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whyrusleeping: still out there?
AphelionZ: There's also #orbitdb
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how does ipfs versioning work, exactly? do you have to keep track of the versions yourself or is there something built in?
You mean of code, or in store files?
in the filesystem itself
Every "version" has a unique CID
(Content ID)
from IPFS provides historic versioning (like git) and makes it simple to set up resilient networks for mirroring of data.
right, i know that
I think that statement is somewhat misleading
AFAIK there is no built-in system for version tracking
The information to do it exists
is there docs? link?
Nothing I'm aware of; IPNS is the closest thing, but that only gives you a fixed reference to the "latest" version
yeah, per node too.. and very slowly for the time being ;)
i want to give my users versioning is all
IPNS is not only per node, you can publish arbitrary ipns addresses to your own keys
well if i publish a name for a given content hash, it will typically generate the same ipns hash
(for example, I use ipns keys to represent two different domains I've played with ipfs hosting on)
AphelionZ: That's because you didn't use the --key parameter
but still i dont think thats what im looking for
AphelionZ: And the same restant hash is exactly the point ;)
AphelionZ: Well it kind of is
the reason is this: What are you versioning?
files =)
that's what you think ;)
what's a file in ipfs
So a list of all the versions of a file is a list of CIDs
with you so far
Which CID means what you want?
ipfs doesn't understand "file" in the sense you think of it
a file doesn't have a name
such that named file could have versions
there's an ocean of CIDs
that's it
inside one of those CIDs is a directory listing
it has a string associated to another CID
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but if you change the directory listed (add or delete a file) -- you change the CID of the directory
So the directory also has a list of CIDs
there's no timestamps
(at least not that you could sort an order across the ocean of CIDs)
So you need a container to describe the history of file versions
Something like a directory, specific to that file
yeah, i get ya
so the long and short is... i need to keep track of this myself somehow
And you want that thing to have a fixed address that doesn't move everytime something changes
and that's what ipns provides
You know "labels" in version control systems?
fixed names to specific revisions of the source tree?
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You could make a directory of files to be revisioned, and inside each file is the CID for the file at that point; then publish that directory as an IPNS
* MikeFair
is kind of seeing something leveraging IPLD here
It's not in production as far as I know; but I think it's the planned successor to ipns
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btw, out of curiousity, how would you expect your users to find/identify a historical version of a file?
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MikeFair: you know, i'm alive
* MikeFair
does a little jig in honor of whyrusleeping's lack of being dead.
I've just been hunting for ppl who are more clueful than I am regarding the potential of using IPNS in an IPLD link ;)
Or another way I can create a authorized distributed IPLD graph (multiple people maintaining different parts of the same IPLD structure)
And AphelionZ was wondering about any built-in functions for versioned file tracking ; I didn't know of any -- only that people have mused about how to construct one
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In the IPLD instance, it's easy to see how people can directly publish their portion of the graph -- what I can't see is how that CID update gets rolled into the higher level (because that's not a graph portion they control)
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The easiest metaphor is something like a JSON product description by a manufacturer; each company individually publishes their own description with the latest details for their product --- other people, retailers and wholesalers, put that link into their own catalogs
The manufacturer then makes some spelling corrections, and fixes a few other inaccuracies and publishes a new JSON description
In IPNS land, this is relatively easy because they can can just publish the new ipfs link to the updated CID
(using a key created explicity for that product)
But all the retailers/wholesalers catalogs now want to be updated to reflect the manufacturer's latest published details
If the IPLD link was to the IPNS address; there'd be nothing to do; next time the link was traversed, the ipns address would resolve to the updated address
Another option, though less favorable, is to make the IPLD structure explicitly fragmented; The ipns CID gets stored in the catalog as data, rather than a link, and the application has to explicitly resolve it to fetch the downstream information
the issue with IPNS in IPLD links, is that it breaks the immutability contract
stebalien says he would be okay with having a different link type
and you would have to explicitly traverse them
don't think I'd mind the explicit traversal (by which I'm picturing I'd have to retrieve the link reference, the code wouldn't recurse into it for me)
if thats okay, then i'm sure we could find some way to move forward
I don't think IPLD necessarily should get a --flatten command to auto-recurse through an IPLD structure
I see IPLD links as kin to symlinks and hardlinks in the FS
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mixing them with "-r" type flags can do really bad things (it's bad enough when you bog down only your own system; but dragging all the IPFS peers with you doesn't sound .... kind) :)
BUt I'd like to be able to do something like: ipfs dag get /ipns/IPNS-for-My-Catalog/products/0/manufacturer_details/
Where manufacturer_details is another ipns reference
perhaps {"/":"/ipns/IPNS_CID"}
What I don't want to have to do is two commands; (1) ipfs dag get .../manufacturer_details returns an ipns address, then (2) ipfs dag get returned_ipns_address
If "double look ups" to root the request explicitly to the lower portion of the graph using the CID is what you meant; that likely wouldn't work
But if the code refused to cross the link until the path explicitly referenced it, that'd be fine
I was going to attempt to code something myself (basically an "if link CID startswith /ipns; then ..."), but I couldn't even figure out where that code is
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whyrusleeping: Any guidance on what I could look at/who I could talk to next to teach "ipfs dag get" to accept an IPNS CID; and for the link resolver to explicitly test for an "/ipns/" CID?
