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midnight has joined #armbian
whats an ar-457
archetech: got 1080p vids playing in aarch64/debian on the Pi4 :D
next step... create the patches needed to use it in mainline.
someone is having fun
mostly boredom
yeah I like to see much they can do peeps have 4k vid too
h264 or h265? 10 bit color?
nekomancer[m]:Em0ne had done some stuff on native builds, but not too much progress yet
emOne: curious how to make build toolkit. I spent lot of time on it without success.
nekomancer[m]:they're not around
but i glanced at their code and was mostly adding some conditionals and trying to use gcc from build-essentials
and instead gcc4 too?
is it legal?
no idea
i kinda figured we should probably download gcc directly from arm. and do teh same thing we do for cross compiling
nekomancer[m]: are you interested in trying to work onit?
<lanefu "i kinda figured we should probab"> but there only cross compilers availale
slap in boot command and make an armbianEnv.txt file with rootdev= defined
* nekomancer[m]
als dont forge to generated boot.scr from bootcmd
* TRS-80
doesn't know what any of that means
Tonymac32: he's running debian jessie... and had an armbian -next kernel
TRS-80: mount that sdcard again and pin up another tmate
oh dang that is krust
# Recompile with:
# mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr
I was looking at that
(see my post)
just very unsure here
so don't tell anyone i was this helpful or we won't be able to have nice things
of course not, wouldn't want to ruin your rep
also, I'll send you a check after :)
keep it and use it to buy something newer than a cubieboard
actually props to you for letting it continue to have a purpose
it's a TRUCK
pick-up with pin-up?
who is zed? zed is dead
lanefu ROFL
whose bike is that?
faak what is PM command again?
"/msg" ?
"/q" ?
mike64 has joined #armbian
lanefu: thanks again for the help last night. So today has been filled with installing docker and learning armbian build. I have built the current kernel with no changes. I tried to install the rt patch but ran into a problem. The closest I can get numbers to match is like this: current-kernel-5.9.7 current rt-patch-5.9.1 current legacy-5.4.75 rt-5.4.74. Both ways the patches fail (I'm guessing that's because the numbers don't mat
ch) What i don't know how to do is make armbian build use different souces to match the rt patches available. Or how to fix it myself. Any thought?
* Tonymac32
backing up files on my build server instead of building stuff tonight since we EOL'd bionic
what was wrong with Bionic?
i asked... "some troubles"
I had no troubles
mike64: yeah first thing is look at build/output/debug/patching.log
but might actually need to change what repo and tag n stuff your kernel comes from isntead of default
DigitalMan1983_ has joined #armbian
how would I do that or where is the manual so can FRI
sheesh, no one played Oregon Trail apparently
TRS-80: well if you're late to teh docker party.. look into podman
haha I got the reference!!
Tonymac32: yeah i getcha ford the river
took me a while
and I have a Ferd
and a Derge
lanefu: OK, coming from you, will do
* nekomancer[m]
plays oregon trail on RADIO86RK in 1987
the Ferd is 7 years older and in way better mechanical shape :)
* DigitalMan1983_
doesn't go that far back but remembers playing it on an apple IIe
yeah i need a respectable way to play oregon trial
But even before this current pickle, I have been thinking about the idea more like cattle, where this server has definitely been a pet so far. Also distributed nodes (family) linked together over wireguard.
I have to say the windows version they made in the 90s was pretty cool
TRS-80: i just need to get you to trying the ansible koolaid
We had 1 IIgs
and a thousand IIe's
do you know in 2002 they threw tham all in a dumpster?
I believe it! outdated, old, obsolete.....but not enough so to be worth anything at that time
lanefu: Docker compose I thought would work fine? What am I missing?
yeah, I wish I could have saved the gs and a couple c's
I really miss my commodore. left it at a hackerspace I'm no longer a member of :(
* Tonymac32
secretly wants the keyboard computer back
Actually after reading today, I thought Docker compose + config + secrets + swarm would probably fit my needs nicely (but you probably know better).
but a real one
not some Pi debris
TRS-80:i had doker compose in principl
and swarm
but its probably just fine for your lifestyle
* Tonymac32
wonders why lanefu and TRS-80 are speaking Klingon
haha docker is still a pretty foreign concept to me, I'm learning it to try and wrap my brain around Olimex's build scripts
I sort of gathered that Ansible, Chef, etc. were sort of things before Docker came to prominence? And more for VMs sort of, rather than containers / services?
Docker is actually quite simple I think
Docker's biggest crime is Dockerfile
Well, grasping the concepts anyway. I just started though.
it's a huge step backwards
* lanefu
big ansible fan
..and you can run ansible on containers to configure them too
OK, so you prefer the syntax? Or?
My friend is sending me ratchets on messenger now becuase he used my 2005 Stanley China Walmart one
and you can run ansible on containers to configure them too [en~>eng]
I've onlyt use a sledghammer on it a few times
and a floor jack
* Tonymac32
didn't have a breaker bar for a while
* TRS-80
adds podman, ansible to reading list
my favorite HF tool is the 4lb drilling hammer
mine is the hair trimmer from hell
* TRS-80
is extremely pleased with recent purchase of Bauer (red) 3/8" impact bit driver
Tonymac32: my buddy gave me a flex head finetoothed snapon ratchet for christmas last year..... just to poisin my mind
although it has a stupid ground pad underneath that I'll have to paste and flow
I'm going to attempt fixing an SBC with lifted RAM pads that [TheBug] is sending me, just for the storytelling if I pull it off
kind of like re-aligning my camshaft after the passenger side head skipped the chain with a set of channel locks and my calibrated lazy eye
* Tonymac32
has 10k miles on it since repair with an unusual amount of time spent at 6250 RPM
4.0 L V6's love 6000+ RPM
nekomancer[m]: I use mostly metric tools even on my american cars... mostly use the fraction stuff in carpetntry
Automotive went primarily metric starting in the 80's
yeah my wagoneer is the first car where i've really had to bust out the SAE stuff
what Tonymac32 said
as an update, replacing my spring shackles/bushings/hangers, I don't get any axle hop while... um spinning the tires
it has to be pretty old domestic not to have metric any more
i guess i'll cancel those ladder bars i was gonna get you for xmas
yeah, there were some weird growing pains there
like imperial body hardware and metric engine stuff
and my Ford 8.8" rear end, well ,the name says it
* Tonymac32
still backing up files before trying cursed upgrade
* Tonymac32
might have bought a 10 pack of 10mm sockets
* DigitalMan1983_
totally bought 15 5-packs of flush cutters instead of 15 pairs
I bought 3 packs of rubber bands, not realizing they were 3, 3 pack 1 lb bags
When my boss asked if I ordered enough of everything I just said "we will never run out of flush cutters. ever."
