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iTitou: the CSRStorages need to be part of the Module to be collected (self.A, self.B, self.C instead of A, B, C)
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Anyone with a ulx3s that can quickly test if the B1 button still works to rst and reload firmware?
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_florent_: Thx !
_florent_: is there any scenario in which the LiteSDCard gateware would be used with a non-removable card? I'm assuming No, but maybe I'm missing something
also, any scenario where one would want to use GPIO for things like card-detect, instead of the built-in gateware functionality ?
I'm also guessing No to this one, but with somewhat less confidence :)
Asking because the current Linux driver checks for all of these as part of its card-detect method, and I'd like to simply remove all that dead code (on the assumption it's really *dead*)
not in direct answer but in that theme, I seem to remember that Xilinx's vc707 board doesn't even have a CD pin
Finde: IIRC digging through the LiteSDCard gateware sources yesterday the CSR bit dedicated to card-detect is hard-coded to "present" in that case
whatever that is (0 I believe)
yeah that's what we had to do for our sd device
although in that case detecting eject and re-insert from e.g. Linux will end up being lots and lots of fun
we just assumed it would never be unplugged...
bit hard to give any guarantees there
maybe that's where GPIO could come into play in some shape of form? I'm really not a hardware guy, althoug I'm trying hard to keep up ;)
oh like to flick a separate switch after you insert kind of thing?
seems reasonable yeah
so you'd specify that in some DT cell in your mmc node, in which case I should probably *NOT* remove that code, as it's *NOT* dead :)
makes sense to me
In its current form, the driver does some trickery w.r.t. inserting a set-bus-width command into the command stream driven by the generic mmc layers *once* at the "right time" in "the beginning"
and the "we're done with this part" flag stays set across an eject/reinsert cycle, so the card is never properly re-initialized after being ejected once
so I'm trying to hook into the "get_cd" mmc driver method to reset that "we still need to set the bus width" flag
so if the card is not removable, there's no problem; If we can rely on the CSR card-detect flag, we're OK; if there isn't a card-detect pin, we punt and make it GPIO's problem to signal us when the card is in/out of its slot (best effort)
Finde: thanks for the brainstorm, I think it all starts making sense now ;)
at the very least your description sounds right to me
I'm not a huge fan of how the set_bus_width is done, but given that, the fix I put in works. I'm going to look at the overall driver some more for additional clean-up opportunities :)
as it turns out, the trellisboard's built-in sdcard reader doesn't have a card-detect pin either
gateware hard-codes a "present" bit in the CSR card-detect register