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@orangepixunlong (OrangePi): RT @armbian: @orangepixunlong @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp Stack of various @orangepixunlong for CI autotests and cluster… (9s ago)
@co7wt (Pavel Milanes Costa): RT @armbian: @orangepixunlong @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp Stack of various @orangepixunlong for CI autotests and cluster… (11s ago)
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@orangepixunlong (OrangePi): @armbian @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp amazing! can you share the method with our fans? thanks in advance! (29s ago)
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@co7wt (Pavel Milanes Costa): @armbian @orangepixunlong @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp What soft are you using for the cluster? What CI soft? (17s ago)
tfw twitter blast
@orangepixunlong (OrangePi): @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp @armbian Can you share the method with our #OPIfans? really appreciate it! (10s ago)
@Deniz_Ogut (K. Deniz Öğüt): RT @S_Config: After 4 years of sitting in a drawer.. My #Pine64 is brought out from the darkness with the help of Armbian. given purpose wi… (14s ago)
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Good morning
ha. i should probably go to bed
Indeed :D
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@appelgriebsch (Andreas Gerlach): @armbian hey, tried your Ubuntu 1804 image for the #pinebookpro yesterday. Did the usual dd to sdcard and restart it. Got stuck on a black screen. Did I miss something? (31s ago)
@LaurentF4BWT (Laurent F4BWT): RT @armbian: @orangepixunlong @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp Stack of various @orangepixunlong for CI autotests and cluster… (16s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @appelgriebsch Yes, two things. Never use DD with SD cards https://t.co/VLNIoJYHIx and always use forum for support questions. Person behind Twitter, doesn't know everything, community does. Thank you for your understanding. (27s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): @co7wt @orangepixunlong @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp Custom. Those boards (+20 more) are running various stress tests simultaneously triggered manually at this stage, and when stable, it will be attached to Jenkins pipeline. We also developed support hardware which is in the assembly phase. More info https://t.co/6woS441D0shttps://t.co/8RMHfLtkIw (22s ago)
macc24 has joined #armbian
@armbian (armbian): @co7wt @orangepixunlong @rogerioff88 @lanefu @OPi_Community @HashiCorp Cluster of Opi Prime was made for experimenting with Docker swarm cluster. We support #docker and #kubernetes kernel wise and generic how-to's should just work. Perhaps something like this: https://t.co/tFSobBBFWM (4s ago)
I hear someone talking about the evil. lanefu is not amused...
@orangepixunlong (OrangePi): RT @Khomutoff: #PiDay project: All add-free internet at home with #PiHole! Just add #orangepi, #armbian and some very light system engineer… (19s ago)
@LlnuxBot (LinuxBot): RT @Khomutoff: #PiDay project: All add-free internet at home with #PiHole! Just add #orangepi, #armbian and some very light system engineer… (30s ago)
@LaurentF4BWT (Laurent F4BWT): RT @Khomutoff: #PiDay project: All add-free internet at home with #PiHole! Just add #orangepi, #armbian and some very light system engineer… (10s ago)
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Hi, I would like to add new option of other distro's rootfs. Would anyone share me some simple keywords or document to start with?
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Hello, how could I fix the resolution in the Armbian image so that it boots according tot that fix resolution only?
that is different on each hardware
sbbg: what exactly you have on youer mind?
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I have orange pi pc
Do you think I can make some changes in the DTB file for that?
