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im glad we're loading e1000 nic driver on rk3399
I mean, I guess you could put one in PCI x1 right?
use a converter
haha yeah i suppose its possible with this board
rockpr64 yes
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hey does anyone have a clue how to get past an 8 character limit pasting over a serial connection?
I'm trying all of the options - screen sux, but still doesn't offer a solution; minicom fails as well
I never have this problem on freebsd, but I'm using linux
there's no 8 char limit
what are you doing?
did you make sure to disable flow control, if you arent using it? :) stty --something
no idea, but I've tried everything and its the same across multiple programs
sounds like a flow control issue yeah
I've disabled hardware/software control, enabled either/or - nothing works
thats what I've read, yeah
so yeah, real weird....
why only 8 characters though?
some buffer running out and not releasing
which? Adn how do I fix it then?
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check with stty -a -F /dev/ttyS0
maybe -crtscts
thats a common issue
so how does that work? I'm looking at the output of stty -a -F, and -crtscts is there
running stty -crtscts and it says modes cannot be set
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weird - same thing is happening over ssh...
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I've got a Orange Pi one board getting stuck doing an apt update. 97% [9 Contents-armhf store 0 B]
Okay, nevermind, it unstuck.
The "store" part usually takes a while.
Werner, thanks. I can't remember how to change the governor frequency for the H3. Busy looking it up. I see mine is on 480mhz
ah I remember now. /etc/default/cpufrequtils
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The AES hardware acceleration of the H5 is very nice. But my NanoPi Neo2 board maxes out at 816MHz. Any way to increase that?
cpufrequtils ignores stuff above 816mhz in /etc/defaults/cpufrequtils
H5 should clock to 1200 AFAIK
Werner, I can't remember the details, but it's possible the NanoPi Neo2 doesn't have any voltage control, so they've clocked it low. Probably needs to be hard-modded.
I do not have a H5 board here to test. I gave the last I had away
Have you tried the H6? those should be awesome?
Hm no idea.
H6 clocks up to 1.8 but in Armbian it is soft-limited to 1488 to reduce the heat
H5 is already amazing with GbE and AES, adding USB3 should be rad. Is the USB3 working?
I do not have a H6 board with USB3 so not sure. The last thing I know is that USB3 is unstable sometimes.
Werner, ah, that's awesome. Could put a big heatsink on it.
The RbPi 4B is disappointing that it's got no AES :/ it runs at 74MB/s
I will get something like this if I casualy see it cheap. Then tink it to heatsink
haha put some scented oil in there XD
something that can meld
like an ice
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how often are forums moderated? i have two posts pending.
xmixahlx_tmp: varies by time zone
i'll go check
there ya go
Miouyouyou, replying to your Mainline VPU RK3399 thread
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:3 ?
While they're advancing on the VPU side (at least, they can access the hardware, send frames and receive the output correctly), they're still at, like, half the performances of CPU decoding. Maybe the VPU is not clocked correctly ?
They're also lacking some quick test tools, which has been the bane of this driver since the beginnings
I see that there's other matrix users here.
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* nekomancer[m]
from matrix
5 matrix users here
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