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Good morning
@RoganDawes (Rogan Dawes): Fun detail of the new slimjim implementation... I'm using a network namespace to ensure that only specific processes can see the bridge, and put traffic onto it. That avoids the case of e.g. opkg doing a name lookup for https://t.co/5B3NLii5OC, or Armbian looking up the time... (24s ago)
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why are armbian downloads offered as 7z, that seems just bizarre
is it because 7z does lzma? and there's a half decent windows thing for it?
because it compresses so well.. for low-bandwidth users
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zstandard might be another option there :)
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@khilman_work (Kevin Hilman): Great work by @armbian and @Superna9999 from @BayLibre https://t.co/2J8WclbEr1 (16s ago)