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Saurabh009: for start, you need to use image build from sources, where display is disabled in u-boot and experiment with kernel boot parameteers ... which i would tell you, but don't know them
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Oh ok. Thanks for info
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@armbian (armbian): RT @zoobab: Raspberry Pi Foundation censoring negative comments "Liz Upton: YouTube comments are a horrid place. (We know this very intimat… (1s ago)
whats the url for the twitter feed?
gotta read that last bit there
haaa I have that case
which case?
the tower one
with raspberries?
except I have the top piece on it with a fan and top guard
let me get url
@zoobab (zoobab "NO Software Patents"): @pauloasilva_com @armbian ah still have this one taking dust! (30s ago)
you could bundle the cables all together
gpio, yes, but this is easier way for plugging unplugging
I wish I could convince otherse you still need poe adapters for each board
also consoles are going to be added on 1/2 off
they dont believe me in certain places
poe would be nice, but boards should have this onboard
i have another location with POE switch but no boards are attache there
my main switch is like that here
you should see this box I'm typing from
why? :)
its what I do all my dev, builds, crosscompiles, etc from
12 cores nvme laptop :)
all dedicated to arm devel
ahaa, i don't use laptop for that
only in emergency/travel situation
I dont own a desktop
I'm always on the move
even during lockdown ?:)
(except during the current lockdown)
I'm also retired though
aha, make sense. i am not yet
just did
(not by choice)
ah, well, now you can finally do what you like
going to try
soon as I can leave the house again I plan on buying a new toy at microcenter
so nice to have one in town
what kind of toy?
I want a new soc
I'd really lika odroid-n2 I think
yeah, n2 is a beast.
2 of us already ported debian over to the pi
instead of raspbian
so why not try it too
I know armbian's already there .. more of an exercise of can it be done
we have many many things to do, not there yet
not so far away, but for example, desktop
debian took some work but we got it on the pi natively
there we are at very basics
it runs great
the only hitch....
the kernel
because of those licensed pieces
kernel is the biggest problem, the rest is easy
so we still need the github code
yeah, and boot process as well
we pulled that off
we were able to recompile that on the fly
oh you mean vhci
*grumble* right?
videocore is the bane of my existence
i don't deal with Rpi
and in general people around armbian, stay away ;)
well.. the good thing is that we did have success.. which gave people options which is good
its like dealing with running a Linux inside VM
not really interesting
not anymore :)
not in debian 64 bit :)
it flies
don't understand. How can you boot Linux without videocore?
we recompile the git sources
vcgencmd measure_temp
theres an example from a running machine
thats native debian code using manually compiled code from rpi sources/kernel and native debian userland
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its an image builder
thats on 5.6.6 kernel currently too
compiled it last night
so which socs are the most popular in armbian anyway
if I want to look at targetting picking one up?
we have done that years ago, but unofficially
Armbian for Rpi exists. Its 64bit Debian
yeah this was just 2 of us
but it was a side project for supporting OMV project with ARM images
we got tired of waiting on the debian team
they don't want to support evil devices, i would say :)
Debian folks used to take security, privacy and OSS serious
no... they dont want to support "anything" not "templated"
so do we
they do still
well, that's common for all distributions
except special distros like Armbian, OpenWRT,
problem is devices like rpi, etc fall in a strange category with their mix of hardware "conundrums"
they wanted this
back to the earlier q though... if I want to look at targetting picking a armbian targetted soc with some decent horsepower.. what should I look at?
n2 or some rk3399
I can get an n2-2gb today (not sure if a 4gb is really necessary -out of stock-)
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depends what you are planning to do with it
for pure exploration, 2gb is enough
for some desktop running chromium, 2gb won't be enough
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headless server
everything I do is headless through ssh
then run for 2gb
k thanks
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ordered.. now I wait
where are you located?
with emmc.. and anc parts
ohio, usa
aha, you have local dealer there
says 3 days
i was refunded by amazon for postal charges three times in a row for delayed delivery :)
in last two weeks
it was actually not that critical, two or three days after
5 days instead of t wo
it was auto refunded, never happend before
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Tenkawa: honestly if you're buying odroid stuff.. just buy direct from hard kernel in korea.. they ship with DHL and stuff comes in like a week tops
i'm east coast.. they're alway super fast
mpmc is now known as ssdrip
already done
oh well
if I like this machine i may want another...
