Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | This channel is logged -> irc.armbian.com
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Good morning
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gm, on my odroidc2 using 5.4.28-meson64 #20.02.8 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 30 09:12:52 CEST 2020 aarch64 (ubuntu bionic) I cant change the display resolution via menu>settings>display
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this means its not developed
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it just the max resolution of the connected display, is there another way to reduce the resolution? I cant read anything (chars too small)
an option in armbian-config would be nice ;)
drop 100.000 eur and we will make it
okayyy, 1st I'll try that xrandr thingie ...:)
What a bummer. The project could need the cash...
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Would be sad if the forums needed to be shut down in order to help the project to gather some breath...
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yeah, but we have to put heads together and set some directions. i don't want that neither
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Werner: your forum link opens fine and is kinda promising, BUT I cant see the three commands, it stops "Loading..." (I tried three browsers)
Forums are working fine for me as well as the link
* HercP
never had such issues /w the old style forum
* HercP
Werner: just the comments dont open
Um...well this topic has no further comments besides the first posting :D
it says 3 comments (botom right corner)
Erm no....this posting has received three "likes"
* HercP
seems to be too old, sorry for wasting your time
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HercP: :) welcome to the club
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you all have been busy today
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welcome to the internet
quick note that I can relate to Igor's frustration w/people just wanting stuff (forum thread)
I am close to just dropping public work on OSS. too many people want handholding without putting any effort into even trying to figure things out
yeah its certainly frustrating
is that an issue in most OSS projects
I've come to realize that :-)
Having open source software for free has become normal.
guess I'm too old skool
yeah the hacker culture of open source isn't the norm for people involved in OSS now
i'm really behind on forum stuff..which thread are you referring to?
honestly what Igor and everyone has accomplished with Armbian is incredible.
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No doubt about it.
just wish people (who don't put the effort into really understanding this) wouldn't take such a myopic view.
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IgorPec: maybe we need paid moderators to moderate at the level of TRS-80
that's the biggest pain point
no different than in a large organiation you have like level1 to level3 support.. and the level1 people filter the BS and route accordingly
yeah, wonder what happened to TRS
i know we haev volunteers, but thats mostly spam management.. Werner knows from prior experience how labor intensive quality moderation is... TRS-80 quickly learned as well to burnout
he got burned out.. too emotionaly involved and stepped away
its a REALLY tough balance
well, status quo does work to an extent. a bit of frustration, then the problem ultimately fades away
yeah.. it comes in waves
i just like the idea of really efficient triage
i know my involvement is probably more intermittent than it should be in general
i've yet to learn how to have a routine in my life at any level lol
I'd love to contribute more (and more consistently), but it really is a question of available time/energy. so I do what I can when I can
yeah time and appropriate brain power are hard to get in sync
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