is it a generic thing that specific IPDLResolver defines on it’s own ?
meaning that representation of it is specific to a resolver instance ?
MikeFair: lidel ^^ ?
MikeFair: I would go make sure you've read a lot of the old ipld design threads (sorry, i don't have links right now)
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and then post an issue on ipfs/notes or something
that should start some discussion
Where are the old design threads? Closed out ipld GitHub issues?
I assume the way a link gets resolved is the node has to come to my peer, then my peer looks up the next CID (remote peers don't trverse links for my request for me)
Even just to look at the code I got lost trying to figure out where that resolution happens
And I'm with gozala, in that sometimes it's not very clear how I'd go about making and deploying something like a new interface structure
* MikeFair
looks over at Kotak. :)
Kotak: what do you need help with? you can just ask your question instead of asking to ask
Will Do :)
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maybe daviddias or whyrusleeping can help me with my question ?
* lidel
opens left eye
gozala: My understanding of the dagNode in that context means "The JSON Object"
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MikeFair: Yeah but question is who defines the shape of it ?
is it per IPDLResolver implementation ?
It seems like it to me, but I’m not certain
gozala: You mean the "IPLD Format" reference
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it seems like there is IPDLFormatUtil<dagNode> { … }
Hi all, I tried using the ipfs.get() command to fetch the some data back from IPFS, but it returns back with a forEach is not a function. Then I tried the "" which takes a lot of time and sometimes it gets stuck. Any idea on what should I do? FYI: I'm using solidity+truffle(nodejs)
MikeFair: and I think there is also some correlation with Resolver.resolve value
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mithun: I don't follow "but it returns back with a forEach is not a function"
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gozala: The Reoslver, as I understand it, returns a single value that was requested
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MikeFair: yeah but what is the type of that value ?
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gozala: That value will either be: a piece of JSON; or a link with rest of the path
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MikeFair: is that a same piece of JSON that Util can deserialize ?
gozala: Use the "islink" and "remainderPath" to test
gozala: yes
ok so that is the correlation than that I was trying to figure out
that's my understanding, it's a binary version of the node stored in the network
but, resolve does sub-portions of the blob
Hey I am a relative programming noob. I came here from libp2p site. And I am trying to make a mastodon like p2p social network for my highschool. Can I do that with libp2p or do I need to first get a handle on what ipfs is?
MikeFair: I think I’m tired having hard time visualizing the whole picture
sioa: From what you just said, I don't think ipfs is quite at the level you'd be wanting; you'd have to focus on which features of the social network you meant and how much coding you want to put into it
@MikeFair, Yea I used the ipfs.get() inbuilt function from the ipfs github page. It returns the data with "a path and content", where the content is in readable stream. To iterate through the content it uses "forEach" method. For me it returns with the error of forEach is not a function
gozala: IPLD is using "structured data" as the content of the CID right? So if you take a Record Description Format (like JSON), you can serialize it into a binaryBlob and stick it a node with a CID reference
mithun: I'd check to make sure the object on which you are calling forEach has a value
MikeFair: ok
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gozala: When you "resolve" you are asking for a single piece of that structured data
MikeFair: Let's just say I want to make a simple Twitter clone that works p2p. I am doing this because I think it would be a fun project and I am just researching the tools atm. So I do want to code as much as I can.
