it seemed to be a good idea, since --type=recursive seemed to return nothing
(Caterpillar maybe you can confirm that when you first ran ipfs pin ls --type=recursive is returned nothing)
achin: mmh? Do you need me?
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$ ipfs pin ls --type=recursive do return stuff
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I have to go
good night
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it might be neat to setup ipfs in a docker container for running isolated tests like this (pin some stuff, confirm it's listed, etc)
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can someone tell me the ports that IPFS uses?
my router does not have UPnP, so i have to define the ports
I think it's all on 4001 inbound
Look at your node's multiaddrs
The ports are all in there
it says 4001 and 4002
should i just use 4001?
the ports should be listed in the "Addresses" section when you run "ipfs id"
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yes, i still get 4001 and 4002
but 4001 is tcp while 4002 is udp
so i guess i do that
sounds good
i'll tell you how it goes
hopefully there is an orbit version of this irc
seems to have work
and i am no longer randomly disconnecting
thanks for the help
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well that didn't work
i guess i will just file a bug on github
thanks for the other help though
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several people have reported certain cable models have issues with the ipfs peer-2-peer traffic
damnit, why do people not hang around!
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Is there Debian repository with IPFS package that provides the ipfs executable and init.d initscript to allow easy system-wide installation?
i'm not sure about a debian repo, but i would just download the ipfs binary, and copy it to whereever you want. (this won't auto-update, though)
Expected features: 1. auto-update; 2. Automatic creation of unprivileged user; 3. Automatic starts at boot.
Is IPFS stable enough to be deployed and left without updates on unattended server for a year?
IPFS is still changing rapidly, i'm not sure i would be willing to use a 1 year old version :)
Then how do I do auto-updates? Is IPFS ready for production?
i'm not quite sure what you mean by 'production', but the answer is 'probably not'
i attribute that mainly to the evolving nature of a lot of important stuff in IPFS
Here it means 1. installing it and expecting to just work (serving stored files, accepting new files though IPFS) without periodical manual intervention; 2. Developer mindset like "We are production. No breaking changes. Security is serious things now".
on point 1) i could imagine that there could be a breaking change in 12 months, that would prevent your old ipfs node from talking with this rest of the network. i'm not aware of any planned changes like this, but it could happen
so in my opinion, anybody using ipfs needs to be staying up-to-date with the ipfs development progress
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there's an 'ipfs-update' cmmand/script
that motly fulfills the 'auto-update' desire
though I don't know if it's fully functional yet
Can go-ipfs mount (using FUSE) locally cached data while offline?
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Can I mount /ipfs without /ipfs? Even after I disable mounting /ipns I get "Could not resolve name" with /ipns/...
*without /ipns
if you access something via the fuse layer, yes the data will be cached in $IPFS_PATH (defaults to $HOME/.ipfs)
achin, Can I read that cache later offline with FUSE?
i think so, yes. but i've not tried that myself
i can't think of anything that would prevent it from working
achin, I try to access data I stored into IPFS when I played with it half a year ago (with 0.4.0) and IPNS getting in the way. And I won't mount /ipfs without /ipns.
achin, It tells me it fails to resolve some host, so mounting failed. It implies it tries to access network even before giving me chance to access my locally cached files.
as far as 'production'... I'm launching a paid pinning service at pinbits.io, so there's that.
you might see errors about the DHT not being able to connect
yeah, ipfs will fail to connect to the bootstrap nodes, but i didn't think that was fatal
since i've seen people in here asking for help when their node has zero peers
"ipfs ls" and "ipfs cat" works. How to I get FUSE mount without even thinking about what is IPNS?
might need an issue on github for that
Is IPNS essential part of IPFS or like "upper layer"? Can I work with IPFS alone without IPNS (like using IP addresses without DNS)?
yes. ipns isn't required at all, to the best of my knowledge
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How to disable it then? "ipfs mount --help" documents /ipfs and /ipns mountpoings like left and right hands, allowing only to override mountpoint, not to out out...
what was the error you saw when you tried to mount the FUSE layer?
Actually ~/ipfs mount works for some time after "ipfs mount". But then it automatically unmounts.
"Error: Could not resolve name."
Like in multiple Github issues.
Shall I create one more issue requesting "ipfs mount" to be able to mount ipfs and ipns separately and independently?
