Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | This channel is logged -> irc.armbian.com
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IgorPec: since today sun wasn't present as much as expected, I did more builds, my Allwinner Graden tour is almost finished, so maybe commits will be done tomorrow ...
@the_crypto_feed (the crypto feed): /r/monero: pinode-xmr updated. full node ( for single board computers ) not just raspberry pi --- armbian buster & hardware testers needed. new web ui proposal with help needed from .. https://t.co/QFEIvKcd43 (16s ago)
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Good morning.
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@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): .@RosettaAtHome seems to be having trouble keeping x64 fed, so I brought up another RK3399 board with their new aarch64 application: @librecomputer Renegade Elite. Had to push commits to @armbian to enable the 12V regulator and PCIE, want to make sure I can use NVMe w/5.4. 🙂 (10s ago)
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martinayotte: tnx for update, Werner: good morning
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I'm using Armbian to run Rosetta@Home, too. It just cut its power on me though.... hopefully that doesn't happen again.
(Rock Pi 4B 5.5.15 kernel)
you mean it shutts down by its own?
@cja117 (Chris Austin): RT @iKenwright: @IMineBlocks_com @armbian @RosettaAtHome @thepine64 @theC4Labs These are the pine64 clusterboards https://t.co/FWeiTBWJow w… (28s ago)
kernel 5.5.y is uncharted theritory / unsupported and we will skip it anywway for 5.6.y. this probably means thermal thortling is broken on 5.5.y ...
@armbian (armbian): RT @RzrFreeFr: https://t.co/88rcIGmpDk #WebThings on #ODROID , check #ODROIDMagazine 2020-04 issue, I wrote about #IoT and #PrivacyByDesign… (17s ago)
@Poddingue (Bruno Verachten 🍰): RT @RzrFreeFr: https://t.co/88rcIGmpDk #WebThings on #ODROID , check #ODROIDMagazine 2020-04 issue, I wrote about #IoT and #PrivacyByDesign… (6s ago)
IgorPec: Yeah, the power just suddenly goes out
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yeah, kernel is not ready
Nakaori has joined #armbian
I have to unplug/replug
yes, i know, thermal throtling isn't working
it should work on 5.4
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It's not reaching near 50C
well, can't help in any way, we are barely able to poke around 5.4
5.5.y nobody maintains
use 5.4.y, its in better shape
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@TLLim888 (TL Lim): RT @iKenwright: @IMineBlocks_com @armbian @RosettaAtHome @thepine64 @theC4Labs These are the pine64 clusterboards https://t.co/FWeiTBWJow w… (22s ago)
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@CryptoNDaily (CryptoNewsDaily): PiNode-XMR updated. Monero Full node ( for single board computers ) --- Armbian Buster & Hardware testers needed. New Web UI proposal with help needed from the community. /r/CryptoCurrency https://t.co/Z7k32LtjS5https://t.co/HUEucRPzAw (25s ago)
@crypto___king (cryptoking): PiNode-XMR updated. Monero Full node ( for single board computers ) --- Armbian Buster & Hardware testers needed. New Web UI proposal with help needed from the community. #cryptoking (19s ago)
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@librco (libr.co): PiNode-XMR updated. Monero Full node ( for single board computers ) — Armbian Buster & Hardware testers needed. New Web UI proposal with help needed from the community. : CryptoCurrency https://t.co/lzkDuvPAkj (6s ago)
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@rexstjohn (Rex St John 🦖): RT @TonyMac_32: .@RosettaAtHome seems to be having trouble keeping x64 fed, so I brought up another RK3399 board with their new aarch64 app… (11s ago)
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