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<[TheBug]> 20mmx20mm is usually enough ;p
<[TheBug]> wanted that extra cooling huh :p
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<Tonymac32> fan sizes
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<Werner> PPA, working great
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<IgorPec> mornign
<Tonymac32> good morning Igor
<Werner> morning
<IgorPec> what's up
<Tonymac32> weeknight, heading to bed to fight the day job again in 6 hours XD
<IgorPec> crazy :)
<IgorPec> well, i am not far away. i went to bed at 2am
<Tonymac32> it is 2:00 here :D
<Tonymac32> on that note, good night XD
<IgorPec> ah, then i know how it is :D
<IgorPec> yeah, see you areound
* IgorPec needs another coffe to start typing properly
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<PPA> Nice, thanks
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<ArmbianTwitter> @StationGeeker (Station): #StationP1 #Armbian Buster With Media Script / #KODI @NicoD99364191 (17s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @heinz_hjo (Heinz): from @armbian (18s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @notkoutsie (؜): @orangepixunlong @kprasadvnsi It's a professionally made guide not gonna lie, needs an vanilla Armbian edition tho :D (20s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @notkoutsie @orangepixunlong @kprasadvnsi For the most part you can simply replace "Orangepi" with "Armbian" since they forked the build script from @armbian 😝 (19s ago)
<Werner> Man I love this bot. Makes reacting to stuff quickly a whole lot easier.
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<lanefu> yeah its one of my fav features
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<ArmbianTwitter> @notkoutsie (؜): @DieZuckerbude @orangepixunlong @kprasadvnsi @armbian Yee, said that jokingly :D Good job on the guide 👌 (17s ago)
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<e3ef13f4ff44> hello, armbian hangs for me on scanning for btrfs filesystems
<e3ef13f4ff44> opi zero 2, current nightly
<e3ef13f4ff44> but it's hanging on every image i try
<e3ef13f4ff44> IgorPec: ^ maybe you could help
<PPA> I don't have one, but to my knowledge the SoC (H616) on the OPi Zero2 is very underdeveloped in Linux, and thus support is still missing basic functions left and right
<e3ef13f4ff44> yup but i think it should boot
<e3ef13f4ff44> but it doesn't
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<solderfumes[m]> e3ef13f4ff44: btrfs scan is the last thing before the initramfs pivots and execs the real init, more likely you have some issue between those two events
<solderfumes[m]> Boot with the "debug" kernel commandline, it will give you more pointers to what is going on
<Werner> Maybe we should remove zero2 from downloads until its a bit better supported so people stop try using it for no reason...
<e3ef13f4ff44> okay, give me a sec
<e3ef13f4ff44> Werner: no :D
<Werner> seriously, what do you want to do with it? not even usb is functional
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<rneese> ?
<rneese> what board
<rneese> what hardware
<e3ef13f4ff44> Werner: NAS in the long future
<rneese> open mediavault
<Werner> There are boards that are way better appropriate for that cause. Starting from Neo3 over HC4 up to Helios64
<rneese> neo3 is ok the HC4 nasboard or the helios64
<Werner> All of those are WAY better supported than H616 SoC
<rneese> h616 is a wip/new and needs loads of work
<Xogium> a non-closed bootloader would help already ;)
<e3ef13f4ff44> but all of them are more expensive than zero 2 and a way bigger :P
<Xogium> well, at least they are supported and work
<Werner> I have my doubts that the Neo3 is bigger than the Zero2 since I have both boards here...
<e3ef13f4ff44> 3x more expensive
<Werner> Also false claim. $18.80 on Aliexpress for Zero2/1GB model and $23.14 for Neo3/1GB model. Plus shipping a few bucks each
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<e3ef13f4ff44> Werner: paid around 9 usd for zero 2
<Werner> Then you made a good deal. However from software point of view it is not even worth 9 bucks
<Werner> Maybe in about a year or so it is
<Tonymac32> I would not pay $5 for an H616 with *1 GB* of RAM
<e3ef13f4ff44> how can i abort autoboot?
<Tonymac32> e3ef13f4ff44 unless there is a brief pause with "press any key" or whetever I don't think you can
<rneese> hit the anykey to continue
<rneese> hit the anykey
<rneese> hit the anykey come on
<rneese> lol
<e3ef13f4ff44> autoboot in 1 sec, nothing more
* Tonymac32 leads rneese back over to his corner ;)
<Tonymac32> hit enter or escape or something while that is displayed
<rneese> hahaha
* rneese pushes the esc key on Tonymac32 forehead
<rneese> since he does not have a reboot button
* Tonymac32 cannot be interrupted
<e3ef13f4ff44> if i press enter it hangs
<Tonymac32> oof. Well then the problem lies within the bootloader I guess
<Tonymac32> or *a* problem lies in the bootloader
<e3ef13f4ff44> the problem is between chair and keyboard
<solderfumes[m]> Ah, the dreaded 8-th layer
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* stipa Inside a $29 Menards Android Tablet
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<rneese> not worth the hardware its made of
<rneese> they are junk
<rneese> the ONN tablets at walmart are better
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<rneese> they all come ith android 10
<rneese> and 2 to 4 gig ram
<stipa> that on in video has 1GB of ram
<stipa> that could explain why its so sluggish
<stipa> if it's not hackable it's not worth buying it
<stipa> like getting Linux on it hackable
<stipa> Rockchip RK3126C
<[TheBug]> problem is those tablets are like tv boxes, they use the cheapest bulk memory they can get in production which often results in lower binned memory and the device being slower than expected as it can't train memory at higher frequencies, result is slugish garbage experience especially when mixed with bloat where and garbage they include on those.
<[TheBug]> s/bloat where/bloatware
<ArmbianHelper> [TheBug] meant to say: problem is those tablets are like tv boxes, they use the cheapest bulk memory they can get in production which often results in lower binned memory and the device being slower than expected as it can't train memory at higher frequencies, result is slugish garbage experience especially when mixed with bloatware and garbage they include on those.
<stipa> bummer
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<ArmbianTwitter> @debdrup (ᛞᛖᛒᛞᚱᚢᛈ @mimu_muc @freebsdbytes @opnsense @PiholeS @armbian Not everyone wants that, though. (5s ago)
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