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do you want independent control of the mount point just to work around this "Could not resolve name" issue?
there might be other good reasons to control them independtly
Could not resolve name might be related to your own IPNS entry, if I recall correctly, it's mounted at /ipns/local or something, and something else might be trying to enter that directory
Try publishing an empty directory
since this is an old issue, it would be helpful to update #2167 with an updated status (including what version of IPFS you're running)
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Filed my own issue: #3563
Mateon1, I think it will work. But it may fail again in half a year of non-usage.
I think FUSE might be mounting before the republisher gets a chance to work, not sure
_Vi: what type of linux are you on?
Linux Debian. Does that matter?
probably not
Can it just mount dummy /ipns that fails or hangs all requests until it gets properly initialized?
When those publishing (or whatever) is done, /ipns just starts working.
"ipfs mount" should just start FUSE layer that translates filesystem requests to IPFS/IPNS requests, without trying to check integrity of node or network.
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Is performance penalty for accessing locally cached files over IPFS FUSE mount big or small? Small means like with bindfs or fusexml. Big means like when using sshfs to localhost.
somewhere inbetween is my guess, but i don't know for sure
Is FUSE mount designed to handle random access to large files?
if you "ipfs get" a hash that is already fully available locally, ipfs shouldn't need to talk to the network at all
i believe the FUSE api is sophisiticated enough to handle this, but i don't know if IPFS has the smarts to do this yet
For example, is VM image on IPFS a bad idea or very bad idea?
can VM images be read-only?
Is IPFS read-only?
Well, if you have an IPFS hash, it is immutable, but you can create new hashes representing the changed content
Is creating hash of a big file based on another big file with just one changed block in the middle a cheap operation?
For a VM image/disk, you would have to re-add the image when the VM is shut down.
It is relatively cheap
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For example, has somebody experimented with storing Docker images on IPFS?
(They are readonly or relatively readonly)
When adding, the file is split into chunks and hashed, the hashing is relatively quick, but storing new blocks into the datastore is currently a bottleneck
there could be interesting applications in applying IPFS layers in some type of overlayfs, and having the writable layer a small local filesystem, with everything else being on ipfs read-only
For example, what if just store entire /var/lib/docker on IPFS?
(with overlay2 backend)
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(except of tmp and containers maybe)
/tmp is stored in memory anyway, right?
not generally, no
oh, hmm
mine is actually a tmpfs
maybe i'm behind the times
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hey! /wave
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Check out my bitcoin trading bot, 200% year on year gains on top of market fluctuations. LF offers. Limited link availability. This trading bot uses state of the art artificial intelligence to predict market closing price deltas. Predictions are posted here for a limited time. contact: joseph93 (at) nmsu.edu. Output of the bot: positive values = increase in bitstampUSD price, negative = decrease
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<pjz> test98_0: IPNS is the mapping from a name to a hash
^^ why do we keep saying that? I've seen it in documentation as well "mapping from name to hash"
it's super misleading...
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whyrusleeping: what do you think about having symlinks to /ipfs/Qm... so you're able to `ipfs add -r` without having all the data locally?
whyrusleeping: that would allow you to create objects pointing to terabytes of data on a small ssd
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whyrusleeping: do you think that the CHANGELOG lines should be in the initial PR comment?
Hi, is it possible to automatically watch for changes in a folder ?
I would like to replace owncloud with ipfs to share my files
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mib_kd743naq: what would your proposed phrasing instead?
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achin: something like "IPNS associates a stable "label" that can point to an arbitrary IPFS node ( e.g. directory or file ). It is somewhat similar to a DNS CNAME record in that it can be only modified by the record owner, but unlike DNS leverages the ipfs DHT for rapid updates and is not impacted by client-caching"
needs polish of course, but the main point is to not use "name" as it implies "human readability" which IPNS definitely doesn't provide
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is "maps a label (ipfs node ID) to a hash" better? not going for the fully complete answer, just the short phrase to get people started
or even "maps your ipfs node ID to a hash"
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achin: that's not entirely correct anymore, as the keystore thing is almost out of beta
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and there you get an unlimited amount of keys per ipfs node, all resolvable via /ipns ( or this is at least my understanding )
Kubuxu: ^^ correct me if I am wrong...