MikeFair: so say I have cid for son like { a: { b1: {c1: 1, c2:2}, b2: { d1:1 } }}
and I’m trying to resolve `a/b1`
gozala: Given a CID and a path, resolve can get the data; when you do this resolve has three cases: It finds the data requested and returns it; the path doesn't exist and so it's an err; or it tried to find the path but encountered a link instead
sioa: A simple web page that aggregates a bunch of tweets from different browsers is very doable --- I'd point you to OrbitDB
MikeFair, Rather than iterating through the contents, I tried displaying the whole retrieved value and displayed it on to my browser console. I was able to see both the path and content there, both having values..
MikeFair: Thanks, I will check it out.
serialized blob of that son ?
serialized blob of that json ?
sioa: Sorry I can't be of much more help -- I haven't done much browser side p2p coding yet
presumably path is “a/b1"
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and I have no clue wha the value in the callback would be
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gozala: I think it's the binaryData that came from the stored dag node
is that a {c1: 1, c2:2} ?
callback is a function
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the function to call with the result
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MikeFair: on I meant result passed to the callback
so it’s either link or value resolved
in the json you provided there are no llinks
and I wonder if value resolved is deserialized json segment
is the object you specified {c1: 1, c2 2{
oh so it’s an object not the binary blob
gozala: I'm not sure if it's the binary segment of that value, or the deserialized version
gozala: But I don't think it's the whole dag node
MikeFair: No worries. Thanks for the help. Anyway, what would be a good source to learn about IPFS and how the different projects like IPLD, libp2p relate to each other? I just learnt about this and it seems truly interesting.
MikeFair: so how do I know if result.value is link or a content (regardless if it’s binaryBlob or deserialized)
sioa: It's definitely interesting, and as far as I'm concerned is the foundation of making fancy networks that work like every high-tech science fiction novel written ;)
so it seems there should be a way to figure in resolve result what did I got
Does my ipfs version and the gateway version which I'm using cause a delay in fetching the data back from IPFS?
my ipfs version is0.4.10 and the gateway version is 0.4.14
mithun: how so? I don't see differing software versions on peer nodes contributing significantly to data fetch time
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gozala: Well if you got a "remainingPath" from resolve, the you definitely have a link ;)
gozala: The trick though is I've asked for a path that was a link, and got the result I expected (even though there wouldn't have been a remainingPath to fetch)
gozala: So yes, there's something to test if you have a resolved value or a link
MikeFair, when i try to use the gateway "<hash>", it takes a lot of time to retrieve back the data. I thought it might be a difference in the version
MikeFair: This interface could really use some improvements
mithun: I've come to accept that this is the silent elephant in the room nobody seems to understand or talk about
mithun: Sometimes things resolve fast, and then explicitly, they go slow -- like minutes slow
Thanks MikeFair...
err inexplicably
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@MikeFair, so what if I use a private ipfs swarm instance?
mithun: I'd expect everything to go really quickly in your own private swarm
mithun: I've especially noticed it immediately after an ipns update
@MikeFair, oke...I will try to go for a private instance then. Thanks Mike
(implementing the filesystem)
gozala: The way I understand it, there's a binary chunk of data -- you run the hash algorithm on that data and you get a CID --- you run the p2p XOR hopping algorithm and you figure out what peer that data belongs to ---- that peers stores the binary data against the CID
When someone requests the CID, the peer returns the binary blob
@MikeFair, Do you have any sample code for uploading an image onto IPFS using nodejs.
mithun: I don't, but any file upload example will do; nothing special about images
I've mostly stuck with the go-ipfs exe
(In danger of picking nits: You can't upload things to IFPS.)
Done a little bit of Go coding -- and a tiny handful of browser js-ipfs
JCaesar: If not "upload", what do you call it?
JCaesar: You don't really "copy it to"
"provide" maybe…
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JCaesar: But you don't really "provide" it to IPFS; once you do 'ipfs put' a copy is placed in the p2p swarm
JCaesar: Your peer "provides" CIDs
"provide xy over ipfs"?
That's kind of strange to me, because my node isn't controlling the providing.... "ipfs provides xy" <--- I see that
Hm, but maybe I misunderstand things… "a copy is placed in the p2p swarm" sounds like an upload indeed.
