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<nekomancer[m]> at 1986 I try to learn a "Focal" language. It was build-in to school computer instead of more traditional Basic.
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<nekomancer[m]> why to use odroid-c4 if odroid-N2 available?
<c0rnelius> comes down to use case i would think. why use anything over anything?
<c0rnelius> I'm just guessing... But i would think the c4 would make a tight kodi box. I personally haven't checked out coreelec on it yet, but that would be my bet.
<nekomancer[m]> other side is a samsung smartphone model list. so much models, impossible to make choice.
<nekomancer[m]> Is there something where C4 is better then N2?
<c0rnelius> i don't wanna say better, but yeah the N2 is the shit.
<c0rnelius> great board
<c0rnelius> i personally went for the c4 because i'm retarded and like a challenge
<nekomancer[m]> ouch.
<nekomancer[m]> then only I can say is a "good luck" ^)
<c0rnelius> say whatever you want
<c0rnelius> in all honesty... what are you going to do with the N2?
<c0rnelius> gonna start compiling native with it for other aarch64 systems?
<c0rnelius> whats ur end games?
* nekomancer[m] use n2 as compiler and docker builder for arm64 and armv7
<c0rnelius> ok then. answered ur question. i suppose.
<nekomancer[m]> yes.
<nekomancer[m]> thank you.
<c0rnelius> as for Samsung... toilet.
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<archetech> git clone https://github.com/armbian/build
<archetech> fatal: destination path 'build' already exists and is not an empty directory.
<archetech> I dont want to delete my cache of compilers
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<willmore> Better? $50 won't get you any kind of N2. If money isn't an issue, the C4 can still win on power usage.
<willmore> Then again, I have two 4GB N2 and one C4. ;)
<willmore> If you want a cheap and fast build box, pick up a used server with 12 cores/24 threads and 32 GB of memory for $150 shipped.
<willmore> Power management isn't really a thing for them, though.
<nekomancer[m]> <willmore "If you want a cheap and fast bui"> arm64? Do want! url, please.
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<Werner> Good morning
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<Werner> IgorPec, no idea if it makes sense to include RTL8723DS in lower kernel versions as well...
<Werner> And good morning
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<IgorPec> good morning
<IgorPec> Werner: we didn't have it before linux-version compare $version ge 5.5
<IgorPec> so i would leave as is. Probably its breaking up and ... fixing that is simply not worth
<Werner> Its up to you. I built 5.4 with it successfully and it would make sense if the repo keeps compatibility to the latest LTS kernel which 5.4 is.
<IgorPec> 5.4. was broken before?
<Werner> I don't know. I did not add the compare.
<IgorPec> ok, i will check quickly
<IgorPec> aha, if troubles are gone in 5.4.y ... i am testing others (4.14.y. arm64 is ok)
<IgorPec> ok, i will enable back with few other minor fixes
<Werner> I tested 5.4 only so far.
<Werner> As stated it compiled without errors but if it actually works, no clue. I do not own any usb wireless sticks whatsoever
<Werner> And probably never will. I like copper :P
<IgorPec> for those drivers its primaraly that doesn't break the build
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<cardboard64> is the Allwinner A23 supported? I want to run Armbian on my generic chinese tablet
<IgorPec> a23 is probably supported in the kernel, but how you will boot that up and secure that everything will work ...
<cardboard64> are there generic prebuilt images for Allwinner A23?
<IgorPec> there is nothing generic in this world
<IgorPec> each hw has unique boot loader
<IgorPec> we don't support any similar hardware
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<IgorPec> in some cases image for Cubieboard 1 works on some TV box that has the same chip, for tablets is more difficult because of the panel
<IgorPec> its probably possible to bring your tablet up, but its far from "plug and play"
<buZz> the panel is dead IgorPec :D
<buZz> should be much easier
<buZz> ^_^
<cardboard64> yeah, I want to keep the mobo+wlan only, to replace a raspberry pi 1
<IgorPec> then creating a boot loader config or using some from similar hw is a good start, kernel will probably boot up
<IgorPec> the problem is that you will need to do some trial and erros since you probably don't have a schematics
<IgorPec> you can hope it will just work by using some other configurgation
<buZz> is A23 a 'a13 version' of a20?