achin: and "maps your node ID to a hash" is not... exactly correct either
hence me using a nebulous "label"
as far as i know, ipfs today only maps a node ID
and indeed only one (ipfs name publish doesn't take any arguments besides the single hash to publish)
(publishing multiple keys has indeed been a long and often requested feature)
achin: you are correct, current master build does not yet have the `ipfs key` subcommand
*however* I still think it is worthwhile describing ipns from the consumer pov
i.e. what a user of ipfs.io/ipns/ can see
that *currently* this system can only resolve node ID's is an implementation detail
yes, i suppose there is a bit of confusion in that a /ipns/domainname path can work without actually using IPNS
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implementation details are awesome and exciting and thought provoking, but in the end do not belong in "first contact" documentation as they only add confusion in such spots
it's a good point
i'm not sure i agree with that, but i think i see what you're getting at
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brb, driving into work
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the short reply is that while knowing how to use something is very important, sometimes the best way to explain how to use something is to explain how it works
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spoken like a true engineer
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current master does have ipfs key
mib_kd743naq: achin ^
whyrusleeping: some days ago you poked me to try to break HAMT-dirs, which branch supports this / where is the latest spec/impl for it? ( just general pointers to branches and "start from this .go" are enough )
whyrusleeping: neat! clearly i am behind by a few days
or weeks
or maybe whyrusleeping is magic and has gone back in time to implement this feature
whyrusleeping: ok, likely won't be able to dig into it mid-next-week, but bookmarked for breakage
sweet, thanks :)
whyrusleeping: it seems a rebase is still pending: could you do that before I try to build it next week?
lots moved since
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mib_kd743naq: ah, sure
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i'm going to be at republica in berlin this year again. anyone else going?
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brodo: when is that?
may 8-10
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I won't be in germany at that time
but some others might
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ok, it's still a log way to go but talks have to be submitted until january the 8th
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I am most likely there as part of GIG, so if we want to do a small workshop (max 15 people) we can maybe do it at the GIG booth pretty spontainiously
Hello everyone! We have done some digging on IPFS, my question is: how do you create a chat application like Orbit? How does creating and linking content together work?
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janoszen_ look at orbit-db and ipfs-log
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whyrusleeping: publishing to an alternative key works
but performance is a really mixed bag
when offline - `ipns name resolve` is instant ( as expected )
when the daemon is running in the swarm - a *local* resolution ( against the defining node ) takes forever
same goes for ipfs.io/ipns - eventually resolves, but *damn*
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( after some errors )
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yeah something is clearly amiss...
I will leave my node running
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serving /ipns/QmUQzmTvfgj5LY8yh4WdTfRpwWwCwRhd4W5YvZZsxoWVmY and /ipns/QmTFFqTor9MjGX1Rv5QoTxiR7hjhVkKgdGxbLLtbQmxJg3
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fwiw, none of that sounds new
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achin: there has been work on the name system in master afaik, so restating how the tip works
( pkus me serving 2 ipns entries from the same node is clearly new ;)
true! and that's very cool!
I think the real problem is that this node is at home, behind a couple nats
btw, how are you publishing the other keys?
the docs still say "Publish an <ipfs-path> to another public key" is not implemented. maybe the docs are just out of date?
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so you can now just make up any number of keypairs and publish to all the different pubkeys?
pjz: yes
achin: ipfs publish takes a -k option in current master
`ipfs publish --help`
pjz: `ipfs key gen --type=rsa --size=4096 blah`
pjz: `ipfs name publish -k blah <target>`
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mib_kd743naq: ...what version is that? oh, 'tip'...I'm running 0.4.4
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pjz: yeah, it's super-new
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if I publish my pubkey and a hash, does that live on my node? or is it inserted into the DHT somehow? And if my node goes off, does it go away?
and how's it relate to what goes in a DNS TXT record?
