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oh guys you're hurting my soul with these rockchip64-legacy patches
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* mpmc
passes Tony_mac32 some wound ointment
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@mimu_muc (Michael): @debdrup @freebsdbytes @opnsense @PiholeS @armbian Indeed, that's why it's already avaiable within Unbound. But I now also added the pkg to community repo (22s ago)
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There is no audio output on Orange Pi 3 audio jack.
Only HDMI audio working
Is it a known issue with OrangePi 3?
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,searchissue orangepi audio
AR-300 [Task] "Enable HDMI audio for OrangePi 4" reported by Piotr Szczepanik at 2020-06-05. Status: Done
AR-114 [Task] "Enable audio codec on Orangepi Win" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2019-12-23. Status: Done
At least it is not in jira
check forums
afaik there is no analogu driver yet on modern kernel
Hi sirs.... I have a problem with printing when I issue a printout using `lp -d printername filename` then it print just fine, but when I issue same printout using system text editor then it doesn't printer good.
I have made a settings using `lpoptions -d printername - o cpi=17`
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Armbian has nothing to do with printers. This is most likely upstream
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Werner: I don't find any information in upstream. Do you suggest me anything else?
I suggest asking at Debian/Ubuntu places depending on the used Armbian flavor
I asked the same thing in ubuntu but those guys didn't replayed.
What Armbian basically does is building a customized kernel for your board that allows either Debian or Ubuntu run on it. The adjustments to userspace are very minimal. So things like using any programs or in your case printing is out of scope of Armbian
You are right. I want suggestions from you where should I check these things to fix. Where I get information about how printing happen in system-config-printer-common.
Most common printing solution is CUPS. Not sure if this is still the case. Try starting there
Hmmm... Does text editor have their own filters for printing?
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man that guy is really mad about htop
And I was very polite...I think
people are hard to please
Its easy to complain
well i hope his htop gives him less information
so ha
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Hey guys i have been searching far and wide for the most stable android image for a orange pi pc can anybody recommend one with working wifi dongle that is stable enough for me to use in production?
Not really. Armbian does not deal with Android whatsoever
i figured as much
i wanted to try to create a project with android os and although i got a good version running it doesnt accept my wifi dongle which usually works on linux
which desktop linux os would you recommend for production use\development (preferably not debian but im ok with it too need be)
WiFi and Linux as always been kind a complicated and it gets even worse with Android images as they are often built around stonge-age kernels 3.4 or 3.10 lacking modern drivers
yeah i gathered as much i had found a ubuntu image in the past that worked with my dongle however i cannot find it again :(
This may sound a bit partisan bit I'd recommend Armbian. You can of course depending on your skills on any userspace you want but then you have to figure out a way to build U-Boot and Linux on your own and then put everything together on a microSD card
i tried a couple armbian builds and couldnt get them to work i am fairly experienced in linux and your video brought me here.