JCaesar: It's not like your local node is serving your files
Then it's an upload indeed… js-ipfs is different, I guess…
Hmmm, js-ipfs shouldn't be different
It's a separate swarm, but locating the provider of a CID should use the same algorithm
js-ipfs should take your local data, break it up into blocks, then "put" those blocks out into the swarm
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MikeFair: Thanks..Mike..we are stuck with a particular problem of being able to retrieve an Image from IPFS through the console but not in our frontend of our application. Was wondering whether you had some suggestions of sample projects which had done this or suggestions on which forum we could post our query for help
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If your trying to cross from go-ipfs to js-ipfs then the problem might be separate swarms
I don't know if it's been resolved, but there was a time when the browsers using the js-ipfs API wouldn't trade CIDs with the console ipfs peer nodes
I never quite understood exactly why; I think it was because the browsers were acting as their own peer network
MikeFair: Does this matches your understanding of the interface
mithun: are you using js-ipfs or go-ipfs?
whats the setup here?
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whyrusleeping: Sorry he must have stepped away; can you briefly explain to me why go-ipfs and js-ipfs programs don't magically just play nice with each other?
MikeFair: I think the main reason is that js-ipfs doesnt have the dht or any form of content routing
which means that you have to manually connect to peers that have the content you want
whyrusleeping,MikeFair: go-ipfs...and yes..I uploaded an image using the ipfs add and got the hash...used it with "<generatedhash>
mithun: and it never loads on
whyrusleeping: So without routing, how do you find the peer with the content you're after?
MikeFair: really luck
js-ipfs *really* needs to fix this
whyrusleeping: It Does, sometimes...But then sometimes I have to wait for more than 5mins, hoping to get the data back..
its a bit of a WIP guide
but its the steps that I usually take when i cant get data from one node to another
whyrusleeping: will go through the doc and update you..
thanks, let me know if anything is unclear
i'll update the doc
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whyrusleeping:sure, will do...Thanks
whyrusleeping: Thanks I'm looking forward to learning more about js-ipfs versus go-ipfs
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Anyone still here? I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on how to create a "Virtual Private Swarm"
Here's my thinking; there are distributed nodes that are more likely to want to exchange information because of context (like they are all part of the same global company)
Furthermore, these nodes are more likely to want the same sets of files, because employees are sharing closely related information (all about the same company)
Aside from particpating in the single global swarm -- it'd be useful (meaning it would make things faster) --- if these nodes could create a separate routing table just for themselves
This way, these peers have two 'swarms' they can interrogate for content.
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The "virtual private swarm" will have far fewer nodes, pinning more relevant content
daviddias: maybe you could respond whenever you get a chance
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gozala: I think I can answer the "requires iteration questions
gozala: I beleive it's because you can't
You might be able to hide the iteration deeper in the API, but the network can't iteratively retrieve the data for you because it doesn't understand the data
We can only assume that your local node understands how to interpret the binaryBlobs
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Think about it like a directory structure and files
When you retrieve the CID for the directory, you get links to the CIDs for the files, but the network doesn't bring you all the files CIDs too
If you ask for a file, as a relative path from the directory's CID; the it pulls the directory, follows the path, then returns the file
That's an iterative process
In the case of IPLD, that file now has a structure that can be dug into too
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MikeFair: I think you misunderstood my question :) which was why not actually use tuple or a record instead of a table
It seems that it’s an array of (path, value) pairs
So it could be represented as [path, value] or a {path: “/a/b”, value: x}
But instead it’s a map with single entry
Because a list of links would be a more useful thing for asynchronous retrieval
forEach(pathName) map
something like that
You know, I'm not writing any code that uses these results atm, so I can't say what'd be better/easier
MikeFair: oh if map can have >1 entry sure
But I was under impression it doesn’t
As it’s array of them
And description calls it a tuple
Which is why I found it counterintuitive
We might be talking different API calls too
I saw one that returned "all links in this object"
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whyrusleeping: I went through link which you gave and was able to get the data from two different nodes..i.e. from node A to node B
mithun: Did you have to do anything, or did it just work?
