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at 1986 I try to learn a "Focal" language. It was build-in to school computer instead of more traditional Basic.
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why to use odroid-c4 if odroid-N2 available?
comes down to use case i would think. why use anything over anything?
I'm just guessing... But i would think the c4 would make a tight kodi box. I personally haven't checked out coreelec on it yet, but that would be my bet.
other side is a samsung smartphone model list. so much models, impossible to make choice.
Is there something where C4 is better then N2?
i don't wanna say better, but yeah the N2 is the shit.
great board
i personally went for the c4 because i'm retarded and like a challenge
then only I can say is a "good luck" ^)
say whatever you want
in all honesty... what are you going to do with the N2?
gonna start compiling native with it for other aarch64 systems?
whats ur end games?
* nekomancer[m]
use n2 as compiler and docker builder for arm64 and armv7
ok then. answered ur question. i suppose.
thank you.
as for Samsung... toilet.
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fatal: destination path 'build' already exists and is not an empty directory.
I dont want to delete my cache of compilers
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Better? $50 won't get you any kind of N2. If money isn't an issue, the C4 can still win on power usage.
Then again, I have two 4GB N2 and one C4. ;)
If you want a cheap and fast build box, pick up a used server with 12 cores/24 threads and 32 GB of memory for $150 shipped.
Power management isn't really a thing for them, though.
<willmore "If you want a cheap and fast bui"> arm64? Do want! url, please.
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Good morning
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IgorPec, no idea if it makes sense to include RTL8723DS in lower kernel versions as well...
And good morning
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good morning
Werner: we didn't have it before linux-version compare $version ge 5.5
so i would leave as is. Probably its breaking up and ... fixing that is simply not worth
Its up to you. I built 5.4 with it successfully and it would make sense if the repo keeps compatibility to the latest LTS kernel which 5.4 is.
i think the last scanner i touched had USBHID for the buttons on it
almost all scanners have buttons, than can be easily read out
i got one similar, Canon Lide which have nice buttons with "PDF" "EmaiL" ... signsd
but its attached to main computer
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@HugoPoi (HugoPoi): [Lime2 as hotspot with AR9271] What is the fuck with the firmware file, if someone at #Armbian can tell me. https://t.co/VV3lDPiCaf (7s ago)
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How do i flash Armbian buster onto eMMC on a Nanopi M4v2?
FriendlyARM made a flashable version of armbian64
should i use that? will it be safe to use?
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so my friend here is having some problems with dd while using armbian
could anyone point to whats the dd command for armbian?
is there any seek needed?
the command we are using is: dd if=armbian...img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
seems to be giving some weird symbols on connecting via screen
<willmore "nekomancer, in the US at least, "> 1. I'll have pay shipping over halh theglobe more than server itserf
nekomancer[m]: find your local hackerspace, join their irc channel, ask if they have any spare 19" servers ;)
i know we do, and most other dutch hackerspaces aswell
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<buZz "i know we do, and most other dut"> In my country server hw used until death. drop out of good hw — it's for countryes with 100K€ per capita.
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nekomancer: A supermicro pentum 3 server crapped out three years ago at the place I was working at the time. Boss asked me to replace the failed capacitors on the main board. I told him I'll do it later. Three weeks later I quit due to an unrelated thing, but someone probably had to fix the board anyway.
nekomancer[m]: really, try a hackerspace :) you might be suprised
solderfumes[m]1: lol
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* nekomancer[m]
have servers with ddr2 ram at work. and servers byed at 2006.
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[TheBug] evening :)
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