famous lasy word
a long time ago i worked at corporate HQ for Circuit City
ah, Circuit City
I liked that place
and managed like all the inventory
and my manager ordered color laser tonor
but when calculating consumption and run rate, she did the sum of all colors
...and bankrupted the company
.and bankrupted the company [en~>eng]
and thats how you end up with a 280 day supply of color toner at like $30k in value
they were so desinted to fail
uh oh
they had 40 different store floorplans
wow indeed
have you ever been in an advance auto parts? I think there are 2 floor plans
also onetime i got an awkward fax that was meant for like the executives where they were selling their corporate jet
store and hub store
Tonymac32: there's some slight edgecases when the store is inside like a strip mall or other exisitng building instead of standalone
but yeah generally they're consistent
nekomancer[m], I did but did not understand where the important part was until now when I needed it....thank you
lol my buddy is putting together his helios64.. showed me a pic.. literally like 50 screws
probably worthy of a skookum
skookum — what is it?
good question. Lanefu?
* TRS-80
was looking at assembly instructions recently, even though I haven't ordered one yet
> not watching AVE
yeah this is gonna be like the weirdest birds adn bees talk ever
Arduino v Evil, firstly
I enetered this conversation at exactly the wrong time I feel :D
nekomancer[m]: once upon a time there a brilliant man. He was messing with arduinos and made a youtube channel
but the truth was. he wasnt an electrical engineer. he was a mechanical engineer. He had a Canadian speech impediment, and he was forced to work in the mines all accross teh world
as a jail?
it turned him salty like a pirate, but he remained sharp as a fox... and continued to make youtube. and say nonsense words like Skookum to mean overbuilt or sturdy
(being canadian *is* a speech impediment if Youtube is to be believed)
nekomancer ROFL not Siberia
see: The Trailer Park Boys, 1PugLife, etc for references to Canadian dialect
yay gunfire
* nekomancer[m]
visit syberia 3 times (Tiymen, Yekaterinburg, Omsk to be clear). not a bad place for living.
nekomancer[m]:nope not jail, he just worked on big industrial stuff for mining operations all over the world
AvE Swears like a Scottish pirate
ahaa!! :)
you never went to Norilsk?
nekomancer[m]:anyway look him up on youtube.... he's brilliant and blabbers nonsense constantly
no, newer visit Norilsk :)
native english speakers can't understand him 1/3 of the time so
Crashing. Adios
later on
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gn man thanks again
wathcing the dist-upgrade wondering if his machine will ever come back XD
who me?
me lol
never dist-upgrade lol
my build machine is bionic, which the management just EOL'd so I have to go to Focal
well ok
it runs armbian images, BOINC, and a minecraft server
not exactly mission critical
> Minecraft server
> not mission critical
well I backed it up so my kids dont go on the warpath
we run Minetest here :)
* Tonymac32
can't wait to see my son's reaction when he wakes up in an obsidian jail cell
admin abuse
how old are yours?
he keeps blowing stuff up and not fixing it
6 and 8
should maybe get them together
ok maybe not lol
ours is 12, but he refers to other kids as "the children"
you should see him having coffee in the morning like a little 50 yr old
my son has allt he same eye contact/communication issues I have, home schooling has been amazingly beneficial
and ROFL
yes you can show him the way
All I know is I'm this grumpy in my 30's I can't imagine what my 50+'s are going to look like
damn kids
get off my lawn uphill both ways snow
"back in my day the cars had a shifter"
I'll still have an ICE until they're literally illegal
and I'm an electrical engineer
*something something* LEARN WHAT MINING LOOKS LIKE *something something*
archetech_ has joined #armbian
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@VeryMetalDev (Henri VeryMetalDev ⌨️🖥️👨🔧🖋️✏️😷): @kfalconspb Oh you're installing a new Mac OS, my next OS installing trip is going to be Odroid C4 with Armbian. 🐧 https://t.co/DZPFIfrDbT (15s ago)
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MrFixIt has joined #armbian
archetech has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
Good morning
Good morning!
> Welcome to Armbian 20.11.0-trunk Buster with Linux 5.9.7-sunxi
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@maligorneleo (Léo Maligorne): @kobol_io Hey ! Any news to communicate about a Armbian stable version ? (13s ago)
_whitelogger has joined #armbian
lanefu, did you have any luck with RockPi-E and HDMI? Iirc, you ordered a cable to test it.
good morning
heisath: i attached hdmi and works oob
ok than I have to check my connection.
Any restriction regarding resolution?
but screen is black until login screen
i attached FHD
yeah I will try again. Another note, I had no luck getting mvebu to 5.9. So this will happen somewhere between this and the next release.
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Release might be shifted a bit anyways
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Yeah but I don't want to rush just because 5.8 is eol.
The guys from kobol have no time atm for helios4 so it is a bit slower.