MikeFair: I was referring to resolver.tree
and it could go multiple level’s deep as well too
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gozala: Oh, I wasn't thinking that: I was thinking [{"dir":"CID"}] (from that example)
gozala: [{"dir":"CID"}, {"dir2":"CID2"}, {"dir/subdir":"CID"}] (from a different example with more links in it)
MikeFair: so I vaguely remember old IPLD paper having more or less what I described
It could have changed though
gozala: Well you're absolutely right in that a link is described as an object {"/":"CID"}
That is the actual value you see in the DB
MikeFair: what DB ? Sorry my brain is fried, need to sleep
talk to you later
ipfs dag get /ipfs/zdpuAvseB5qenujhBMdZt4eiaefxJrFmEqAQMdLx7CaoYyQXY
thanks again for your input
gozala: Sorry, DB == IPLD stored structure
That dag object has a nodes array which are links
err which have links
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ipfs dag get /ipfs/zdpuAvseB5qenujhBMdZt4eiaefxJrFmEqAQMdLx7CaoYyQXY/nodes/0/data
traverses one of those links
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---- Another random thought ---- What if the browsers using js-ipfs somehow built their own DHT by only including the nodes that directly hosted their content of interest
I mean a broswer isn't really meant to act as a content host in the network for most definitions of "content host" --- they're more of a content consumer
The function they could provide though is speeding up the routing table of the DHT
There's something about the browsers maintaining the "quick lookup network" for what nodes are providing what CIDs (by popularity and interest) that seems to make sense here
There's also a CID batch list: "Nodes that requested these CIDs are likely to request these CIDs"; and somehow keeping a list of nodes providing those CIDs more prominently in their routing netowrk
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hi all!
I am new to IPFS, but doing web and app development for almost 10 years
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I am amaised by IFS and really cuorious what it could do for devs in the coming future
I m wondering about a few things, maybe someone could help me understand
say I wan't to deploy a website with a login page, what r my options in order to build a login functionality?
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Stuff on IPFS is understood to be public, so I'm wondering, what that login would be for.
say I want to build a blogging platform
so only an owner could change certain informations within a page
I don't know if if IPFS is the right thing for that. You could have a look at what is doing, or at the forum on
zeronet's zeroblog platform might be what you are looking for
I mean, the infromation would be public but this app/site would allow only the author to make changes to it via a web interface trought the gateway + odmain
the thing is, I am planning to mix a blockchain into the app
say, sending tips to users via ether/bitcoin transactions
but on ethereum for example there is no cheap way of storing data, than on IPFS's homepage it emphasises that its the perfect match for the blockchian
That sounds like
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damn, I liked so much how IPFS doing things
( is partially based on IPFS. I don't like their way of using it, though.)
cuz if its suitable for static site hosting, i thought it could be hacked to get a way of securing content
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I think it can. And since I'm unhappy with how is doing things, I'd like to encourage you to try…
the way I imagined to build it was by creating a "static site builder" where the user makes changes to its content, I would record the data to a JSON, than when saving the content, a renderer function would pick up this JSON, and spit out a static HTML file
images would be compressed/converted to base64 and the whole thing bundled to a single HTML file
could this be possible?
Should. But I'm wondering why you want to pack everything into a single file.
from what I'we read, the garbage collector is kinda intens, so to avoid to much of a hassle of pinning and cashing multiple files, there would be a single file to take care of
of cours optimising would be among the last steps, if multiple files gonna work, there will be no need to bundle
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you don't have to manage pinning multiple files, just pin a directory with blog in it and it's ok
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mate, thanks. I will be beack! Cya
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voker57: But where does that directory come from? If you compose it with a writable gateway and PUT…
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Hm. I wonder if I could keep content online simply by asking various gateways for https://$GW/api/v0/refs?arg=/ipns/
JCaesar: You can but there's no guarentees.
Nothing stops the gateway from fetching something, serving it, and then immediately throwing it away.
ok there's no way i'm gonna read the backlog
i was only gone 9 hours, how did you come up with 350 new lines
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lgierth: Is it possible to specify a relay in the p2p-circuit multiaddr like this: `<server-address>/p2p-circuit/ipfs/<dst-id>` ?
whyrusleeping: The "Virtual" part is take advantage of the global network of peers
* MikeFair
reads first.
i gotcha
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Yeah, so this would be that, but as a second routing table
gozala: yeah connections are currently always duplex reliable streams. i'm not sure about the exact types in js-land. in addition to these "stream conns" we'll also have "packet conns" some time soon
yeah, i re-read through what you were asking
that would be really nice
gozala: but that's gonna be a separate set of functions throughout the libp2p stack
lgierth: thanks
btw those interface definitions are very much appreciated :D i could have used exactly that last weekend
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gozala: The conn in that API call appears to be a connection to specific peer from the given the context, but I can't tell if it's a logical "node to node" connection (the addresses involved are peer ids); or a more specific socket connection (the addresses involved are ip addresses or other kind of physical network address)
MikeFair: at that particular interface, we don't care. it's just a stream and we do stuff with it. the underlying things wrap it in encryption, multiplexing, etc. -- ip addresses/sockets are also completely transparent to this interface. they only matter to the respective transport module
lgierth: So if I interrogated the conn object, in the source/dest fields I'd expect to see peer ids then?