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yeah.. be sure ti get an odroid go with your next order
I got an n2 with this order
yeah dude its fast
we'll see how it compares to my 12 core.... j/k
or my 40
I cant wait for larger soc's
which one? is it a threadpipper?
nah. 2 sockets xeon E5-2650 v3
ahh but I bet you paid 3 to 5x what I did
doubt it
a good sysadmin oor ex gets quality plunder
(ok... if you had paid retail)
the most absurd part is hte 256G of ram.. i have my armbian build cache on a tmpfs
fun fun... wed noon alarm tests
I am <1 mile from 2 county line sirens
oh fun
so testing each week is loud
yeah. they did that in my hometown in ky
don't seem to do that here in VA
i thought it was a requirement everywhere in the us now
definitely is in ohio
so re: n2
i've been participating in teh rosetta@home crunch-on-arm stuff
as you know livinv in ky at one point.. we have really messed up weather
so i spun up some 4 core AWS Graviton arm CPUs
hey.. do you guys have a build script yet for the Jetson?
yeah shit gets pretty extremem
I'm thinking about getting one of those too
that one I "would" hook up to my tv and use for multimedia
not letting that gpu go to waste
nah.. too expensive for most of this community
its about the same as the n2
only 20$ diff
I "think"
yeah 99
even one model is 89
at this point, i thnk the n2 probably has better raw compute performance
but its full of dirty propriatery code ...
IgorPec: touche..probably a good point
raver has joined #armbian
wow this is one hefty g pu
er gpu
128-Core Maxwell
nvidia sdk is hectik, mainline kernel probably too distant. didn't check for progress in a while
someone was asking last night how to do 8k video on an rpi... I was like... omg if you can even do it "where" are you going to find 8k sources
I personally cant see very well (almost completely colorblind and partially blind) so visuals do nothing for me... sound on the other hand
hrmmm I build a kernel via deb-pkg, copied the .debs over, and installed them, but I boot into the 5.4 kernel, not the 5.7 one?
Naka is now known as Nakaori
R0b0t1`: did you run update process that rebuilds the uboot scr
theres a command at the bottom of one of the files in /boot
since I got a usb to emmc reader I can do copies/backups/stages/etc
which eMMC you wanna backup?
* archetech
MVS 3090 operator in 1991
its redhat
the only choices were that or androif
er android
archetech: you too ?:)
I bought one of the first IBM XT clones in 1986
trs-80 all the way....
ha thats a a toy like a commodore
well ya
I had Atari ST in that time
I never did have an atari
well, it was a bit more serious than Amiga and much better than XT
in fact, emulated XT wored faster ;)
another toy
yes, it was not a PC
80286 stank but the 80386 was the real start of pc's imo
486 ftw
my first build was a 486sx 4gb ram
i was about to say... how?????
you'll never use all that ram they said still laugh at that
we say it today when one buys 16/32GB ram
haahaa want to bet??
I almost ran my machine out of ram and swap 2 days ago
i was providing shell accounts on a PC with 8Mb of memory back in the 90" :)
IgorPec: yep
archetech: mind you I had 5372 processes running 8 kernel builds at once
i remember, kernel compilation was "leave it over the night" ... now (xxx times bigger kernel) compiles on my desktop in less than one minute
and my thermal sensors had my notebook almost making my turbines lifting my notebook off the table off like a drone
my notebook has 2 monster turbines that are whisper quiet until they need to be then stand back.....
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Haha. I just made the 100000th comment on forums.
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@pauloasilva_com (Paulo A. Silva): @zoobab @armbian Give it a try: the guys from @armbian did a great job and the image seems stable. @FreedomBoxNet works like a charm on it! (15s ago)
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Werner: you're a legend!
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Hi IgorPec
how far did you get with this?
IgorPec: with the upload stuff? Been doing $dayjob. i verified ssh access but that was it for today
so far
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aha, no problem, i mean how far did you came with automation? you mention earlier that you did some jenkinsfu
not far cuz my session timed out and i lose my changes :P
agggh ;:)
no problem, for sync use some other directory than dl., until we are sure everthing works fine