Igor you also have a clearfogpro around, right?
yes i do
i would say we rebuild images with kernel from repository
postponing relese into december is last option
I'd also just stay at the last 5.8 kernel for the time. We can easily to bugfix update if 5.9 is stable
i assume rockchip and meson can be provided with 5.9.y, right?
raver has joined #armbian
Oh btw. the testing board nearly reached be. It got into my street but Hijax put wrong address on it, so it is now going back to him...
Yeah i'm in house no. 14, he only put 1 on the label :p
i got similar problem once - i wrote everything correct but forgot to add door number. it came back :)
To switch to the current trunk build I have to armbian-config -> nightly, correct?
i am just updating todays build
in 3, 2, 1
just a little more
got it.
Trying to do mvebu lk5.9 I get this: "arch/arm/vfp/vfphw.o: in function `vfp_support_entry':
(.text+0xa): relocation truncated to fit: R_ARM_THM_JUMP19 against symbol `vfp_kmode_exception' defined in .text.unlikely section in arch/arm/vfp/vfpmodule.o"
at modele linking stage?
some module is broken i guess
Not sure which one though. Theres not much else in the log
@raspberrytorpes (raspberryparatorpes): Interesting way to show you how the foundation and spending are going #armbian new server https://t.co/bYgqb4DqTs (23s ago)
Heisath has joined #armbian
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@kobol_io (Kobol Innovations): @maligorneleo You can upgrade to latest Armbian version 20.08.21 (23s ago)
@NicolasDorier (Nicolas Dorier): @kryptokidz_ @dglab_official @MaxwellSikorski @BtcpayServer you can DIY. Beside the case, the components are https://t.co/vY6JSOGfcZ and image https://t.co/aiT8KzaAyW (23s ago)
@sahajsarup (Sahaj Sarup @ home): @armbian Cool now use 128gb as ramfs 😂 (6s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @sahajsarup @armbian Even more most likely for building all the kernel packages to get the whole cache directory into it. (27s ago)
@sahajsarup (Sahaj Sarup @ home): @DieZuckerbude @armbian Yeah, a big ramfs for ccache (6s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @sahajsarup @DieZuckerbude We build 500+ images per release and with 256Gb we still won't be able to build them all at once 🙃 but process will be much faster ... Currently, with 128Gb, we can build and pack around 100 images in parallel. (10s ago)
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miechu has joined #armbian
yellow all
qq: formatted SD card, though my 'amazing' device doesn't want to boot off of it (doesn't even seem that it is reading the sd card), any suggestions?
sd card is HC, 5mb write speed so should suffice, multitool image flashed using etcher
@sahajsarup (Sahaj Sarup @ home): @armbian @DieZuckerbude Do you have load balancing script or just manually set up number of builds, asking for a friend. (11s ago)
Heisath: turned out my rockpi e was a rockpi S
ah ok
but Igor says his was working oob so I'll test again
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@armbian (armbian): @sahajsarup @DieZuckerbude We just limit maximum number of concurrent builds via rule of thumb method ;) When one is finished, new can start. (14s ago)
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miechu has joined #armbian
apologies, my system crashed before I had a chance to read any replies if there were any...
which hardware?
15:32:50 <+lanefu> miechu: try different sdcard adn power supply... historiaclly it's the
biggest factor in boards not starting
buZz the board is starting, it's just booting into Android TV
android tv boxes are not supported
ah its booting fine
it just doesn't want to boot off of SD card for some reason
nothing wrong, next problem
miechu: they arent x86 computers, they dont magically just boot of a SD card
buZz humm, how to force it then?
miechu: by learning wtf bootloader your device is using
and you have no sources, no schematics, etc
its a paintfull work to get them operational and only guessing which is huhe waste of time
better get a real computer
IgorPec I've got the name and the motherboard, the name is "MXQ PRO 4k" and the MO is S905W
miechu: we can help recommend a supported SBC if you like tho :)
but yeah basically TV boxes are all hack jobs to get them working.. some people make some jail break thigns for the bootloaders so you can wipe the emmc and hten it'll boot frmo sdcard
miechu: oh cool!
miechu: thats indeed not supported
buZz hahahaha, that first line... got my hopes up :D
ur better of using it as a tv box and checking to see if CoreELEC supports it.
nobody is supporting it
miechu: i think there is support topic on the forum
that is the best
IgorPec thanks, c0rnelius thanks also, I'll have a look. what I wanted to achieve is to have a really low power, file/http server that could do something basic
yeah, any arm sbc can do exactly that
have you looked at the nanopi neo boards for that
just some are supported, some are not
if in the us look at andahammer.com
and they are not supported because it is EXPENSIVE to provide any help
in term of time and "reasnobility"
ok running out bbl
miechu: right, some ship with enclosure so things can be tidy if you want
i see a MXQ 4K pro in the list of devices there. There is also a random S905W... worth a look see.
IgorPec, yeah, that makes sense... but you know it's the box that sits there and the thoughts just come in - "how can I use that?" because the whole Android tv experience is just horrible
miechu: you don't have scheamtics for this "nice" box
stipa not in the US, but thanks, will see if we've got something in EU
so no linux for you
anything you get is pure luck / hacked together
haha, gotcha
miechu: just do a good research if everything works before you purchase
stipa thanks or maybe I'll go for some really used post-leasing device ;)
should be same price
it's a planning if you want linux on, even same devices have different chips in different versions
so it can screw your vision
your plan*
miechu: whenever you will go for a close device, your best support are hackers
and only
drobo_00 has joined #armbian
IgorPec, see pm
dist upgrade to Focal succeeded
even ubuntu improved :)
tonymac32: what do you say we upgrade Rockhip / Tinkerboard to 5.9.y ... there are two disabled patches which i don't know if we still need them
I can check it later today
its probably safe upgrade
I would guess so, but we love surprises
Is Dev set up or is it a PR only?
no worries, I'll check it out
its PR only
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archetech has joined #armbian
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Oh, I played Minetest on my Renegade Elite last night to see how it would out of the box
not bad
some texturing issues now and then and the FPS was a bit low ;)
this will improve slowly
honestly I was impressed
Tony_mac32 has joined #armbian
"yeah, this year is the year of linux desktop"
I am reading https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Advanced-Features/#how-to-unbrick-the-system and the first paragraph states "With this procedure you will reinstall the u-boot, kernel and hardware settings." However, the list of (4) packages provided shortly thereafter does not actually appear to contain the u-boot? Out of those 4 packages, I understand kernel, dtb, and firmware, but what is
IgorPec: Hey. Can the N2/+ boot from USB directly?
with help of bootloader on SPI
but TBH i didn't even try :)
Alright that's what I thought. Thanx as always.