<buZz> so eh, same thing but no HDMI
<buZz> i think thats basically the only diff between A13 and A10, isnt it?
<IgorPec> probably, never really dug into a23
<IgorPec> since we never had any hw with it
<buZz> hmhm
<buZz> maybe once cardboard64 gives up he can donate the hw ;)
<buZz> hehe
<IgorPec> my trashcan is full :)
<cardboard64> well actually I could give it away, since I was thinking about throwing it away
<IgorPec> what we don't have is time, hw is cheap addon
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<ArmbianTwitter> @m_stroh (m.stroh): DIY Scan-Station with Nano-Pi #SBC with #Armbian Linux. Button: 1xScan 1xSave 1xShutdown LED on while scanning and saving. Simply shell script with modified wiringpi gpio tool (nanopi mainline kernel fix). https://t.co/MBnbCwZcPa https://t.co/LOQOs0Dnla (4s ago)
<buZz> 'mainline kernel fix
<buZz> oh dear :P
<IgorPec> huh
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<IgorPec> i used to have similar setup back in the days, but controlling scanner with scan buttons
<buZz> there absolutely no 'mainline kernel fix' in that :D
<IgorPec> i know :)
<buZz> heh
<buZz> i think the last scanner i touched had USBHID for the buttons on it
<IgorPec> almost all scanners have buttons, than can be easily read out
<IgorPec> i got one similar, Canon Lide which have nice buttons with "PDF" "EmaiL" ... signsd
<IgorPec> but its attached to main computer
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<ArmbianTwitter> @HugoPoi (HugoPoi): [Lime2 as hotspot with AR9271] What is the fuck with the firmware file, if someone at #Armbian can tell me. https://t.co/VV3lDPiCaf (7s ago)
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<abananabread> hi
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<abananabread> How do i flash Armbian buster onto eMMC on a Nanopi M4v2?
<abananabread> FriendlyARM made a flashable version of armbian64
<abananabread> should i use that? will it be safe to use?
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<epsilonKNOT> yo
<dd10> hi
<epsilonKNOT> so my friend here is having some problems with dd while using armbian
<epsilonKNOT> could anyone point to whats the dd command for armbian?
<epsilonKNOT> is there any seek needed?
<epsilonKNOT> the command we are using is: dd if=armbian...img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
<epsilonKNOT> seems to be giving some weird symbols on connecting via screen
<willmore> nekomancer[m], in the US at least, NewEgg has deals on used servers like that. https://www.newegg.com/dell-poweredge-r410-rack/p/2NS-0008-4UBX0?Item=9SIAC0F9G10480
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<nekomancer[m]> <willmore "nekomancer, in the US at least, "> 1. I'll have pay shipping over halh theglobe more than server itserf
<buZz> nekomancer[m]: find your local hackerspace, join their irc channel, ask if they have any spare 19" servers ;)
<buZz> i know we do, and most other dutch hackerspaces aswell
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<nekomancer[m]> <buZz "i know we do, and most other dut"> In my country server hw used until death. drop out of good hw — it's for countryes with 100K€ per capita.
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<solderfumes[m]1> nekomancer: A supermicro pentum 3 server crapped out three years ago at the place I was working at the time. Boss asked me to replace the failed capacitors on the main board. I told him I'll do it later. Three weeks later I quit due to an unrelated thing, but someone probably had to fix the board anyway.
<buZz> nekomancer[m]: really, try a hackerspace :) you might be suprised
<buZz> solderfumes[m]1: lol
<solderfumes[m]1> pentium*
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* nekomancer[m] have servers with ddr2 ram at work. and servers byed at 2006.
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<[TheBug]> Morning
<IgorPec> hej
<IgorPec> [TheBug] evening :)
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<[TheBug]> :)
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