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how can I boot my armbian and use my laptop's screen?
you'll probably have to give a lot more details about what you';re trying to do..
at this opint I can't even recall why I joined the channel, so, take my thoughts with a big grain of salt, but I'm not accustomed to thinking of laptop panels as something that is usable outside of the laptop where it was made..
You know where you boot the the single board computer and be able to see it in its own window on the desktop?
on a laptop or desktop with linux on it.
I have seen it done and they said they did it like that I just don't remember the link to the webpage.
oh cool :D
I think it was done with the raspberry pi zero
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@sinovoip (Banana pi Open Source): #BananaPi BPI-M64 : #Armbian #Bionic, #Stretch, #Buster or #Bullseye with #Linux 5.4.20 https://t.co/egUmhrDfKa (7.7m ago)
@LinuxDreams (LinuxDreams): RT @sinovoip: #BananaPi BPI-M64 : #Armbian #Bionic, #Stretch, #Buster or #Bullseye with #Linux 5.4.20 https://t.co/egUmhrDfKa (4s ago)
usney: they were probably connected to it via vnc or rdp
that's me rdp-ing into my wsl2 instance, but same concept applies if xrdp was running on a system on the network
cool steev
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Good morning.
good morning
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@IgorPec: With all the recent armbianmonitor logs flying around, I noticed that BUILD_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/armbian/rkbin is wrong. Where is it set?
Can't figure out whats wrong with that though
aha, in the /etc/armbian-release this value is set
while it should point to the build repo
no idea without deeper investigation
it is not urgent or anything. But I thought it might be easy to fix if you know where :)
yeah ok then I'll just create an github issue for the moment
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@EthereumOnARM (Ethereum on ARM): @humansarealrig1 @josephdelong @PegaSysEng Sure. Any device supported by armbian like the rock pi 4 can be easily added to the images repo. (29s ago)
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@theC4Labs (C4Labs): RT @iKenwright: Moving to Ralph@home as Seti@home has now finished distributing WU! @RosettaAtHome @armbian @thepine64 @theC4Labs https://t… (2s ago)
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Seems like the Panfrost performance under 5.6.x is even better
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I tried to get VSC running but after a while the board always gets hickups, most likely it is running out of memory
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@Poddingue (Bruno Verachten 🍰): So, I made a really bad soldering job on the 0.73€ #18650 charger board with too small wires (coming from cheap USB cables) and a salvaged battery... I used that to power an @orangepixunlong Zero running @armbian, removed the main power and... it worked. 😱 (10s ago)
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