Title: `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none /* * simple fifo. The next data - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
Seems to work fine here
Is this with default DATA_WIDTH and ADDR_WIDTH? if you overrode ADDR_WIDTH to be smaller Yosys might see it more efficient to use LUTRAM instead (but this would be a different message)
also it _says_ it doesn't use bram because "Read port #0 is in clock domain !~async~."
dunno if that's the real reason, though
same problem with another ram
i'll reduce the design to something where bram still gets inferred and work up from that later, thanks for testing
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daveshah: using DP16KD i get the data after the clock. if i just use an array in verilog i can get the data before the clock. how does yoysys/nextpnr setup DP16KD to achieve that?
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daveshah: does yoysys 'smartly' implement a write to the 'read address' using substitution? thus assuring that the data is available on the next clock?
janrinze: what do you mean before the clock ?
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tnt: DP16KD has a clock
tnt: with reg[15:0] memory[0:8191] you can do 'always@* out=memory[address] ; always@(posedge clk) memory[address]=in;'
yeah ... and that's not going to map to a DP16KD
tnt: it actually does.
unless `address` is a register
and then yosys will "move" the register.
address is a register
tnt: 'move' as in using the read address as the detination register?
oops 'destination'
it will use the input to the address register (instead of the ouptut) to actually feed the address input of the DP16K read side.
tnt: yup
tnt: but how can i infer the same?
tnt: with using the DP16K primitive?
That's not 'infer' ... 'infer' is letting yosys do it.
'instanciate' is doing it 'manually'.
okay.. how can i get the same behaviour that yosys does ?
Well you need to change your HDL ...
using DP16K
if you only have access to 'address' register output, you can't.
yosys can but i can't.. i see
yosys has access to the whole design and can mangle it like it wants. You can't do that ...
the 'move' magic would be very nice to have.
same for the output register, ifr i clock that in then it will be 'late' by one clock..
yosys can add read bypass logic if need be.
okay, yoysys can do some nice mapping and it will work on the proper clock transition. There aren't any verilog tricks to do the same, right?
well no ... you instanciate a blackbox, verilog has no clue what that black box does.
if it doesn't do what you need, tough luck, it's up to you to rewrite the logic around it so it fits your use case.