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maybe so. i uninstalled htop, did apt clean, reinstalled htop, and now my cores are not even born. no core info in htop anymore!
i thought armbian used a custom htop install?
or patched it to some extent
Yeah there's a patched one. fizikz what armbian apt repos do you have configured
in my days writing /proc/cpuinfo was so easy ;-)
lol what's this? line 803: Platform_cpuBigLITTLE = cpu * -1; /* fix me */
yeah definitely interesting
binaries on my hc2 & mc1 are the same (md5sum)
could there be an "environment setting" difference ?
i saw it recently myself
i haven't tracked down why, but possibly something changed in the kernel cpufreq stuff/
freq stuff shouldn't influence endian model , does it ?
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fizikz: you have an OdroidN2?
lanefu: HC2
right. yeah sorry i saw another post on odroid forum and had wires crossed that it was your userid
bigLITTLE isn't endian-ness
what is it then ? /me fooled by big endian/little endian
little cores (power savers) vs big cores (performance)
endian-ness is about which side (left or right) the most or least significant bits are
i.e. having values represented left-to-right or right-to-left
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To "catch up" with GitLab and Bitbucket's awful designs? :3
bitbucket is terrible
Sadly, yes. A few years ago it had the best UI of the three. My self-hosted Gitolite+cgit is sort of my favorite, though gitea is decent too. :/
haha when I saw "gitea" I initially said it in my head rhyming with "Catia", and had a fear seizure
I was playing with Gogs (chwe's recommendation)
so SBC vendors
are they all like.... 2 people?
It seems that way sometimes
Gitea is continued gogs, not sure who actually uses it but disroot has a hosted one and I think I saw Devuan is using gitea?
They've added that they don't recommend that method to the title after their twitter turned into a chorus of terrified screaming
Good morning.
lanefu: great blog (although I only understand a tiny fraction of it ;) ) - tiny typo(?): "Rsync is uploads the test file via ssh because of.."
Not sure anywys how accurate this is. Hexchat logs are not officially supported, used the xchat parser. And the script itself is pretty old :/
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anybody know why H6 can only address 3GB of memory? same reaon their PCIe address space is scattered?
No idea. Interestingly enough that there are tv boxes sold that claim to have 4GB of memory.
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yeah evne pineH64 3-gig model is 4gig worth of chips.. at least they're transparent about it
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@rasp_ap (RaspAP 📡): Not crazy about the default Debian/Raspbian red theme? Customize your theme by using the new mobile-friendly color picker! Choose from the palette or enter an arbitrary value 🎨 #wifi #armbian #raspberrypi https://t.co/RicqavMHYs (2s ago)
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hi igor!
i played with python adn the github api a little bit
going to have a job that queeries and see's if there's too many CI jobs in queuee and then alerts me
as a start
ok, do you have idea why that docker image building is failing
but cron triggering works apparently
have a link to the job? might need to clean the workspace
i want auto updated docker image at docker hub
that can be implemented to the build system
what you're doing is a reasonable solution honestly
yeah, just it doesn't work properly :)
put a `docker images` commandin there before ethe push, lets seee whats there
does it need to run with sudo?
will try to play around on my dayjob
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Evening, wizards
* TRS-80
has been remiss in maitaining his dotfiles repo and now has to go back and make probably 10s of commits from shit he doesn't remember from months ago
* TRS-80
sets to the task, armed only with Magit and a tasty delicious adult beverage
s/ wizards/ fellow wizards/
TRS-80 meant to say: Evening, fellow wizards
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TRS-80: not using stow?
steev: nah I found that very limiting; for example totally impossible to keep things from /etc, etc... oO
although certainly there are benefits to a lower friction solution, perhaps not getting into this sort of problem in first place
if I went that route I think I would use something else though, maybe YADM as it seemed pretty versatile (and one day I might still)
steev: Anyway these are code as well as config changes; the config changes are actually probably the easiest part