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is there server problems? Can't apt update
it just took really long time
are you sure your not downloading torrents at max?
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@realCWolpert (Le Dahu): Installation of #armbian and #pihole on #orangepi zero was super easy. However I had to force all my devices to use pi-hole DNS manually as they seem to query google DNS directly instead of my router. Inconvenient. Anyway, first impression: > 25 % of requests are filtered. (18s ago)
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@notkoutsie (): @super_narko @armbian I mean sure i could throw my OPi outside too yeah (4s ago)
@super_narko (Super Narko): @notkoutsie @armbian No no that screwheater is just brilliant thinking 🦾 (21s ago)
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he brings up a good point as well.. minio has 2 paths.. one is traight to the objets and one has indexes... i always thought the index view was just for us, does it work for everyone?
HerculeP: that's just an example.. it shows you how to get the list which could change :P
ah, ok
but i suppose i'm being lazy
ahh let me fix the formatting
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yeah the curl example wasn't on a newline, i can see how that woud be less obvious
mbock has joined #armbian
Hi! I am trying to understand the forum posts about the kernel and the NAND. Did I understand it correctly, that the current armbian image (5.9.14-sunxi kernel) does not support reading or writing the onboard NAND?
mbock: no, there is no NAND support in modern kernel. There was some experiments , but that's it
How many sd card readers are not a sd card writer? :)
there is a hw switch for write protection, you can short one permanently :)
I am not sure who wanna write 16 sd cards at ones.
IgorPec: I see. I would like to have a look at those experiments. Where can I find the sources of the 5.9.14-sunxi kernel used in the image? I cloned, but that doesn't seem to be it...