Tenkawa has joined #armbian
IgorPec: followup to c0rnelius question on the usb boot (I was curious about it). Do you have any idea how its going to act if its a drive enclosure that would normally require a usb quirk in most linux kernel scenarios?
if petit boot chainloads uboot from USB its not a problem
ok good
I'll have to figure out how to test this
if u-boot from SPI boots kernel directly, then you need to look where to add quirks
i never did it so ... theoretical
yeah I saw the config entry area to update when I was in the interface one day
I really have been looking for a way to get rid of this chainloaded microsd method I'm using currently
it works but really tedious and error prone
but chainload is better
spi bootloader is not updated often
so you would recommend I just keep using this method
and especially ... we already use 2020.07 boot loader
for modern images
ok thanks for the info.
ur welcome
I finally got a n2+ hooked up to a nvme via usb and it is really running like lightning :)
Really? Still? And even I thought they finally got their hardware act together (at least) on this latest release.
no matter, they will still sell millions of them to muppets
v5 will have twice as fast PCI and so on :)
there is always a caveat.
Eventually they might finally release something worth a crap (hardware wise). However it won't matter as it's all locked down Broadcom crap anyway.
and amlogic, rockchip and allwinner aren't locked down in some way?
No where near like what RPi is, as far as I understand
I mean, you essentially require their proprietary bootloader / rtos / video driver to boot up first and do anything. Amirite?
boot loader yes, for sure and then there is the userland which is not completely open sourced but they are making inroads with bcm2711 and making sure it gets merged into mainline.
of course this is probs to cut down on the heavy patching they already do in the foundation kernel and really isn't for our benefit. But.. whatever they likes monies.
OK, because I was just about to ask... Who is "they"? Independent people like us doing reverse engineering? Or Broadcom themselves? Because Broadcom have long been extremely hostile towards F/LOSS.
But what you said makes sense.
Even their so called "open source video driver" they released a while back was total marketing BS. A useless stub that still requires loading a whole bunch of other proprietary stuff (as I understand). And yet the muppets eat it up.
its being merged into 5.10 or atleast the 80 patches I saw submitted is suggesting this
What is?
that and with mesa 20.3-rc(whatever) gets you full screen vid playback at 720p & 1080p.
Also, that has nothing to do with Broadcom. "mostly developed and funded by Intel and AMD"
"pi" is for dummmies
not gonna argue there... just saying its being mainlined.
yeah, but its nothing to do with video
its 3d engine
Oh here is a scrap (a little stub for others to do something with). Let's hail Broadcom as supporters of F/LOSS! It's all so tiresome...
but its does have to do with utilizing hardware
so without proper support whats the point?
pi has propriatery video engine
c0rnelius: Maybe you do not understand why, fundamentally, freedom is important? Particularly in software?
TRS-80: I don't give any shits about broadcom anymore than I care about the others.
OK, maybe you don't. But many others (muppets, typically) think they are some bastion of open source. Oh the RPi is for education, etc. All this nonsense...
Personally I feel it should be all open and free for everyone much like I feel about everyone should be able to get the best education at no cost. Knowledge should be free in my opinion, period.
Greed is what keeps all on this rock
And I agree with that. What I take exception to, is Broadcom (RPi foundation) marketing themselves as being for open source, education, etc. while in reality doing exactly the opposite.
rpi is good for business and to keep people stupid
right the oppossite
I don't think the average person is greedy. Self interested, perhaps. But greed is the particular domain of sociopaths (who are over-represented in certain occupations, CEO, corporate execs being among thhose).
like I said yesterday and everyday, its a good learning tool for kids.
OK maybe it is. But unless they are /giving/ those RPi to schools, they are not philanthropists. They are /selling/ them to shools. In the millions.
a lot less over than say a windows or mac lab
over head*
OK I concede that point
thats what that silly 400 release was about
However I would also argue that introducing children to proprietary, locked down systems (particularly under the guise of something you can "hack" on) is particularly harmful.
sure... but? you came around didn't you?
what was ur first computer experience?
programming my namesage in about third grade
TRS-80 meant to say: programming my namesake in about third grade
on what locked down system?
^ neat :)
I don't know the extent that TRS-80 was locked down or not, particulary at that age (and maybe that's your point).
in fact I still don't know now
Also, I don't follow you taking about "silly 400 release?"
this in my opinion is being specifically marketing to schools Unless ur some die hard Pi fan why would anyone be interested?
I remember those drug education videos when we were kids talking about drug dealers giving free drugs to kids. Now, I never actually saw that growing up. But we do have Broadcom, Apple, Microsoft, etc. instead... :D
Thank you stipa, you put it better than I did perhaps. Riding on the current popularity of open source, to make lots of sales. Whilst being actually quite hostile to it in reality.
You must have went to shit school :D
we had all the best stuff
I wouldn't call a school where drugs were not seen a shit one. Rather the opposite.
Particularly at elementary and middle school levels.
TRS-80: it always happens, someone creates something big from heart and greedy crap overtakes it.
all depends on ur outlook and what drugs ur referring too.
but yes. drugs are bad, kids! stay away and get back on social media.
