lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs 0.4.13 is out! Please try out: https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v0.4.13 | Also: #libp2p #filecoin #ipfs-dev | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Forums: https://discuss.ipfs.io | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<MikeFair> is there any metadata I can control on a directory in IPFS? I need a spot to put a "score" integer number
<MikeFair> I was thinking maybe using on of the "date" fields; but beore I got too hacky, I thought I'd ask here
<lgierth> MikeFair: there's currently no metadata on unixfs dirs -- there's a unixfs v2 in the making that will have space for additional data in some way
<MikeFair> lgierth, so if I understand correctly; there's perms (9 bits?), modified date, name as the only real "settable" attributes of directory?
<MikeFair> I guess user/group owner but what does that even mean in ipfs
<lgierth> these have never been used
<MikeFair> Are they even tracked?
<MikeFair> (or is that what you meant by used)
<lgierth> :)
<lgierth> they don't get set
<lgierth> turned out they don't go too well with content-addressing, at least if they're the default for everyone
<MikeFair> Hmm, ok so "name", or some sort .data file inside the directory
<lgierth> yeah, for now you'll have to invent something on your own
<MikeFair> makes sense that they wouldn't
<MikeFair> (go well for CAS that is)
<lgierth> or set them, and deal with them yourself on the reading end
* lgierth doing stupid administrative work
<MikeFair> btw, stebalien and I had a chance to talk about my desire for an ipns link
<MikeFair> OH, so if I set them, they'll probably be preserved?
<lgierth> great
<lgierth> i mean if you construct the directory object yourself and set them there
<lgierth> i think they should be stored then
<MikeFair> that's kind of what I was envisioning doing; (constructing the dirents in code)
<MikeFair> the jist of the conversation was they are an important thing; but most likely as a completely new namespace type
<lgierth> they ipns thing? yeah
<lgierth> might potentially fit within /ipns
<MikeFair> The biggest concern was not recursive loops (as I thought); but pathname caching
<MikeFair> It's got "hope" in that you can cache by rerooting the path at the ipns "splits"; but the challenge is detecting those splits from the pathname itself
<MikeFair> you really can't see them in the name by default
<MikeFair> OH!!! I also played with the experimental PubSub support --- how "experimental" is it?
<lgierth> the underlying algorithm is the very first incarnation
<lgierth> a better one is in the works
<lgierth> otherwise it's pretty okay so far :)
<MikeFair> I mean is it: likely to crash the daemon experimental; or "ought to work, but god only knows what we missed"
<lgierth> hehe the latter
<lgierth> peerpad.net uses it heavily
<lgierth> and parts of ipns do nowadays
<MikeFair> And it seems that it's just a public unmanaged string space for topics yeah
<lgierth> yeah
<lgierth> usually a hash is used
<MikeFair> Yeah, I was a bit happy and suprised when I published and subscribed to the topic "test"
<MikeFair> I was thinking the namespaces below domain names could be secured from publishing by requiring the ipns key be used from the dns record
<MikeFair> something like to publish to the topic "pubsub://somename.domain.dom/some_path/some_label" the daemon would look up an DNS TXT record to get the pubKey IPFS CID for "somename.domain.dom"
<MikeFair> I don't know how the rest of the swarm would enforce it; but it was the inklings of something
<MikeFair> Using the DNS entry to "authorize" entries below a particular namespace root
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<bsdnoob> je;;p
<bsdnoob> *hello
<bsdnoob> lol
<bsdnoob> what's the #ifps's recommendation for documentation
<bsdnoob> any good manuals?
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<miceli> ciao a tutti
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<JCaesar> bsdnoob: ipfs commands | while read c; do $c --help; done
<JCaesar> *shrug*
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<bsdnoob> JCaesar, I mean documentation on how does it work
<bsdnoob> internals and all
<JCaesar> The whitepaper, maybe?
<bsdnoob> alright
<bsdnoob> JCaesar, could decentralized music stream work with ipfs?
<bsdnoob> *streaming
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<JCaesar> I've thought about this… maybe you can push CIDs to pubsub, or so. I don't think it has been done.
<bsdnoob> JCaesar, people are streaming videos off ipfs why not audio?
<JCaesar> Wait, where?
<JCaesar> d.tube?
<bsdnoob> yes?
<JCaesar> If you just want to listen to something that's been pre-decided: Sure, no problem at all.
<JCaesar> I thought you meant live-streams.
<bsdnoob> that would be really hard at present
<bsdnoob> JCaesar, another dumb question, how long does dtube needs to "seed" before it can be deleted from their servers
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<JCaesar> bsdnoob: Kinda hard to answer, because it's based on a misconception of how IPFS works.