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ah good point, i think you can actually get the underlying multiaddr
at least in go-land you can
but that underlying addr might for example be a circuit relay address (circuit relay is half a transport too)
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* MikeFair
nods to lgierth and adds "Learn IPFS Network Layers Stack Model" to his list of "Things to understand before opening my mouth to much".
Ahh it's a wonderful day
* lgierth
adds "Document the IPFS stack properly" to his list
;) --- I think I understand what you're saying, but obviously a multiAddr and a circuit address aren't in IPv4; I'm assuming a circuit address is something like the IPv6 version of a routed connection.
well it's actually on the list already but just got another big exclamation mark next to it
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(I don't remember if a routed connection is exactly what IPv6 calls it; but you place the specific list IP addresses to hop through as part of the link/connection definition)
* MikeFair
waves to raynold. o/
whyrusleeping: Any thoughts on a short route for me to test the IPNS in IPLD links since we spoke last night?
lgierth: Would love to hear your thoughts on doing it too
lgierth: The question is: I'd like to use an IPNS link as the reference in an IPLD link
And give an ipns address to ipfs dag get
lgierth: The use case is building a distributedly authorized graph --- so different people are updating different portions of the graph, and since they don't have privileges to update portions of the graph they don't own, they can't update link references when they update their own sections
that is *really* tricky when it comes to resolving through that graph
lgierth: Only if you auto-recurse ;)
lgierth: yeah, he just wants to be able to manually resolve through ipns links
lgierth: To which I say "Don't do that!!!! It hurts everyeone!!"
i'd say that's a case for a relatively simple custom ipld resolver
or ipld format, or what its called
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one that understands what to do when it encounters an ipns reference
i can't discuss a ton today, have to pack and put my room in order, flying to the US tomorrow morning
lgierth: I was also able to sort out, that if auto-recursion was going on, keeping track of the "CIDs resolved to from the root of this path" and not follow any dupes
but i suggest you look into a custom ipld format for that. as for baking it directly into ipld itself, i'd say it's likely not worth the added complexity
lgierth: I'm not opposed to that but I am having a hard time finding any docs on how make one of those and use it.
(A lot of those 350 lines was gozala and I trying to parse through the resolver API ;) )
I'd actually really loveto be able to make custom formats
MikeFair: so what exactly do you want? Do you just want to build something hacky to play with?
hehe got it
not only for links, but also for storage
i think the tl;dr would be: define a multicodec code that means "this node is an ipns reference", and bind the respective ipld format implementation to that code. then for the actual resolution logic (the resolved content would not be covered by the reference's hash in the dag) you'll have to plug in IPNS
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MikeFair: in go or js?
lgierth: My thoughts on detecting "this is an ipns reference" was "the link CID starts with /ipns/"
whyrusleeping: I was hoping both, but I'll take either really ; I've got more experience with go ; but the JS codebase seems a bit easier to follow
I couldn't even locate where the ipld resolver code was happening
Well I was looking for the "Where do I hack in the 'test CID value for startswith /ipns/'" point
I like the idea of a custom ipld resolver
I guess I could add a "namespace" or 'ns' value to the link object --- absence or 'ipfs' == standard CID; otherwise branch on module/function name (in my case 'ipns')
whyrusleeping: Oh wait! Is that it in "SplitAbsPath" just above ResolveToLastNode?
if parts[0] == "ipfs" { parts = parts[1:] }
yes, but its not the droid youre looking for
that whole bit of code is for 'resolve a given path'
That strips out the 'ipfs' portion from the CID
Does "ipfs name publish" produce CIDv1 output?
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OR is that going to be part of the iprs takeover
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nope, currently only `ipfs dag` commands produce cidv1, and `ipfs add` if you pass certain flags
for ipns keys and cidv1, we're waiting to properly integrate ed25519 keys
gotta run! going swimming
* MikeFair
looks at lgierth and wonders if he understands what that means for my testing/proff of concept.
(good luck / have fun)
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i got socialised on counterstrike 1.5 servers
lgierth: Cna i ping you again on this when you're back?
