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Tenkawa: what do you mean changed out
I'm looking to compile an updated 5.6 kernel (yes I'm very adept at it.). I just want to know the gotchas with this hardware (dt, u-boot, source differences from mainline kernel)
all that stuff is a PITA which is why Armbian exists
I did take a look at those
the problem is... they are "too" ubuntu centric
even a debian install was having dependency issues with the scripts
I will probably manually work through it
armbian can build debian images, but yes the build scripts are oriented around ubuntu
that is a constraint
(I've ported a ton of things in my past)
all I want is a new kernel
the board is running 5.6.3 which is decent
er .2
so the armbian build scripts also output .debs for kernels etc... you don't have to build a full image
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well I can do that right on the machine
at least wrangle and ubuntu vm and give the scripts a change, they're pretty easy to use
I just need to make sure
i update uboot and everything updates properly
and the dtb is happy
yeah it will provide the .debs needed to cover that
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I'll setup a ubuntu vm for this.. thanks for the feedback'=
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Good morning
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@pi_stack (Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange Memes): Create wireless access point and local internet connection with NODEJS on Armbian board https://t.co/gVjvi5Si7d #raspberrypidesktop #nodejs #linux #networking #wireless https://t.co/tiwwmS1PLj (4s ago)
@LlnuxBot (LinuxBot): RT @pi_stack: Create wireless access point and local internet connection with NODEJS on Armbian board https://t.co/gVjvi5Si7d #raspberrypid… (10s ago)
@HugoPoi (HugoPoi): CI CD CI CD CI CD * Refactoring Yunohost Armbian build OK and tested * Check docker Drone-CI documentation for privileged mode doable Now: * Add storage to my RancherOS VM * Add a Drone-CI runner * Write the pipeline config * Test (22s ago)
@LinuxDreams (LinuxDreams): RT @pi_stack: Create wireless access point and local internet connection with NODEJS on Armbian board https://t.co/gVjvi5Si7d #raspberrypid… (6s ago)
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@Underline_API (Underline API): RT @pi_stack: Create wireless access point and local internet connection with NODEJS on Armbian board https://t.co/gVjvi5Si7d #raspberrypid… (12s ago)
lol wtf
> 2. create wireless local network with Nodejs
actually just makes a nodejs http server
probably nginx was too easy
> Main GOAL is to drive periphery things with the OrangePi board extension pins with smartphone.
and then doesnt even do that \o
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Yeah kind of hurts to read. I guess if you're a little newer to tech and linux then node might seem sane
lanefu: imho its most offensive that its posted on a -question- forum without posing -any- question
leading to reduced signal quality of that website
and dragging armbian down along with it
Yeah id have to agree with you
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lanefu: thanks for the recommendation last night.. I went ahead and created an Ubuntu VM and pulled that git repo for the creator
I have a 12 core machine so creating a new image took about 10 minutes
now I'm working on doing some of my own tuning :)
Tenkawa: awesome!
yeah i like building my images for tweaks
i used to have like my own linux mirrors n stuff
well i still do, jusst dont configure them as often as i used to
i also like building my own so I can have BTRFS root volume
I'm getting ready to install these new debs *crosses fingers*
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lanefu, is there an iusse with jenkins?
hmm i hear my server fans running..s o build should be running
my first internet account was a dial-up SCO unix shell
i was like 12 or 13 i guess
I was 5 or so
(long story)
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hi, i've setup hostapd, and isc-dhcp-server to provide a hotspot within my home. mobiles stuck on obtaining ip. and I can see in the dhcp log that it stuck on dhcpdiscover/dhcpoffer, but that's it. what can be the issue?
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are your clocks on the 2 devices close?
sometimes if they are too far apart they will be denied a lease
I mostly see this on devices without a rtc
(just a wild guess though)
hm it's -2H on the dhcpd
i'll set correct timezone and will give it a try
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let me know how it goes and we'll try some other things if it doesnt work
I "think" 2H is in the tolerance zone but I can't remember completely :(
do other devices pick up an ip ok?
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yeah i have an issue with one of my laptops where the clock goes way into the future, and it can't finish connecting to wifi until i get the clock close
so adds up to me
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yeah wifi/ap's dont like to be apart on time
theres something in the rfc I think although I havent read it in years for the specifics
same issue. if i set static ip to the phone, it will connect to hostapd
so its definitely with dhcpd
what kind/os on the phone?
(can you turn any tracing on?)
if its an iphone I know we're out of luck
android, pixel 2
that is really odd..
I havent worked on android phones specificly in a fair number of years... only tablets
but they should be similar
i've tried it with 2 phones, but it's the same
i've also read something about firewall blocking it, but it's a new system i doubt anything is filtered
did these "ever" work?
if so did you try forgetting the network and re-adding?
it may still have an old stuck lease
you might need to clean out the dhcp server leases for those mac addresses too
and rehup/restart the dhcp server
(somedays I really hate dhcp)
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nope they never worked
i just tried to create this new AC from an orangepi
new os, no lease file
followed tons of guides, they're all similar so pretty much out of ideas
i could try with a different software like, dnsmasq
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that is definitely odd
will test tommorow
thanks, cya guys
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