_florent_: thanks, the new UART changes work well! Tunneling via wishbone works, so now `wishbone-tool` can act as a terminal emulator via any of the bridges.
It's also growing basic Etherbone support now. So we can have terminal-over-Ethernet.
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xobs: thanks, that will be very useful! I was always switching between the Wishbone Bridge and the CPU UART manually or using 2 UARTs to have both together
I also added the ability to run multiple servers at once, so terminal and gdb will both work. Though now I need to add the ability to run gdb on a different port.
xobs: great. Do you have a board to test the terminal-over-Ethernet? I'm happy to do some testing if needed
mithro was working to get that built. There were Reasons that it doesn't work. Could you please help him get an image working?
I'm looking at it now
mithro: which board are you using?
_florent_: I'm stuck at getting the wishbone bridge over ethernet working
_florent_: Arty
mithro: are you able to ping the board?
This stuff sounds great.
_florent_: Let me push what I have so far
and then just run: litex_sim --with-etherbone
then try to ping
if its responding, the Etherbone bridge is responding and you can use it
Etherbone bridge is responding/Etherbone bridge is active
mithro: being able to use add_mem_region without the origin seems a good idea yes. When doing it we should just make sure to avoid breaking the old API and still allow using a fixed memory map
_florent_: I believe my python code does that
_florent_: Preserves the old method and allows the new method...
mithro: yes probably, i haven't look closely yet :) will do!
_florent_: Should have thought about telling xobs to use the sim target...
scanakci: using a frequency that is too low can indeed cause issues for the DDR3 calibration. We have some limitation with the IDELAYE2/ODELAYE2 taps for write/read leveling
_florent_: After building that etherbone example I linked above, Ethernet seems to come up but I don't get any arp response or response to ping
_florent_: Can the libuip interfere with the hardware etherbone?
scanakci: i would recommend using the max sys_clk_freq you can that don't produce timing violations, the Kintex7 is quite capable so should be able to run your CPU at a higher frequency
_florent_: The link is up, but I'm not seeing any arp responses
mithro: ok i need to have a closer look. I tested if on others targets recently but not on Arty
Is there any documentation on how to use litex_sim? I'm having to patch Makefiles to add `-I/opt/miniconda3/include` and `-L/opt/miniconda3/lib`, and I feel that's the wrong way to do it.
xobs: litex_sim is simular to others designs, just that it uses Verilator as a backend for the simulation
xobs: so you just need to install Verilator + libevent-dev libjson-c-dev (on Ubuntu)
_florent_: I see. I had to patch a bunch of files to add the miniconda3 include and library files, and now it's asking me for my password.