Social Media = crack
ban social media
sick shit isn't it
down with Fb/Twiter
spcoal media is just new TV
ban them
Interactive TV's
Even though I choose not to partake personally, I find it quite telling that a naturally growing plant is on the highest federal schedule of illegal drugs, meanwhile synthetic opiods are perfectly fine (as long as prescribed by your doctor). lol
we need to get back to face to cface interacction
social media is destroying familys
andgaming needs to be limited to no more then 2 hr a day if under 18
And you guys are spot on about the screen crack. The mind control they achieved through televison pales in comparison to what they have achieved now through smartphones, social media, etc.
parent stop letting tablets/phones babysit and raise your kids
^ this
We make a point to sit down together every night as a family and have dinner together. With no devices, TV, etc. on in the background. Just good old fashioned face to face interaction.
But it's depressin when eating out (we do rarely) seeing families all sitting together eating (usually more fast food type places) but they are all on their own phones. While sitting right across from one another. It's bizarre.
tyeah People need to eat out less. save money
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eat healthier at home
yeah they eat like its their last meal and dont talk
bbiab things to do
within some cultures throughout history they used to dose their children with psychedelics in order for them to reach a particular state of manhood.
And depending on that culture it still goes on to this day.
drugs are poison
It's strictly done to give them perspective
it simple
the body is telling you that you don't eat it or drink it again.
if you listen to someone that tells you that it's fine you just rot inside
my point is who are you or anyone to say what is good for person A or person B?
Sure something cultures so we can look at from the outside and say yes! that horrible... But we are viewing it as an outside observer.
somethings cultures do*
the only one who has some benfit from drugs are those selling it.
thats really a matter of opinion.
incoporating it in the culture is a big profit
or ideology
by the fact
it's poison
the world around is poisoning you for profit
do u own a car?
let's say I do.
well what do you think its takes to not only manufacture that beast but to also run it and what they are doing to "the planet" for ur convenience?
Do you care?
People usually play dumb when that's the topic for some unknown reason :D
stipa: of course I care. I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't. Does it matter to the masses? No. Anyway, this is Armbian and not really a place for philosophical conversation and the inner working of the human condition at large.
It could fit in the "User expirience"
you guys could create armbian-offtopic :)
Docs state to do `fsck /dev/sdX -f` however I see no -f option in man fsck, on host x86 here nor in Armbian?
if ops don't mind if there is offtopic chat there's no need for it TRS-80
tray to ask your question in #armbian-devel
We don't mind, which is why I didn't say anything, and you guys sorted yourselves out. I was just saying, if you two want to continue down that rabbit hole...
Also my questions are support, not devel related. Also, there are more people in here.
but devs know that stuff
But that is not the point of channels.
To me it's just two different viewpoints and I really try not to judge. and going down a silly rabbit hole over something that we're not going to agree on at the end of the day seems kind of pointless.
As a neutral observer, I think you guys were kind of talking past each other. But that's what happens when it departs from being a dispassionate discussion.
it's an intellectual argument
that's how it works
engineers don't use it much but scientists do
is board-specific questions on-topic?:-)
I disagree that things need to be heated. In fact I think that is counter-productive. However that is the example set in the popular media. Now, why do you suspect that is? ;)
Redfoxmoon: green light
I have a nanopi-r2s here that I can't quite figure out
Is the serial port supposed to be dead until an OS is loaded and optionally starts using it?
I don't think so
Its not like this is politics and I'm by no means heated, that's for sure.
Just where is it going? no where.
It does boot if I write an armbian image to an sd card and plop it in, but the serial port remains completely dead
You sure you have it hooked up correctly? Do not hook up power.
And needs to be 3.3v IIRC
It doesn't have a VCC pin exposed, only TX, RX, and GND
according to friendlyarm it has a strange baudrate of 150000(?)
you get giberish or nothing?
yes put that in
I've tried all the usual ones too, *absolutely nothing*
I like screen, I find it simplest
you sure you have the correct device?
er, actually, with one ttl dongle I got squares written back when I tried typing stuff in
as if tx and rx were tied together on the dongle side
rk3328, always fun stuff.
Redfoxmoon: you do know that you need t ocross rx and tx?
to cross
of course
not my first little board:-)
I mean it should "just work" so we diagnosing here
yes, right
starting with obvious things
you sure correct device?
c0rnelius: TRS-80 To be honest I don't care either, if something has to be sold t osomeone you have to know his mindset, be it drug addict or a saint.
what do you mean by correct device?
as in on the host? yes
stipa: c0rnelius: Well clearly you guys do care, and that's OK. Mostly I see misunderstanding between you too, and the cure for that is more talking, not less.
Redfoxmoon: yes exactly
I don't :D
Redfoxmoon: I mean, check your own assumptions. Especially if you are experienced. Simple things can often be the problem.
c0rnelius: suit yourself
yeah using windows, and there's only one serial device on this machine, ever
tend too
Redfoxmoon: I think we found the problem! :D
I've gone over all the obvious problems already
its like a relationship. You need to pick ur battles ;)
Redfoxmoon: Yeah I am not sure what else to check then.
and when it comes to perspective and perception everyone is different.
right, gonna list it for sale and get something else like a rock64
Redfoxmoon: You check forums for particulars of that device? I am not familiar with it. But every device may have it's little known niggles.
Redfoxmoon: could just try and make it work?
Alsom how nice of you to dump off something that doesn't work onto someone else. /smh
I spent the entirety of yesterday trying just about everything I could think of:-)
It boots
try another power supply
or phone charger
So why need serial? Just curious?
yep, got an 2 amp phone charger, and I have had it boot into armbian already
absolutely nothing wrong with it, other than the fact the serial console doesn't work
Redfoxmoon: can you ssh in?
