant to say: youyouMiou: my conspiracy theory is someone made some shit "product" and put armbian on it with a terrible cron job
It goes for the last sentence with a replaceable term
i'll abstain from seding an embeddeed sed
Yeah, put an apt repo with packages providing hamster dances for bootsplash images. When you get some forum users complaining about hamsters appearing on boot time, you can then have a talk with them.
so yeah thats the other thing
i took a couple of the top IPs and searched the forum for them and no user matches
granted it was a small sample
end users
And what does 'dig -x IP' returns ?
Oh, yeah, end users
yep end user
random ISPs
every idea i have to fix turns into malware
i'm ike we can just make a package that updates configs and reports back
"How about I install a VNC on their systems"
Just call it "telemetric"
And then do like Firefox, and put 10 different directives for enabling telemetrics.
debian stretch is teh most common
"That will teach ya"
Yeah, the most simple solution is ban for a few days, then wait for the users to complain on the forums, and ask their where they got their system.
but yeah basically a fail2ban type of scenario is what wee'll need to do sadly
yeah good point
excuse me why are you here looking for a package update
Then bring the duke and undo their maker
limit hits/day?
"Armbian update", the new clicker game
The faster you click, the faster it updates
Or limits hits/week. After 300 hits, you get a free ban for a month.
There's also the Armbian one leading to Armbian website
Ah yes. But 5.3.5 does not seem to be an armbian image
But I wonder what they put on the Ubuntu and Debian one
And can't DL through baidu, because they're forcing their downloader bullshit
I got the image via google drive
Weird, I tried it and it told me that it reached its download limits
Or maybe OMV?
You'd think that OMV goes Armbian ?
I sent gprovost
Arm omv goes to armbian
Maybe I was lucky. I'll take a look at it later but I still believe this one is harmless. I would be more curious about the image they provided where they fixed the OPi zero temperature issue...
I guess that ban and then wait for complaints could work... If the users care about updates anyway.
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So...I guess Orange Pi is not the cause. Both the 5.3.5 and the 5.4.27 with the zero temp fix seem to be "clean"
Not sure how they want to provide kernel updates for the rebranded armbian image if they removed our sources as well
Werner meant to say: Not sure how they want to provide kernel updates for the rebranded armbian image because they removed our sources as well
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): Interestingly not enough that actually @armbian reached out to you and not invers. But also that noone could find any public patches yet. So where are they? It's been over a month now. No worries btw in case you dismiss. I will keep nagging you. 🙃 https://t.co/s6gnoJAjgf (16s ago)
These guys really starting to piss me off.
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@orangepixunlong (OrangePi): @DieZuckerbude @armbian My manager has contacted with the Armbian team, for more details, I guess that @armbian will explain.thanks. (30s ago)
And that is the moment where we all have the yao ming face meme in our head...
Morning Igor. Hope you had some coffee before checking Twitter :P
good morning. i am multitasking
drinking coffee and exploring the news
Human SMP
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@SipeedIO (Sipeed): @Neko_Ed 3. 4xA7@1.2GHz, 512MB 32bit DDR3, with 3 camera interface, MIPI dsi, 1000M eth, wifi+bt, ..., 1.5TOPS, run debian (maybe armbian?), MaixPy include too (31s ago)
@SipeedIO (Sipeed): @Neko_Ed 4. 4xA73 or 4xA55, 2 or 4 GB 64bit DDR4, many peripheral... 1.5T or 5T, run debian(or armbian?) MaixPy include. $25 or $40 (26s ago)
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): I guess I have to thank @armbian as their project is the main reason I became more active on @github over the past year(s). (12s ago)
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@nileshgr (Nilesh): @armbian A friend of mine was struggling with bananapi and I suggested him to try armbian and he was mind blown how flawlessly it worked. Good work ✌👍 (31s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @nileshgr: @armbian A friend of mine was struggling with bananapi and I suggested him to try armbian and he was mind blown how flawlessl… (23s ago)
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@raspberrytorpes (raspberryparatorpes): @nileshgr @armbian For me was a huge change. Suffering with my #BananaPiPro before I discovered @armbian and till now using every day more or less as a server 24/7 (26s ago)
@3mdeb_com (3mdeb): #Opensource. The most reasonable way to #distribute and share the results of our work. Our #projects and #commits to open repositories you will find here: @coreboot_org @yoctoproject @Linux @TrenchBoot @armbian https://t.co/f5dW2ujobFhttps://t.co/d2LR99wdC3 (11s ago)
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IgorPec: you around by chance?
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IgorPec: was gonna let you know Kotc is around atm so if you wanted to pm him about the EBin thing maybe he can test or help a bit? Just give him a pm
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@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @Neko_Ed @SipeedIO @SipeedIO reach out on the Armbian forums concerning support as soon as you can share SoC specifics. I think you'll get a wider range of opinions that way as well. Dev samples are always welcome for evaluation of fit into Armbian's system. (29s ago)
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IgorPec: FYI I'm working on a script to identify the IPs of the abusing apt requestors, and then ban on firewall for 7 days
yeah i was looking at fail2ban earlier, but it didnt seem like a good fit
but i'll take another look
well, i also can't tell if this is a perfect tool
it's really oriented around watching logs in real time for failures
where our criteria is too many successful requests of a cert type in a day
yeah. hard to say if this is covered
i was hoping i could just give fail2ban a list of bad IPs and let it take care of the hard part, but didnt seem so.. anyway i'll look again.. my friends suggested the same
i pretty much have the bad IP list generating taken care of
I'm ashamed of myself everytime I use jq, but sometimes its just easy to filter data
i use it to sometimes :)
mostly i'm trying to solve for the IP only being temporaily banned.. since they're mostly residential IPs, id on't thin we want to ban forever
this one look to be creative about something ... zz-update-extlinux
lanefu: pm when you have a minute pls and thank you :)
IgorPec: its weird even the armbianmonitor -u output looks incomplete http://ix.io/2rQq
yes, it looks that something important / vital is missing
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A discussion on the amlogic kernel mailing list about why 5.7 has no audio, apparently someone decided to change the meaning of some flags and didn't give a shit if it broke everything around it
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(The patch mentioned earlier as the potential culprit)
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hiyas have ya seen the new N2+ ?
yeah, uplckocked, downcooled
Error: Search not found in the last 1000 messages.
gah I can't even type wrong on purpose
more speed, less cooler
should be identical to N2 otherwise I thik
think* arg
Solder paste: 5000 products. Filter for room temperature storage: 5
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