_florent_: The Siglent oscilloscope is a fun new platform! Is there a specific project around that? Seems like a huge amount of work still needed to make that work well.
It's telling of the kind of volume discounts they must be getting, at retail the FPGA alone would be ¼ the price of the scope
Volume prices on ICs really bend my mind
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dkozel: thanks, the pinout is from https://github.com/360nosc0pe and i wanted to see for quite some times if we could run LiteX on it
for now the Ethernet/DRAM is working (so already Linux capable) and i'd like to get at least the LCD/Buttons/Leds working and then the ADC
some work had already started on that in 360nosc0pe project (it was also LiteX based but only for the peripherals of the Zynq)
After that, creating a full standalone scope is indeed a massive work, i'm not planning to work on that, but with just the SoC + ADC support it would be nice to add glscopeclient support
In a Zynq can LiteX use the hard processor and expose the HDL peripherals to it?
dkozel: that's indeed the purpose of zynq7000/core.py. I don't use it that much personally but i did for some clients that are running Linux on the Zynq and create the SoC/Peripherals with LiteX.
So cool. I want a weekend to look at that. Do you have any idea of the max data rate that can be streamed across the interface?
Have you ever looked at the ADALM PLUTO SDR?
dkozel: for the AXI GP we are converting to to AXI Lite when connecing it the main LiteX bus, so that's good for control/status
the AXI HP is AXI FULL, so the limitation is the Zynq here
I just ordered an ADALM PLUTO a few weeks ago :) but haven't played with it yet. We could add it as a LiteX-Boards platform if you want
i also have a simple LiteX AD9631 PHY
daveshah: in case you have 2 min, would you mind having a look at: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/pull/696 (ie is passing the idcode of ECP5 12F variant to NextPnr still required?)
_florent_: no, if you use --12k you don't need the --idcode ecppack param too
--12k to nextpnr is the recommended route now
ok good, that's what we are already doing in LiteX, so the PR is not needed, thanks.
oops snap we both responded!
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daveshah: ah sorry, thanks.
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_florent_: It would be extremely cool to see even the most basic demo of a LiteX build for the Pluto that has the AD9631 included.
I was looking at ordering the JTAG adapter for the Pluto, but probably will just solder on some wires
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hello all, I only discovered LiteX recently and have been trying to bring up various components on an Alchitry Au (part: xc7a35t-ftg256-1) I got recently. I'm currently quite stuck with the onboard DDR3. At this point I have it working via Vivado and MIGv7, so I know the module is functional. I mirrored the mimas_a7 target from litex-boards, and I
have some CSR registers I can control via wishbone-tool over a uart (minisoc). I believe I set up my pins correctly (they match the xdc file generated by vivado). However, when I load the gateware, if I write more data via wishbone-tool than the L2 cache is configured for, the older locations just revert to "0".
the sys_clk_freq was reduced to 83.333 MHz since the -1 speed grade artix-7's can only do 667 Mb/s per pin for DDR3L. (does reducing sys_clk_freq drop the DRAM frequency?)
just looking for some guidance, not really sure where to start debugging
I'm not really familiar with using wishbone tool instead of an embedded CPU, but do you get some kind of DDR initialisation output?
you know, I haven't tried an embedded cpu at this point (was trying to take baby steps), so if there are initialization steps to start the ddr3 module that's definitely not being done
Initialisation is definitely required, for example to calibrate the delay primitives and set up the control regs in the RAM
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I switched to using a soft-cpu (this was way too easy lol)
is there any way to use the 1:2 clocking on the Artix-7? If I try to change all the sys4x clocks to something like "sys2x" i get errors about unresolved clock domains