I mean, you should have serial, just in case... but yeah
that's weird
phone chargers are not necessary designed to power SBCs due to alternating load
yeah was gonna say... use a real power supply.
would've seen a crash then no?
like the raspberry pi (1)
who knows, that's the point
esp at boot when power inrush
Am I the only one that powers my $80 SBC with a $25 Mean Well power supply? :D
could be an incompatibility with my ttl dongles too
TRS-80 meant to say: Am I the only one that powers my $80 SBCs with a $25 Mean Well power supply? :D
the TP-Link C50v2 is funny in that regard
yeah I have a couple dirrerent ones here, maybe swap if you can
that device will actually crash if you connect a ttl dongle it doesn't like
tru, need to buy a good quality dongle
then again, the quality of the nanopi r2s seems to be a bit dubious, at least according to the person who added upstream openwrt support, something about mac addresses
I don't know what a "good quality" anything even means any more nowadays. I mean, you can spend a lot of money, and get the same cheap crap from China, marked up by one or more middle men. Or you can go straight to Ali or Gearbest or whatever and get the same thing for a couple bucks.
I know tux over at #devuan-arm has been working on a build for that board. I don't believe he is currently online, but he may have a bit of insight on it. You know before you decide to put it up for sale.
well good quality as in not using a clone chip
c0rnelius, oooo sounds interesting
its all debian related, which is why I'm bringing it up.
I probably use them and they are fine
well until you plug them into a windows computer and magic smoke comes out
avoiding licensing does not necessarily have anything to do with quality
often it does, but not necessarily
true, but when it comes to clones I've had 50/50 luck
I guess I had good luck
only exception is the CH341(?) spi flasher
excluding the fact it uses 5v when it says it's 3.3v
I was reading some guide the other day said to check the power. I never did before, but I think I will start.
easily fixable by lifting the power pin of the chip off the board and connecting it to 3.3 volts iirc
the ones I have have a switch. But I never actually verified it.
most exciting part is I used that shoddy thing to flash a thinkpad x230 with coreboot
300-400 dollar laptop attached to 2 dollar cheap chinese crap, very exciting.
Are you me? That's also why I bought mine initially.
But t60, I don't have you kinda money. :D
I think I have a T60
I have a few thinkpads, two X230 in pretty pristine condition
I don't like the little ones. Even though swiftgeek tells me the hardware is a lot better. I'm a big guy (4u).
I paid nothing for all of them
oh nice
trash picked from ex-work place
oh wow
I had this colleague who refused to toss anything usable
he retired last summer and went "take it all else it ends up in the garbage!"
You caught a hoarder in transition, lucky
I also have a HP 9000 D220 sitting here.
time and place... lol
tru, it makes for a nice 60 kg coffee table
Redfoxmoon meant to say: tru, it makes for a nice 70 kg coffee table
what is that some big flat server?
It's a tower from 1997
* TRS-80
can't be arsed to copypaste into search
HPPA machine running HPUX
4 cpu's ?
not sure what the spec details are
I know it powers on, but I haven't had time (and energy) to reinstall HPUX and look around
seeing some pics
* TRS-80
actually has rofi-in-elisp he wrote that takes system clipboard and primary as top 2 fields in search query dialog, but it's broken atm because cubietruck is down
The Model D200 is a uniprocessor with a 75 MHz
think this one is around 100 MHz
support for up to 512 MB
of memory
The Model D210 is similar, but it used a 100 MHz
then it will update your system with the latest avaible pkgs for your system /os
cubie just boots from sd so why noe flash a new sd and boot
Summary: I was coming from really old Jessie or something and my kernel never got updated. I try to do armbian-config and change kernel, now I can't boot.
and rebuild up
Can confirm that it boots with fresh image on other sd card.
wait your updating from jessie to what
did you do a dist-upgrade
you have alot moore to do when updating via dist upgerade
Yes I did. I'm sorry, let me back up. Prior to all of this I did that. I was on Buster.
And it was working fine. But somehow the kernel never got updated. I was on 4.something.
mike64 has joined #armbian
and if you did a apt update did it say pkgs where being held back
apt update && apt upgrade should say if any pkgs are being held back
if they are held back there is a reaason
I can't swear to it, but I don't think so. I think the problem was because I was on old naming scheme? And maybe did not upgrade for a long period of time before, and thus perhaps missed some intermediate upgrade in the meantime.
well until you check propperly then its just best to start new
raver has joined #armbian
unless you have a img to go back and check with
rneese I think he needs to surgically replace his u-boot
there is alot to proper trouble shooting you guys dont do now days
well if the pkg was helld back he can
but if it no longer boots then its alot more work
some dd
Maybe so, but there is a lot of config on that old sdcard that I would rather not have to re-do if at all possible. My view now changed from pets to cattle, but this box has been a pet until now, if you get my drift.
you can mount the card and get the config files
true I suppose
you have not lost the coonifgs
byr still, more work
I dunno, maybe you are right
copy the card to NAS
stipa: this box /was/ the NAS :D
what software you using for nas
I can't even load my OS right now (Emacs), I'm almost lost without it XD
rneese: just a plain NFS mount
wow okk
I mean, I guess I could move the disks...
not done that in a long time
Well I'm back with errs and logs from trynign to apply the RT patch to armbian for my Orange Pi. I am using Docker (and the little knowledge of it I gave gleaned )
yes iinstall OMV or open nas
file sharing is one of the most basic and straightfoward functions of a "server" IMO, no need for anything more complex than that
My patching.log throws these errors: Processing file /root/armbian/userpatches/kernel/sunxi-current/rt-preempt-5.9.1-rt20.patch
17 out of 17 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file fs/io-wq.c.rej
Maybe you are right. But there are some services and things I would really like to get back up and running on this box ASAP. After that is done, pretty sure I convinced myself to move more in a cattle vs pet configuration like Docker swarm or somesuch. But that will take time to implement also, and in meantime I have services that are down (including NAS, XMPP server, git repos, etc.) that I
need to get back up ASAP.
