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TRS-80 left eh
no sign of him. while once he said he will be back ...
Thinking about giving away irc bouncers with funny hostnames based on armbian.de
Like @any.cyborg.on.arm64.architecture.would.run.armbian.de
we can try, why not :)
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@armbian (armbian): We are putting in function new hardware testing facility to further improve #YesWeCan and polish #armbian optimised #linux #UX within your favorite SBC. We are running tests on 42 #answertolife boards at once! 2020.05 #release #iscomming soon. https://t.co/9tDFMk0zb3 (6s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): RT @XGRldlxpY2UK: Today two interesting solutions for personal site hosting: * https://t.co/ln97Ku9c0J (HTTP Blog Server : 100 Lines of C… (3s ago)
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would it be abnormal for a (single threaded) process to be at 100% cpu usage but the cpu to be at its minimum frequency?
it depends on the cpu governor, with powersafe
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and I'd love to get at least kernel 4.19 if possible
and you have a lot of money? :)
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ha, I take that to mean screwing up the dts could have dire consequences
valoga: probably everyone here feels that way, but it comes down to time and effort needed for that, maybe you have some spare and could work on it?
curious why a company like rockchip wouldn't try to pitch in
E-mail and ask? :)
seems their stuff is stuck on 3.x and 4.4
they don't respond
* [TheBug]
valuge: mainlining is very expensive process
they even went as far as putting out debug compiled graphics drivers
valuga: we don't deal with libmali in any way
IgorPec: so only what mainline provides?
open source is almost must have
there is a large grey zone around mainline, where we operate
we integrate and port stuff up and down with focus on certain devices only
I assume for perf-related workloads with my board I'd still have to stick with libmali
yes, lima is not there
if you want to port mali up, you probably need to deal with ARM
as they are licence holder
[TheBug] hi :)
@nl_observant (observant 🌱): @murdocklawless @The_Pi_Hole Thank you. This helped me out. Still excellent that @armbian still supports the Banana Pi Pro of @lemakerbananapi (14s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @nl_observant: @murdocklawless @The_Pi_Hole Thank you. This helped me out. Still excellent that @armbian still supports the Banana Pi Pr… (3s ago)
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fikikz: HC2 is almost identical to XU4 ... kernel 5.4.y is troublesome on this board, but we are moving things slowly. Now its somehow stable, but we are not fully happy with the performance
IgorPec: do you think my issue could be related to such kernel troubles you're noticing?
yes , most likely
my motivation is that cpu-intensive borg check is taking twice as long on OMV5 than on OMV4
i know cpu handling is not proper
OMV4 vs OMV5 .. I have absolutely no idea. Make sure to compare it on the same kernel.
i don't remember which kernel OMV4 was using but it was armbian stretch
i did performance benchmarks on buster and the cpu does scale up to max frequency at least on the benchmarks. though i don't have benchmark scores from armbian stretch / OMV4 to compare with, unfortunately
that tells nothing, sorry. buster/stretch is just software packages / utilites layer
armbian provides kernel in any userland variant
its a bit different logic than upstream, where kernel is updated with a release
releases are usually fixed to some kernel, no?
we update kernel all the time and you choose what user layer you prefer. OMV is typical example. It only runs on Debian.
not in Armbian
In Armbian, everything is around the kernel
i wish i remember what kernel and benchmark performance it had before. all i know is borg check is taking over twice as long now
you can do the test if you want to know
and while it was at 100% cpu, htop reported the minimum cpu freq, around 200-300 MHz
get older image and install omv4
i'm tempted, but it would be disruptive..
use new sd card ...
IgorPec: Hey :)
how's going? Did you spark any interest on that
working on it, at least learning so far, hopefully gives me some better idea on a approach here
will start to add more people to my conversation "net" and see how things move
probably slowly... but thats okay
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yeah, slowly. keepin the beat is IMO needed and help from more people as well
because hearing them out is not enough. i can help very little, mainly with steering things on the technical level, since i know the build tool internals
yeah , thats one of the things I hope to communicate to balbes is while it is 'possible' we need to come up with what that really looks like and make a plan to make sure we have enough resources to really keep up, instead of just doing one off stuff
the whole idea is to build up support for his side. He is more or less doing this alone, they are much more fragmented than we are
and ofc on our side. if we want this, we need help from people that are currently not engaged
yeah makes sense though, most who really want a professional solution will be after the actual SBC instead of the TV box, mostly end consumer will want to cheap on tv box, so its a different consumer base as well
the end user consumer base will be more demanding because they can get it 'cheap'
but also won't be the group that will usually have the skillset to really support
unless someone already interested in SBC That also has a pashion for it like balbes
this level we need to define better, but roughly its about end user support. This is up to tvbox support maintainers to decide
if we bring "hundred of tvboxes" under the roof ...
what does that mean
yeah I am gonna take a break here and then I will be back here after dinner to poke around and get a reply out to balbes
right, how will the support work, who is gonna do it (interest), who has time to do it
yeah. but this we have to decide together. its not a balbes single will
it'scause just can't have 1 single person trying to do it all
right, I am starting convo with him, have other messages to open, am trying to get an idea if he has some other people he think would be good candidates or want to help
and then will also start reaching out to people who are contributing on the forum as well and see if there is some more interest I can get there
he is more like a lonely wolf, just puhsing thing on his own
we have to consider that perhaps he will not operate good in a team. I don't know
makes sense, that type of intelect usually does tend to be a little introverted, not like I know from personal experience or anything;)
hehe, in our world this is quite normal I would say :)
I woudl agree
if I can still type lol
long day, hands are a bit stiff
ok, i also have enough for today
anyways, time for some food then I will be back around -- Im sure your probably headed for bed soon?