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Good afternoon! :-)
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@tadpoet (Tad Pole): @openoms @KhimairaCrypto @joinmarket @OdroidH @bitcoincoreorg @armbian Great I like the separation into a dedicated coinjoiner (2s ago)
hi, is Cubieboard 1 still supported for Armbian?
allwinner a10? should be
'support ended' it seems
but toketin , you could run normal debian on it just fine
armbian isnt much beyond plain debian anyway :P
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @armbian pushed #sunxi dev to #Linux 5.6 https://t.co/YaxxvPFPK0 (27s ago)
buZz: does normal debian run on allwinner?
@armbian (armbian): RT @DieZuckerbude: @armbian pushed #sunxi dev to #Linux 5.6 https://t.co/YaxxvPFPK0 (20s ago)
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buZz: the problem is that years ago i've used Armbian on my cubieboard without issue, than i tried Archlinux Arm and I remember I had ethernet speed to 10 mbit instead of 100mbit. This should be due to the kernel.
so after year i would like to try armbian or debian again, since i'm stuck at home and i've time now, but the debian installation is very hard following that wiki :D
If your SBC is supported installation of Armbian should be pretty easy. Download matching image, write to sd card and boot. Done
Werner: yes the problem is that now the my SBC, Cubieboard 1, isn't supported anymore, so i can't go back to it :P
You should still be able to build CSC/EOS images by using the build script. Maybe it works
looks like you could give it a shot still..
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ashthespy: thanks, but i should build it myself?
That would be your best shot - the build system is quite "just works" normally :-)
ashthespy: ok thanks, i'll give a try :D
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@muwlgr (Wladimir Mutel): @DieZuckerbude @armbian Great. For CubieTruck as well? (26s ago)
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): I am curios to see how well DE working on @armbian #sunxi64 dev branch and #Ubuntu Focal as flavor. Until now I used all my SBCs headless... (28s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @muwlgr @armbian Cubietruck is built around the #Allwinner A20 so it is a part of the #sunxi family. tl;dr: yes AFAIK (27s ago)
lol, is that just all tweets with @armbian in it? :D
Tweetet by @armbian and tweets mentioning armbian. Sometimes it is a bit noisy ;)
But overall I think the noise level is subjectively felt a bit higher since there is not much other activity here...yet.
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Werner: hah yeah a little noisey i wonder if we can filter out retweets... i still like it tho :P
lanefu, not just by config. This needs adjustments to the code.
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toketin: Cubieboard 1 is not supported by anything, not by Debian, not by Arch
build are not tested and nobody maintains anything
this is armbian EOS like
IgorPec: ok thanks
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but if you send me a pack of SD cards I will attach Cubieboard 1 to test rig :)
i've seen that you're slovenian, where are you from? I'm from Italy, I've lived years in Udin
I am from Ljubljana
great one :D
@guidol70 (Guido Lehwalder): @DieZuckerbude @muwlgr @armbian A20 as well - got it 5.6 compiled for the BPi M1 A20 Also for the NPi Neo/Neo2/A64/K1plus, BPi M2 Berry, Orange Pi Zero/One but NOT for the Ordoid C2 Meson64 Also "only" sunxi/sunxi64 ;) (26s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @guidol70 @DieZuckerbude @muwlgr If someone wants to try, beta repository has fresh 5.6.y kernel packages for those which were switched until yesterday. (12s ago)
Looking at schematics to figure out where the SoC actually gets it DDR4 power on renegade, to adjust the DMC patch
according to the schematic via machine translation, I must "Please select the DDR particles
. Adjust the voltage value accordingly."
DDR particles
I think google makes a mistake. :P
Buck converter 3
I think I will add a max-voltage parameter to that regulator to avoid smoke and death in case of other issues
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ugh ok, so the RK805 DCDC-3 is a fixed regulator based on a resistor network on the board. I'll have to try removing the voltages from the opp-v2 table
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...it didn't like that
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