I think there might be something related to crosscompiling armbian on an x86 system, running docker. But this is my first time tryning to do this so my head is spinnig.
TRS-80: it looks daunting but amybe it's the fastest way
stipa: you know, I been thinking about it
if my stuff crashes i just flash new image and copy what i need when i need it to a new system.
stipa: I was able to build it without trynig to add the patch and making config changes. With that in mind would you make the same recommendation (I'm not entirely convinced they are connected I just don't know enough either way)
do you have enough disk space?
df -h
inside of the docker
in ubuntu inside of the docker*
I made it use space on my home rather than on /var because I had that problem the first time. I can succefully build the kernel makeing no changes. I can successfully build the kernel changing CONFIG_HZ to 1000. But I cannot build when applying the rt patch. That is what is failing.
is it supported for your board, the "rt patch" ?
opi 1 right?
opi 2
I'm not sure that's what I'm trying to learn
I've never really applied a patch to the kernel on my own before so I am already in uncharted territory
it is
it's not userland anymore
Though I think I will just install a VM I thought Docker would be eiser but it's just another layer between me and what I am tryng to do\
yeah I'm installing virtualbox now. thanks for that link.
mike64: Are you on Windows or GNU/Linux? If you prefer F/LOSS, kvm is available and very good. Virtualbox is proprietary software, owned by Oracle, which is why I do not recommend it.
i'm on arch
Do you care about freedom? :)
sounds like kvm is the better choice then?
more complex i guess
haven't tried it yet
if you have gui go with virtual box
if cli only then kvm or docker
It's actually not. There is even a GUI. Perhaps not as polished as Virtualbox, but I think such concerns are less important in the long run.
try all
Any powerful / complex software requires some investment to master. The more relevant question (IMO) is: do you want to invest that time into proprietary or F/LOSS software? The latter having a far less chance of arbitrarily limiting you, being yanked out from under you, etc. at some later point in time.
I personally do not have time any more to re-learn things. Therefore I invest my valuable time strictly into F/LOSS software these days. Just my $0.02.
I use windows and linux and macos
Virtualbox is on all of them
and i can
move VM's from os to os
I do the freedom choice even at the expencse of my sanity it seems like. I currently have 3 focusrites going firewire to give 24 channels of multi track recording in my studio. Though it can be tricky to find hardware that is actually "free compliant"
As someone who cares deeply about Free Software, it's irrelevant to me what is available on proprietary OS. Other people's opinions may differ, of course.
mike64: Right. But ultimately, the problems always come back to some obnoxious compnany who want to be special snowflakes and enforce their proprietary nonsense, usually at the sake of interoperability. I just think we need to point fingers and name names. :)
all oses have weaknesses and strenghths
stipa: True. But freedom is by far my most important criteria. All others pale in comparison. But that's just me.
it's just needs
if you don't need something else than linux there's no point searching elsewhere
as you said a moment ago
I would argue there are also principles involved. And in a world where computers are almost required (banking, government, commerce, etc.) I would say the implications of those principles are far reaching and therefore very important.
Imagine if Tim Berners Lee took the typical short sighted, profit focussed approach. The www as we know it would not exist today. Rather we would have a number of disparate, proprietary, non-interconnecting protocols (which was sort fo the norm prior to that).
TRS-80 meant to say: Imagine if Tim Berners Lee took the typical short sighted, profit focussed approach. The www as we know it would not exist today. Rather we would have a number of disparate, proprietary, non-interconnecting networks (which was sort fo the norm prior to that).
TRS-80: it's not about not profiting it's about not beeing able to sell it to anyone.
I am not sure I follow you?
if you can't sell something you give it for free.
it's popular because it's free
Redfoxmoon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
Redfoxmoon has joined #armbian
only people profiting are telecoms
what's best of all they run linux on infrastrucure which is free
but internet is not free for some reason...
"odd reason"
but the software running it is
there's no freedom
it's just telecomunnication industry
using free code
to run the infrastructure
But my point was about principles. Tim Berners Lee made a conscious, principled choice to create an open protocol and network. Because that was/is important for humanity. Everything is not always about such base things as greed, needs, etc (although I admit, often it is; but not always).
There is a fundamental difference between physical things and software. Only the latter can be replicated essentially without cost. In your example of the Internet, there are wires to run, switches to maintain, etc. Don't get me wrong, I am no fan of telcos (quite the contrary).
writing files to a SD ? i call that copyiing data
As I am sure archetech may appreciate, oddly enough Unix was created to serve the unique needs of Bell Corporation (such a need to create more software all the time then there were developers) at least if you take this presentation at face value: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc4ROCJYbm0 AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System
warning: very high grand wizards per capita in that video :D
no thanks
s/very high/very high ratio of/
TRS-80 meant to say: warning: very high ratio of grand wizards per capita in that video :D
buZz: Not sure what you are on about? That is one of the greatest videos of all time.
i'm happy you like it
best exposition I have seen of "Unix philosophy"
did you copy your bootloader yet?
