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OMG has ANYBODY been able to change the screen resolution of their N2 within boot.ini with the non-bsp kernel?
mine does 1920x1200 nomatter what arguments i change
boot at least it boted from PR #1956
Good morning
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lanefu for the Potato I see gp0_pll_dco failing, I didn't get to play with my u-boot move today
I would wipe out the audio patches
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I think they are the old ones anyway
I'll look through these patches tomorrow, they seem to have multiplied rather than shrunk. :P
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@armbian (armbian): @A13_technology We designed smart 8 in 1 with option to stack ;) Assembly of a small serie is in final stage. https://t.co/zonQIa9jXOhttps://t.co/fFMoTp3zzs (6s ago)
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IgorPec: Good morning
noon here :) how is going up there?
is your Orangepi RK3399 in function? I have difficulties to bring it to life
Quite good ! Since I'm living in township, not much affected compare to Montreal.
yeah. slovenia is township as a whole :)
My OrangePi-RK3399 ? It is running 5.6.2 built on April 6th ...
what about boot loader, also up to date*
i am suspecting troubles with boot loader ... don't get anything on serial
At the time I've done the build, it was : U-Boot 2020.01-armbian (Apr 06 2020 - 16:14:46 -0400)
Serial-TTL is working fine.
then mine is probably fried :(
OK, piter did some changes around u-boot that should be tested on this board
Euhhh ! Did you miss plug it ? On mine, I leave the USB-Serial plugged always, it is plugged since more than a year.
Ok ! I will redo a new build with latest changes and keep you informed ...
no, i pulled out my last hair, tried everything
console was not moved away from 3 pin header, right?
Right ! On many of my board, since I've more then 15 USB-TTL, I leave them plugged, only switch USB extension cord from my PC from board to another.
i ordered a bulk of USB ttl since running low :) only 6 or smth
I'm still waiting for 5 new ones, but Chinese shipments have been delayed a bit due to COVID-19.
and i have a few which doesn't work well. they are faling all the time and can't go over 115200
Oh ! What kind of chip ? (I've no issues with CH34x)
i also have no issues with CH340
those are some FT232
and pl2303
I've 2 of those, and sometime, they are hang, and I press <return> autorepeat for maybe 40 secs until they come up again.
using picocom
aha, didn't tried that
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In my case, such hanging even occurs at 115200 ...
On my Pine64 for example ...
yes, for me too ...
OPi-RK3399 build started ...
mine does not react on anything ... i need to try maskrom recovery option , but after release. now dealing with tons of other problems
I will keep you posted when new build will be finished.
good morning
good morning
yeah i had some weird cruft in my build folder.. i ended up destroying it all and then opilite built
funny thing was.. the whole reason i was building opilite was because i wanted a wifi TTL serial for the lepotato rather than just hooking up my USB ttl lol
IgorPec: i took off work today, so i have a little extra bandwidth
i am rebuilding first full nightl batch now
ha... maybe we shuold merge 1956 first :P
now that it works
i am trying if build-all works as expected
martinayotte: what about something like "Q18042 USR-TCP232-T2 Tiny Serial Ethernet Converter Module Serial UART TTL to Ethernet TCPIP Module" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32777896486.html
nekomancer[m]: although the module you mentioned is nice, it is a bit expansive for the task, the one Igor mentioned is similar to the ones I own.
IgorPec: my OPi-RK3399 is now upgraded to 5.6.12 with U-Boot 2020.04, booting from eMMC. Serial-Debug still working fine ...
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lanefu: downloading.. (100Mb/s)
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lanefu: boots ok from SD (couldnt find my emmc :( ) wifi works, BUT same issue as last time: reboot command shuts down properly, doesn't come up again -> remote usage impossible
HerculeP: yeah just saw that with my potato as well
[ 4807.160004] watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
that too
does sound work?
didnt check yet, currently apt upgrading
HerculeP: then watchdog should reset it
lanefu: means we might not go to 5.6.y ?
* HerculeP
never touched watchdog
IgorPec: yeah unless we can iron those kinks out
HerculeP: does your C2 reboot with kernel 5.4?
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watchdog is very helpful exactly in such cases
nekomancer[m]: you have a C2 or le potato to troubleshoot ?
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* nekomancer[m]
can try.
How sound should be checked?
system payer will be ok>
lanefu: downgraded to 5.4.39 still no sound, no reboot
nekomancer[m]: I started a podcast in the chromium browser, audio volume meter showed the signal but no sound from the speakers
still image downloading — 27 mins left
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heh, fiber ftw
HerculeP: yeah basically if you goto sound and see the audio sync and dummy is the only option then there's no sound
yeah still cracks me up how fast i an xfer overseas to you HerculeP
its liek faster then a lot of my friends state side
half my max download option
limited on your side, lol
yeah its actually bottlenecked by my router at hte moment
well haproxy running on mhy router is the bottleneck
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lanefu: try ipfs :)
nekomancer[m]: ha yeah i shoudl setup a gateway sometime
just use docker. 10 minutes to go.
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there might be some issue with the buildbot or building system at least w. odroid-c1 - or i dont unterstand the images on https://dl.armbian.com/odroidc1/nightly/ - i thought i fixed the boot but the 5.4.40 image "trunk" from 12th *should* be the same image as master
however it seems to fail to boot - both buster and focal 5.4.40 images while 3 local image from master checkout - 2 via docker and 1 in a 20.04 LTS VM just run fine
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plntyk: yes, it doesn't boot for me neither
lanefu: no sound on my N2 in chrome youtube.
nekomancer[m]: okay.. so yeah in pulse audio for output sinks do you see anything besides dummy?
i already manually fixed the error with some mix of deleting / recopy and removing extended attributes on the file but tomorrow i'll try to test mint in a VM and maybe just backport _all_ fs/ext4 uboot changes to the odroid-c1
no, only dummy
since it uses vendor uboot patched 2011.03
nekomancer[m]: okay... and... does reboot work?
emm... what exactly should I run? to tell "reboot"?
plntyk: is there any hope for modern u-boot? is there any sign of C1 ?
Or desktop menu? something else?
uhhh usually from the logout/shutdown menu you can reboot... or you can run reboot from comand line
either is fine
both CLI and GUI reboot didnt work here (C2)
seems not root non my new user can't login remotely viassh with username and password. is it expected?
access denied
IgorPec: there is no sign atm - it has some issues like newer c2 etc with some vendor (?) blob stuff or so (bl1) maybe similar to bl21/bl30 on later boards
but odroid-c1 has mainline support and its armv7 multiconfig and has a working dtb in kernel
yeah, its not possible to boot withoht that attm
yes, lets try to fix this as intendent
but ... the diff between v2011.03 and v2011.03 vendorpatch is like ~500 files w. 10mb in /arch alone
nightmare :(
an i am not a uboot expert - theoretically since there is mainline support for other armv7 like omap3 in kernel and uboot - it should be simpler to add an additional armv7 in uboot since omap3 already works there
nobody will dig into this old u-boot. its waste of time and also alone you can't do much
there is also some Librelec for C1, experimental
with modern kernel, so its doable so I wonder what we are doing wrong here :(
also u-boot from 2011 to 2019 has major changes like going to Kconfig and changing the drivers
yes i know, its insane big diff
lanefu: reboot from local desktop terminal from root "just work"
and with all those compiler changes you need the old toolchain too since compilation broke too
at least that part we are covering
going to watch some tv and tomorrow probably doing some testing or test-backporting of whole ext4 tree in uboot
right, slowly, i also have enough for today
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