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Would like to do it right, but looks like there's no way to get there from here ;)
sure, i'll just not pay much attention to my computer while packing and cleaning ;) and tomorrow i'll be on the road for 21 hours
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Well -- mostly it's just that if I use ipns name publish to make an ipns reference, but I can only use a v1 CID to make the custom IPLD resolver work; then I have no way to produce a link that I can put in IPLD to custom resolve
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lgierth: Unless I can somehow cast the v0 ipns CID into a v1 CID
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fwiw -- that CID also claims v0 CIDs are backwards compatible; so that ipns address starting with Qm, should be understood, and I'd just need to add code to resolve it?
err that CID doc
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Or really, I guess you don't necessarily need your own ipld type, but it would make things easier I think
you could just use the normal ipld cbor type, and have your own custom field for ipns links
like, {"?": "/ipns/QmFooBar"} instead of the "/" key
and your resolver could look for that, and do an ipns lookup
to return the next step in the path
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hello. for the bitswap protocol do connections have to be Dialed-out to be used for blocks? or can blocks that exist on peers be transferred over connections that were initiated by peers that Dialed me?
trying to figure out absolutely abysmal transfer speed issues. I should be seeing near gigabit speeds. getting 1-5 MB/s-ish.
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jesse22: what commands are you using?
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So I've been trying to find something out for like a month now: Is it possible, using browser JavaScript, to automatically upload a file then modify an IPNS address to point to it? Of course with protecting the IPNS with a password or private key, so only the owner of an account can make changes.
This is essential for any plan to have a dynamic website, where users can update the settings of their account and have the account point to the updated file.
whyrusleeping: I'm working with @jesse22 on this
do you mean which daemon command?
or which command are we using to monitor bandwidth usage?
natewalck: which command are you using to transfer files?
more or less
not like, ipfs get, or ipfs pin?
There is a file on the IPFS network and we are curling it down from the local endpoint
whyrusleeping: ipfs get or HTTP-via-gateway seem to offer similar performance
Yep, seems like it: IPFS Companion in Firefox is seeing it.
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whyrusleeping: your {"?":"/ipns"} is new syntax -- we can do this without messing with ipld itself
this is really just another ipld format with resolution logic that's a tad more involved that usual
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(when bringing in ipns, it's not strictly content-addressed anymore of course. permission-addressed or key-addressed would be a term i guess)
Taoki: yes. you can see connected peers by executing 'ipfs swarm peers' for example
Okay, so: Since I'm thinking of trying to develop a website for ipfs, I need to know one of the basic questions. How do I use IPFS JavaScript functions in Firefox?
I assume simply running the Daemon in the background won't enable them in all browsers on my machine. Or will it?
i don't know anything about the javascript libs, but i imagine you'll need to include them in page source. surely there's some getting started docs?
One more thing I should take note of: Is it possible to create a local, sandboxed IPFS daemon? I'd rather not litter the whole network with a website that is a work in progress
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Taoki: honestly? i wouldn't worry about 'littering' anything. files added to ipfs are only hosted on your node until some other node requests them
that said you can remove all your Bootstrap hosts (ipfs bootstrap) and it shouldn't connect to anyone else when being started
Right... that is fair. Though how do I remove temporaries then?
Also is it possible to delete an IPNS once you created it?
i've seen issues with ipns not working using a single node ,though
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i don't know about deleting ipns - good question
jesse22: can you take a look at the performance if you use `ipfs pin add` to do the transfer?
whyrusleeping: happy to, let me do that
How do you delete files from your local node, once they are obsolete and you no longer need them wasting space on your drive?
Taoki: unpin them and then garbage collect
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whyrusleeping: so far performance is similarly slow - bw poll is showing ~1.7 MB/s
jesse22: hrm... I expect it to be kinda slow (due to the graph traversal algorithms right now)
but 1.7MB/s seems a bit low
jesse22: whats the latency between the two machines?
lgierth: its not a new syntax
you can just make an object that has that in it
and write a handler for it in your resolver
I'd still like to get back to my question for the time being in my case, as I've been trying to find an answer for over a month now. I believe it was:
whyrusleeping: a wrinkle: we're running a private swarm - currently only ~15-ish nodes. so i'd expect the dht to be fairly small with minimal content at this stage
jesse22: that should be fine
whyrusleeping: there's about 6-7 hosts that have the file cached. some hosts are very close - same LAN, some hosts are across a WAN
I want to have an interface site that allows any user to create and update an account. The account's settings are stored in a Json file. For the idea to work, I need JavaScript to be able to update this json file with a new version whenever changes are made. However, to prove it's the account holder making them, it needs to check a password or key.