No, why?
tell me why they chose the terms root and daemon for admin and processes
archetech: Given your background, I take it that you are quizzing me. :) I don't think I know the answer.
daemon is a like a mind deamon, a backgroud process of the Operating system non visible to the naked eye
invisible entity
buZz, you're right it is copying flashing is a term used for programmable roms
invisible code
but they still use it to mean copying
idiots are everywhere
archetech: I was going to say "I'm not sure how many people in this channel share our appreciation for the history of (particularly Unix) computing" but then I thought twice about it.
buZz: Hey how about FUCK YOU
nice, have at it
are you bringing lube?
fucking tough guy internet piss ant
whats your issue
you cant stand being corrected?
corrected lol
notice when I said something, and put it together you fucking stupid cunt
you put what together?
problem is not being correctet, problem is you calling people idiot when they make a simple mistake
NOW FUCK OFF you fucking cunt
well I just fixed my N2/N2+
video issue
lol , bad day? sorry for calling your mentioning of 'flashing' wrong, kiddo
again that's not the problem
i'm sorry it made you angry, but how about you just grow up and move on?
the idiot tag wasnt about you at all
so now documenting it and adding it to the desktop builder
even video playback is better
<=<=<= ID10T
see, its about rneese
* TRS-80
reads back
its a PEBKAC
I dunno, seems as you were referring directly to me
if you dont know PEBKAC you need go back to tech school
he's passive agressive
he's still doing it
i was literally talking with archetech about idiots that use 'flashing' where they mean copying files, in documentation
stipa: that's my read too, but I'm involved, hence seeking other opinions
he's trying to escape now
he's being discovered
do you think archetech agreed with me in calling TRS-80 a idiot?
lol wtf stipa
* stipa
i'm not here
* stipa
is busy, no time...
buZz: your very first comment to me, that opened this whole conversation, was: 17:54 <buZz> which isnt 'flashing' , as you can see
buZz: Sorry, rather: 17:53:29 buZz | TRS-80: that page isnt about 'flashing uboot'
yes, and?
you linked to a SD copy tutorial and called it flashing
Right, and I also used the (apparently incorrect) term "flashing", so how does that follow that you were not referring to me? To say nothing about the fact that you further try to admonish me for not being able to take a correction?
anyone here playing with n2 ?
are you now talking about me talking to archetech about idiots putting 'flashing' into documentation without meaning actual flashing?
TRS ya got roped into that group yes
TRS-80: do you always take this much effort in social interaction?
by whats called induction
I'm trying to determine if I misread something, abd reacted off base. But I don't think that is the case. And your trying to change the subject is not helping your case.
I would say what I said the term is now dual used
so falshing is still a valid term on arm for copying
I assume no ill will on archetech part, because I know him and he participate in this channel frequently and helpfully. You (buZz), on the other hand...
i'm happy you dont know me? you seem horrible
because arm's roots are in programmable asci's and such
but also theres "idiots " who dont realize all that
I dont think TRS is an idiot for using the term flashing
neither did i
but i'm no longer in possesion of that onlook
right you meant tech writers
i ment documentation writers
as thats what we were discussing
but i dont think tandyradioshack is a idiot for the flashing
we clear now TRS?
its completely standing by itself
ok sound off what boards you have and use
<<<< Odroic N2+
nanopi m1's a lot
If I could +op I would have kick him already. But I sent PM to Ops, so it's only matter of time now.
lol rneese yes you know I an a n2+ owner whats your point
and I am looking how to patch head with it
yes and firefox/youtube
its alot cleaner
I dont have the buffering I had before I did this
TRS your above defensive tirade says you lack the charater for being OP that's my opinion from how you do drive by immature comments to me and others
I have it setup for desktop builder and I am working to put it in every desk top
called me a ricer other day I didnt retaliate
out of the blue whats up with that behavior
what you drive a honda civic and do the Toyoko drift
soorry perfect line
* rneese
goes to kis corner
archetech: Well I apologize if I offended you. Why didn't you say something at the time? I joke around a lot with people in here, especially regulars.
stavros has joined #armbian
* archetech
is a Subaru ricer from way back thats why
* TRS-80
hit a little too close to home
sorry, mate
well back to desktop fixing
apol accepted just try not to lose your composure over these silly terminology differences
Sorry, but directly insulting someone (and continuing to do so) are not "silly terminology differences."
<===Canadian-Hillbilly aka Canauk
yes I see you felt like it ws an attack
we can all see that
you just arent listening to reason
I have had enough of this guy
TRS-80: try /ignore *
that'll help
continuing to undermine and act in bad faith
thick skin goes a long way in irc
How about I do my Moderator job instead?
how are you a moderator with only +v :P
someone is angry
this channel wil lose users so stay a cranky member like me heh
i've been in this channel for more years than trs even has a nickserv account
but sure, i'm the new one here :P
buZz, he did this to me when I was new here pulled OP power status whe he didnt like my commnets
thats a bad abusive sign
i guess thats why he's no moderator
ok kids take you chill pills its friday night
grab a hot toddie and relax
so TRS just chill pls
* buZz
empties rneese's medicine cabinet
i got banned on ##electronics
archetech: I don't even recall that, but I highly doubt it was simply "not liking" your comments.
* archetech
has a nice chianti after his human liver
it's not like someone is trying to overtake the channel with bots or something...
back to work on desktop builder
stavros is now known as stavrakis
rneese, I'd like to see you get panforst tested on armbian N2
its ok you and "the bug" come flying out of your chairs at any perceived slight to armbian
which we all know does many things well and a few things not so well
which is perfectly normal for a project this size
which we all know Armbian does many things well and a few things not so well
well I am reading about it
which is perfectly normal for a project this size
there is a driver we have to add
rneese, yes but its on shakey dev ground so beware
but I know arch has a driver that semi works for x/wayland
i know
so getting vls to work is a seperate thing
Try mpv
fyi rneese I have finally after 2 months got a working kde plasma on X on n2+
c0rnelius, the video ability is sep from the gpu I think
hes got qt5 mixed in with gtk3 and it's nasty
* TRS-80
really didn't recall having words with archetech
but apparently so (a bit)
TRS-80, I have the transcript I saved it ti was so bad but dont sweat it
ok bbl got things to do
I am not sweating it, believe me.
loads of desktop work
its over what are you playing with tonight is what matters besides yourself :p
oh now you can joke, right? lol but get offended about ricing? hmm? lol
Im a ricer ! Iadd stuff that makes me feel cool but has effect on performance!
no effect
I get it it was funny
I also like things to look nice, probabaly not to extent of being called "ricer" but clearly I hit a nerve (which was not my intent). Maybe I wanted to improve my rice?! Did you think of that?