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mmc doesn't come up on my kernel for some reason..
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going back to 4.14 did in fact restore graphical acceleration
so now I know my setup wasn't just trash
<Tenkawa "well the nice thing is that if t"> maybe it's possible to install mor than one kernel and have 1-2 tiny congig line in /boot that can be changed by moving sdcard or emmc card to another cpmputer an use text editor?
for a while I see kernel changing on armbian destructive and irreversible operation if system can't boot up
thats easy to do depending on the machine (just learning odroids boot layout)
but you "can" back up the boot partition
and /lib/modules/kernelversion
as long as you can restore those on another machine
<IgorPec "armbian-config -> system (switch"> Just did it yesterday. and then it not boot up more. Today reflash image.
<Tenkawa "and /lib/modules/kernelversion"> but installer removes old. at least for me
right.. back them up before you install anything
<Tenkawa "as long as you can restore those"> too hard. much harder than rename 1-2 configs or remark/unremark lines in configfile
its for safety
I just dont know odroid's yet (just got it today)
i know other one's
<Tenkawa "right.. back them up before you "> but why? why not do as on x86? just edit text config instead of grub config.
because each soc has a diff one
sunxi uses a diff set
and keep 3 or more old kernel.. and, maybe, one "protected" — old-good.
if I had my friendlyelec sunxi powered up i could tell you the name to give you an example
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* nekomancer[m]
uses ODroid-N2 and Rock64
meson and RK3299
like on sunxi machines you have to create a boot.cmd file and run a command to create a boot.scr for u-boot to pick up
these odroids dont apparently.. but i need to learn a clean "backup"
manual backup brokes packet system
not if done properly
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Tenkawa: maybe, you have /dev/watchdog and internal clock too?
nah havent bothered with wd or rtc yet
my rtc battery has the wrong end on it
and I dont have a big enough need for the watchdog right now to make it a priority
(and i just got the unit today)
* nekomancer[m]
2 days digging around for watchdog and clock (rtc). One good man gives me a .dtbo for clock, but I have no idea how to glue it persistently into system
I usually just use thermal buffer pad
so it doesnt short
and doesnt sticj
er stick
watchdog can save nerves when system unstable but still can to boot
just sits
I might take a look tomorrow
<Tenkawa "my rtc battery has the wrong end"> I got it on aliexpress. can provide you a link to item if you want.
meh I have one.. just need ambition to do the soldering
well I think I am going to go get some rest.. be back tomorrow... cheers all
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* nekomancer[m]
can't find connector to solder console-usb wire
Tenkawa: why you use this nickname? Is it plae of your dream?
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Good morning
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IgorPec: after picking some patches from memeka's 5.4 branch I have XU4 running stable on 5.7-rc3 now
had to abandon the idea of using panfrost tho .. but blob seems to work fine
time to figure out what combination of juju is needed for hw accelerated playback
great! you have this somewhere online yet?
@raspberrytorpes (raspberryparatorpes): I miss this kind of discussion on @armbian forums when TKaiser take part https://t.co/Ibrmt2mlOL (11s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): @GregDavill LED panel lamp as a background + Metz 44 https://t.co/Fm3yvSorC6 (10s ago)
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I am new in the armbian world. And I have been working with Orange Pi Zero plus 2
That is nice
And I have some problems with a I2C port related to PL0/1 pins
some one has been in the same situation?
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well so far after 6 hours or so of working with the odroid-n2.. I like :)
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yeah its a beast
lanefu: it was no problem getting it up to latest 5.6 kernel and I even have thermals working
(as far as I can tell)
they respond properly to temp shifts in activity... I havent physicly put a thermometer on it and checked :)
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oops wrong chan
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its' okay that applies here as well
I had just made a discovery
meant to tell someone
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): Cleaned the oven and rebuilt my @The_Pi_Hole on one of my @orangepixunlong #OrangePi One running @armbian #Buster with #Linux 5.4.36. I'm done for today. (17s ago)
@LlnuxBot (LinuxBot): RT @DieZuckerbude: Cleaned the oven and rebuilt my @The_Pi_Hole on one of my @orangepixunlong #OrangePi One running @armbian #Buster with #… (12s ago)
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I installed buster on an SD card and booted it in a C4. Worked. Did an apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and now it won't boot.
Is that known? I don't have console wiring up yet. Would that be helpful?
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probably a kernel update that removed essential boot file - you could also check /boot if there are files missing that are needed in the bootscript
plntyk, I can do a before/after if you'd like? I need to run a few tests on it in the mean time. I'll let you know when I have checked that.
sry i dont know odroidc4 boot setup - just looking at the /boot content before after might be enough - i just managed to get armbian somewhat up again on my odroidc1
My c1 has dead ethernet. It limped on for many years with a USB wifi adapter running Kodi. Finally got replaced by a C2 a few months back. I've not done anything to get it back up and running.
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willmore: no, it looks like some problem with gmac re-init
man this new board is fun :)
willmore: meson8b-dwmac ff3f0000.ethernet: Failed to reset the dma in the logs?
tenkawa: :)
how accurate would you say the thermal zones are on the n2?
I found a formula for reading them but wasnt sure if it was very accurate
absolutely no idea. didn't make any measurements
it seems "reasonable"
i would say the same
I'm running a 9 job compile an its listing as CPU = 55.7'C
i usually do measurement when they doesn't seems alright
which seems decent
it runs about 25-28 at idle
going to play around with some kvm next :)
you are compiling kernel on the board, right?
well, in case you enable some features that are good and working well, send a MR
one thing that made a big diff for me on the rpi and I will be testing here is pulling some of the forced debug code
(converting some that is not tuneable by default)
made a fair bit of diff on mine
also testing out llvm-10 a bit too
(if it succeeds)
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IgorPec, I had to reimage to get the machine up and running. I can reproduce now if you'd like me to.
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doesn't help. i don't have c4 :(
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wow a lot of wireless drivers still broke with llvm