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@Mubino1 (MubinYB3MBN): RT @yc3bvg: ZTE ZXV10 B860H System Information running #goesrecv and #Xritrx #Weather #Lrit #Wx #rtlsdr #CpuLoad #Armbian #STB #GK2A @sam21… (28s ago)
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good morning
shit i should goto bed
i dug out my pocket chip and install syncterm on it because i wanted to do some telnet BBS stuff
but because the resolutio is weird, i can olnly run it in SDL mode adn it like eats tehe cpu
alright have a good moring yall
still in the boot loader mode :)
pocket chip, oh
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with bionic based mint you probably doesn't need anything
I fixed that part by editing the /etc/lsb_release and set tricia to bionic ^^
but that part changes some libs, its focal vs bionic
if you hacke the name, this means you are fine OOB
I guess so
NO_HOST_RELEASE_CHECK="yes" does the trick
It seems there are more issues burried. Uboot failed for me because it could not find the toolchain
right, that can be fixed ... which compilers is missing?
i think we use one from the system ... this should be replaced with external, well ...
which image did you build? so i can try to recreate
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No idea. I just started compile.sh and hit enter to start the test asap. So probably always the first option
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Could not find required toolchain' 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc > 8.0'
I'll reset my VM and start over since I need more harddrive space in it anyways
ok, i will joun you later. must go out with kids
Have fun.
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@MacMelonMac (MacMelon): An imac mouse the heat break. Vielleicht sollte an application to icloud sync properties like the armbian project? (29s ago)
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@DrUnicornPhD (covid-20): ...i did use armbian didn't i? (6s ago)
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