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alright b/c this place is mildly active
anyone use i2c? I am having issues with reads failing, but bus is I think hooked up right now
before they were timing out, I had one of the wires in the wrong place
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@worksonarm (Works on ARM): RT @lanefu: Okay.. here's the icing on the cake... An ARM64 CentOS8 VM provisioned via @HashiCorp Nomad QEMU driver w/ KVM running on an O… (26s ago)
Good morning.
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good morning
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Hi, I try to modify customize-image.sh to fit in my gentoo rootfs. But after that, I would need to run certain steps require larger disk space like 4G more. Is there any way to make the image larger for Armbian ?
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sbbg: we have little to no know-how about gentoo
Must have been ten or more years since I touched Gentoo last time
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still: E: Write error - ~LZMAFILE (28: No space left on device)
maybe something like
journalctl --rotate
journalctl --vacuum-time=1s
@Superna9999 (Neil Armstrong): Just pushed @armbian support for @odroidH Odroid-C4 ! https://t.co/ajqYZOekF5 (29s ago)
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now i just "need" a c4
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@armbian (armbian): RT @Superna9999: Just pushed @armbian support for @odroidH Odroid-C4 ! https://t.co/ajqYZOekF5 (25s ago)
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making c4 :)
explosive stuff
but i also didn't get it yet. we have national holiday here
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* Tenkawa
grumbles.. my package has been sitting in town for 3 days and wont be delivered till tomorrow
I want my n2
haha :)
i want my C4
* Tenkawa
grumbles at fedex
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man i need to do a computer detox
not me
then again... I've had a computer attached to me pretty much forever
i like blacked out hacking on things the past 4 days
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the closer I get to passing out is when I come up with some of my best ideas... just dont let me try to implement them at that time....
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yeah my biggest problem is after i'm done with whatever it was i did, i don't remmember why i did it
ex: i have a centos8 VM running on my opi3
like.. what am i gonna do with it
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haha. "what am i gonna do with it"
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IgorPec: btw we don't enable KVM by default on armbian... at least with sunxi... not sure if that's something we want to change or leave alone
i guess obviously its not very popular
so probalby not worth adding for the heck of it
@BeApi_io (BeAPI): @killyourfm @thepine64 @linux_plus_plus My question for him would be why he made the OS proprietary; I cannot install Armbian on it even though it says I CAN! It ships with a proprietary OS. (21s ago)
If someone wants to play with that they probably do not have an issue with building their own kernel with the needed adjustments
..yeah kind of my thought
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not really useful without kvm/hvm extensions on the cpu is it?
yeah, but the 64bit arm cpus have it
like i'm leveraging it
which ones?
not the broadcoms
not according to cpuinfo flags in proc
let me power up one
uhhh like all of them
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yeah you won't see like a vt-x flag or anything like x86
lanefu: thanks.. will be interesting to see what the n2 can do
yeah have fun
i was doing crazy stuff iwth cloud-init hence the -cloud images.. you may just wanted a standard arm one
(once it actually gets here *whines* lol)
alright i need ot jump off IRC and attempt to concentrate on $dayjob and EKS
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IgorPec: Do you think you could add entire gadget functionfs and configfs trees to the armbian config?
They are super useful
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you can add it as well
lanefu: so what you are saying KVM makes troubles?
IgorPec: well it brought me around.. whats that tell you?
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IgorPec, well... I tried looking into it, but running the full build process myself is a bit hard, I can look for where to change for PR?
PR should be tested to limit down additional work. we have automated build test for compilation only, we don't know how changes will behave on hardware
that will once also be automatic, but currenlty its not
in some cases certain sections in the kernel are simply broken
especially in arm world
but lets assume hardware will be fine ... :) and you create a PR, our tests will tell if its ok, and we will merge
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Meow again ! Testing my Matterbridge relay bot :3
It seems to be working. A bit flaky on the Websocket side, but I guess it's HAProxy that's killing the connection again and again.
btw there's probably a #test or ##test channel if you';re still in the "turn it off and on a lot" stages
Never thought about this one. Thanks !
I took a whole day to install a freaking Mattermost chat server with all its dependencies, just to understand that "matterbridge" isn't a Mattermost plugin. It's actually a binary that connects to different protocols and repeat it on others (socat for chats).
I also tested Kubernetes in the mean time and... I let it down for the moment. This thing is made by people who have seen things I never ever cared about.
Ok, so the next step will be to bridge between my chat and Armbian Slack
I could bridge Armbian Slack with IRC, but I don't know how people would react.
Anyway, I'll just put the bot on background and then, I'll get to sleep.
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See you everyone !
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@miniNodes (miniNodes): RT @Superna9999: Just pushed @armbian support for @odroidH Odroid-C4 ! https://t.co/ajqYZOekF5 (8s ago)