<JCaesar> A file will be available if at least one node has it.
<JCaesar> d.tube servers delete it after some time, depending on the popularity.
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<JCaesar> After that, it can be kept available by pinning it on some other node.
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<JCaesar> (or it happenes to be cached there.)
<JCaesar> But there is no scheme that ensures that files will stay available.
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<JCaesar> (Unrelated: https://github.com/benjojo/dnsfs You'll hate this.)
<bsdnoob> hmm
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<bsdnoob> how did they block this?
<bsdnoob> ?
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<JCaesar> Who's "they"?
<bsdnoob> JCaesar, whoever did that
<JCaesar> Nobody did.
<EnricoFasoli[m]> He meant the guys running the official gateway
<EnricoFasoli[m]> There's probably a blacklist, I remember it was talked about years ago
<bsdnoob> if somehow ifps can provide proof of storage
<bsdnoob> that would be awesome
<JCaesar> I don't think there's a blacklist. https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/pull/1551
<EnricoFasoli[m]> filecoin.io does that
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<EnricoFasoli[m]> JCaesar: I remember about that, so it was never implemented then?
<JCaesar> Not that I know of, but I know little.
<bsdnoob> they have early miner campaign of some sort
<JCaesar> EnricoFasoli[m]: Hm. But the url does return a 451… so I'm guessing they did implement it.
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<JCaesar> (451 being the status code for "Unavailable for legal reasons")
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<JCaesar> How though? /ipns/refs.ipfs.io/lists/denylists/dmca doesn't exactly seem current…
<JCaesar> Yeah, that's just examples…
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<JCaesar> Even https://ipfs.io/refs/lists/denylists/dmca exists, but doesn't seem to be used…
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<ebel> filecoin isn't operational yet, though is it?
<SchrodingersScat> don't think so, not last i checked. And whyrusleeping doesn't answer my phonecalls anymore ;(
<SchrodingersScat> JCaesar: what's a dagreader?
<JCaesar> Heck If I knew…
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<EnricoFasoli[m]> Today I updated an IPFS file manager web app I'm working on. If anyone wants to try it out: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSLoHumxHbaFLSk5tZCvJhhEwt5iNy7P5aPdmWWCjDdKx
<EnricoFasoli[m]> It should work fine except don't open any folders with a high item count
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<whyrusleeping> SchrodingersScat: you rang?
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<SchrodingersScat> whyrusleeping: oh hey.
<SchrodingersScat> long time no chat, thought maybe you had taken the money and ran to Tijuana to be with your many womenz
<whyrusleeping> Tijuana seems dangerous
<whyrusleeping> Plus, I would get so bored
<whyrusleeping> I honestly cant imagine just sitting around getting drunk all day
<SchrodingersScat> you wouldn't /have/ to do that
<SchrodingersScat> I'm sure people have lives there too
<whyrusleeping> So i would sit indoors, in a poorly lit room, typing shit to people on irc
<whyrusleeping> How do you know i'm *not* in Tijuana?
<SchrodingersScat> you can't even prove we're not the same person, checkmate
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<MikeFair> SchrodingersScat, Actually since it can't be proven that we're not the same person; then we're a superimposition of both being and not being the same person at the same time, board upturned. :)
* MikeFair prefers to believe whyrusleeping is in Tijanua as he's not far from there now.
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<aseriousgogetta> anyone active familiar with ipwb?
<aseriousgogetta> or ipfs-scraping/indexing?
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<JCaesar> aseriousgogetta: DokterBob1 is the maker of http://ipfs-search.com/, I think.
<JCaesar> (if that helps.)
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<aseriousgogetta> tyvm JCaesar
<aseriousgogetta> I noticed DokterBob was doing alot of the work on github, was trying to find him in real time chat to talk about some issue's on it
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<DokterBob1> aseriousgogetta: you rang?
<DokterBob1> Do join #ipfssearch. We're actively looking for contributors
<aseriousgogetta> bet
<aseriousgogetta> bet3ipfssearch
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<AphelionZ> any idea when dnslink will land in js-ipfs? :)
<AphelionZ> or is there a setting I need to enable?
<AphelionZ> DokterBob1: can I pm?
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<lidel> EnricoFasoli[m], really cool, is it doing uploads via js-ipfs?
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<EnricoFasoli[m]> lidel: thanks :) uploads are not supported yet but planned, right now you have to add your file to ipfs another way (from the CLI for example) then you can add it to a folder using the hash in ipfs drive
<lidel> EnricoFasoli[m], ah, got it. Kinda for organizing known hashes.
<EnricoFasoli[m]> Yeah for now that's the best use case
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