How close is this to being possible?
whyrusleeping: ah true. still want a custom multicodec for that though, right?
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lgierth: nah, you don't need it
What I believe I need is to create and update an IPNS address, pointing to the user's json database. However there are two problems: First is how browser-side JS can manipulate an IPNS in the first place! Second is how this IPNS can be secured with a password or key, so only the owner can edit it regardless of browser or location.
Can the JS IPFS AIP do any of those things?
whyrusleeping: LAN hosts have 5ms pings, 'close' WAN has around 25ms, 'far' WAN has around 125ms
jesse22: hrm...
jesse22: could you try setting up two hosts with the new experimental datastore?
ipfs init --profile=badgerds
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i'm wondering if youre hitting a dumb disk bottleneck
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frist: ^ this is the sort of thing I want to be able to debug with the tracing stuff
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whyrusleeping: yeah that's something that i've noticed: if a single close host starts hosting the file, transfers are pretty darn quick - it's just when it that file is hosted all over the network throughput drops like a rock
but, yes - i'll give that a go
and report back
when transferring a ton of stuff the other week, i noticed bitswap constantly being at 512 wantlist entries. might be a bottleneck too
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didn't ever get above 20MBps between two hosts that can otherwise do 120MBps
jesse22: another metric to check on the host doing the fetch is `ipfs bitswap stat` and look for duplicate blocks
Okay... I take it no one knows about my question.
yeah we are definitely seeing duplicate blocks - but i don't know what to make of the number
Taoki: unless someone pipes up about knowledge with js-ipfs, you might be best served by diving into their code & docs
ipns may not be supported in js-ipfs yet? worth pining the issue
Still not figuring out how to get js-ipfs functions working in Firefox. The instructions involve a NPM command, but I assume I need something in FF itself.
Taoki: yeah, i don't know much about js-ipfs, sorry
jesse22: how much duplicate blocks?
whyrusleeping: i have 13 GB of dup data/51k blocks
well shit
this is for a 8GB that file that i've been testing over & over again (doing a ipfs repo gc between each test)
yeah, so we have some work to do on reducing duplicate sends
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but - that wouldn't explain the slowness would it? i mean its wasted bandwidth, sure, but the speed should be better than a megabyte, no?
yeah, it doesnt explain the slowness
i'm still curious to see how the different datastore works
yep getting stuff uploaded now :)
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yeah, okay LAN host<->LAN host (single node serving file) getting >50 MB/s and often 90, 100 MB/s
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@whyrusleeping I think you are on to something here
dup blocks received: 119
dup data received: 31 MB
and its balooning
dup blocks received: 313
dup data received: 82 MB
thats while transferring an 8gb file
jesse22: so things are much faster with the new datastore?
dup data received: 384 MB
dup blocks received: 1463
yeah, we definitely need to work on that...
Is there any way to tweak settings for that right now ?
Is it bitswap strategy related?
whyrusleeping: not exactly suer what you mean by datastore - it's the same repo and everything just a new file that's uploaded to one single node and downloaded from one other node
the slowness we see is with a file that 6 or 7 hosts have
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So to break this down to stats
jesse22: oh, I thought the fast speeds you were getting were when you used the --profile=badgerds option
blocks received: 3394
data received: 889764252
data sent: 0
blocks sent: 0
dup blocks received: 2139
dup data received: 561 MB
~ 63% duplicate block rate
which also means 63% of the data received is just tossed because it already has it, correct?
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whyrusleeping: no, same running daemons, same repos, and everything - its just that we have multiple hosts hosting a file speeds tank
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jesse22: very interesting...
I think I know how to go about making that better
whyrusleeping: thanks for the tip on where to register; I'll look into it
whyrusleeping: lemme try and get this ipfs-benchmark stuff and we can get this visualized :)
great :)
(And yes, I actually want/require both --- command line ipns --- and link ipns ----- but the latter seems more difficult than the former)
But it still seems wierd to me that "Qm" can't just be made to "do the right thing" ;)
(I can envision the reasons for why it "shouldn't" be made to ; but not how the code would make it difficult)
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