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@parmadi (Parmadi Budiprasetyo): Full fledge micro PC that really fits in the pocket.. ARM Based quad core with half gigs of RAM.. running on Linux Armbian Nice... https://t.co/ujy2kf2kGu (5s ago)
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Good morning.
Mr Frost, how are you?
As decent as can be expected, you?
A little bored, little tired. Both expected things if you do not have much to do these days...
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Yeah. I tried picking up nightly walks, that only works if there's not a thunderstorm outside though (like there is now..)
Interesting idea. Though as for me it is still a bit too chilly outside at nighttime.
40-50F here, once it warms up more I'll have to stop.
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good morning
Morning Igor
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Getting closer to track down the instability of Panfrost in H6
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great, with 5.4 or already on 5.6?
5.6 but should not be a difference. As far from now it seems like on higher frequencies the GPU may not receive enough power
I cut its balls at 336 MHz and it runs stable with glxgears for several minutes now
But a heatsink is probably mandatory since the CPU is limited to 1,5GHz already and it thermal throttles anyways
yes, this thing gets hot quickly
what is the freq. range for gpu?
216 to 765
There is a devfreq under /sys for the gpu where you can adjust everything.
As for me it seems like running into trouble as soon as it works at 360. 332 seems stable
with a heatsink?
Without. I do not have any passive heatsinks here whatsoever. Need to order some
Feel free to give it a try with proper cooling
lanefu, fyi I got ayufans 5.6 kernel + min focal ubu image running now
no more 4.4
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rock64 v2
IgorPec: hey igor... I was running on all MR, but i got paranoid and and had restrited it to only run on members of the armbian org https://snipboard.io/3t8yh4.jpg
lanefu: toketin: I updated Cubieboard 1 images, I need to test xz
but i'll tun that off
archetech: that's awesome!
aha, i thought so. well, make it tha way that none can run rm -rf :)
that's a really good idea
actually how to retrigger the MR? let's say if MR was already made and I move user to our team
or force it manually
just close the MR and reopen
i just turned off the restriction
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ok, you had any success with download redirection?
i see you started it seriously
i've just been doing some research.. i need to man up and write some code :P
yes, ofc
lanefu, IgorPec thanks for your support, yesterday I've ended flashing archlinux arm on cubieboard, seems working fine
I mean no bottleneck on ethernet
but its not armbian ;)
no advanced features whatsoever
perhaps we should remove EOS from the download sections. not to scare people
eos is on the level normal linux distros are
you're right
I'm the only what with an old Cubieboard? :D
there are probably a few still using it i would say
not to mention A20 boards. they are still produ ed
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IgorPec, Tonymac32: It's not the 5.5 kernel causing the Rock Pi 4 to power off suddenly, it's the overclock
I locked it to its rated speeds on all cores and it's been stable with an identical load for the last 72+ hours
thermal throttling shuts down the machine if temp goes over critical value
IgorPec: Thermal throttling is NOT the issue
The machine never made it to 50C
does it kill the cpu speed down before this happens?
if it doesn't, its not workingf
ergo, its not working
The thermal trip point is *significantly* higher than the value it reached at peak
It is NOT tripping out at 46C
tripping points are bogus values if the mechanish doesn't work
and i suspect it doesn't
Try 5.4.y under the same conditions
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IgorPec I'll try a few machines later, I was blaming my Renegade on the power supply, but this might not have been the issue.
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In other news, Armbian has contributed 19000 credits of processing to Rosetta at home in the last few days in my household
Renegade Elite (RK3399 one)
The Renegade DMC issues are not yet resolved. The kernel failed when I just had frequency OPP with no voltages.
If I can just trick it into 1056 MHz mode all the time then we'll be fine.
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Tonymac32: memory speed at 1056 or clock?
it's currently runng 768MHz or something similar
hance the crappy performance
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giving removing the voltages from the OPPs one more try, I had forgotten to remove the leakage information, so it may have been expecting the uV values in the driver
I don't actually know if we have any boards that are actually capable of scaling voltage for the RAM, all RK805's use a fixed regulator for vcc_ddr
any RK3328 boards*
@ohmohm (ohmohm): RT @TonyMac_32: @cnxsoft @RosettaAtHome @Raspberry_Pi Confirmed working on @armbian, personally tested on @OdroidH N2, @FriendlyARM_ NanoPC… (11s ago)
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omg lanefu I had a phantom return of my user patch, that was stopping boot
ok, opps with no voltage booted, let's see
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hmmm 1056 froze when I set it as min_freq, but 924 is good. Might be an angry max = min bug, dunno
ghost patches
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is there any current or planned support for rk3326?
which means anything. i am speaking theoretical ... don't know the diff, but if its similar to other chips, mainline is possible with not much effort, but if its a lot of difference, it won't be simple
not sure if their libmali binary drivers would work on later kernels
probably not, but we have OS solutions on most chips now
which is sadly not very fast ...
ah, I would be interested in full acceleration
i know. well, that's much longer path which include talking to rockchuip
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