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pjz: ( my understanding is not 100% but here's what I know )
any ipns entry to the dht is propagated through the dht like everything else, and is subject to more or less the same expiry times
pjz: the difference is that a running node which "created" the entry replublishes it periodically while running
so things look like they are "always there"
the DNS TXT part is orthogonal - the txt entry can point either to an /ipns/foo or to an /ipfs/foo directly
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does it take having the privkey to publish something under the pubkey ?
pjz: yes, this is where the authentication comes from
...the node has to keep republishing it, though? ugh. And there's no way to get someone else to '
..to 'pin' it for me, is there?
pjz: not sure about that part
I mean, I can get soemone to pin some content for me
but I can't get them to pin my pubkey->hash mapping for me
pjz: well - you can try and pin my pointers I listed above, see what happens
mib_kd743naq: I'd bet it will pin the data but not the name
( I don't know if this is even possible, and trying on the node that has them makes no sense )
well, even if it works, I bet it doesn't work for v0.4.4 :)
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yeah... `ipfs dht get QmUQzmTvfgj5LY8yh4WdTfRpwWwCwRhd4W5YvZZsxoWVmY` doesn't return anything for me
so I guess it's a different mechanism
sorry - I am just a passenger ;)
I'm not sure anyone's thought of the problem yet
DNS is its own kind of authentication, I suppose
pjz: if you have full dnssec setup, and if the gateways validate it - then yes
though no idea if this is the case currently
oh, security isn't quite what I meant, but yeah.
dns implies some level of 'ownership'
erm... security without authentication is a bit... moot ;)
achin: it does, but without dnssec every provider along the way can mitm it
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yes (though that would be difficult in practice)
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achin: why do you consider it to be difficult? ( serious question )
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let me answer with a question (sorry!). if you knew i was going to resolve google.com at some point, and wanted to hijack that request, where exactly would you mitm?
achin: google.com is a difficult example because there are too many things that need to be taken into account
however what I would do if I am a bad actor
(i'm kinda thinking aloud here, i've not thought carefully about all the threat vectors to dns lookups)
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cemerick has joined #ipfs
is carry around a rogue VM on my laptop that is set to mitm dns and auto-proxy requests of popular repositories ( npm, dist isos, apt repos, the works )
and replace all these pieces with backdoored stuff where needed
if it is some "trendy hackspace" in Berlin - within a week or two there'll be a catch at *some* spot
( yes I know a lot of stuff is supposedly signed, and so on and so forth, but weak spots exist in virtually everything )
and we'd probably have to ignore https/ssl
rendar has quit [Quit: std::lower_bound + std::less_equal *works* with a vector without duplicates!]
which is fine to ignore
so for ipfs-over-dns to be truly thought-free the weak-link of DNS should be secured
then one can say "I got this from an IPFS gateway - it's provably correct, and the daemon/gateway did all the proofs already"
just like when you `git clone` - you don't doubt you got the right thing
( until, in the very distant future (if ever), sha1 preimage attacks become feasible )
webdev007 has joined #ipfs
ok, so i'll take back what i said earlier. i had in mind some global attack on a specific domain that would effect everybody. while a specific weakness (like hacking the nameserver) might make this easy, this sounds hard to me in general. but i failed to consider your autoproxy example where you get on some shared local network and cause havok with local clients
mib_kd743naq: so you'd have to start by mitm'ing dhcp so you can specify your own dns server to someone
pjz: nah, arp-poisoning the existing dns is enough ( as it is often on the same box as the router ;)
or so you can get access to their packets
mib_kd743naq: lots of people have or hardcoded as their dns these days
wifi *usually* mitigates this by client isolation
but not always
mib_kd743naq is in ur networks, nomming your packets
because of idiots like verizon who hijack failed lookups
you are looking at it from the PoV of a target being smart enough to avoid most of this
I am speaking from the PoV of an attacker who casts a wide net and has all the time in the world
'smart enough' is just having a hardcoded DN
er, having a ahrdcoded DNS server listed and ignoring the one dhcp hands out
but it's a fair point
pjz: there are automated toolkits that do dns poisoning out there too
i.e. listen for udp 53 queries
and floods the network with "false" responses before the real one arrives
( that's the part dnssec really is designed to protect from )
just think
in our lifetimes (ok, not really sure how old you all are)
we had world-reaadable /etc/passwd files
maxlath has joined #ipfs
to put it another way: IPFS is already a long way there providing a self-verifying secure "network overlay". If by default the gateways/clients can do the extra work to validate what they can on the dns side: they should
tabrath has joined #ipfs
hmm. maybe they should try and 'manually' do dnssec validation when possible?
that's a question for the old hats at this point ;)
pjz: perhaps file an ipfs/notes ticket