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@ericepe (Eric Poscher-Mika): @DieZuckerbude @armbian Oh, they even have a forum entry about that. Who should I send the Press Release? Sure you mean this with PR :-) (24s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @YouGuest: Playing again with my long forgotten #bananapi As good as #raspberrypi are, they still lack native SATA interface for SSD, an… (24s ago)
@jmdawson_blog ( @YouGuest @armbian @armbian distributions are great! I need to get a banana Pi to try out, I think they are the one manufacturer of SBC’s I haven’t tried yet. (27s ago)
@nl_observant (observant 🌱): @YouGuest @armbian Exactly this. I’ve a @lemakerbananapi BananaPro which thanks to @armbian now is in use as a Pi-Hole device. (6s ago)
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@YouGuest (UnexpectedGuest): And just a few minutes later, my SSD is up&running, and my banana-pi boots on it. @armbian is *definitively* an awesome distribution, considering both the binaries and the Cristal clear documentation👏 #proofbyexample (3s ago)
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@IstvanBaumann (Istvan Baumann): @YouGuest Similar setup here :) Using BPI-M1 and WD Red HDD with armbian as a home nas. It has been running flawlessly for 4 years. (29s ago)
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