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@MaximusCryptosX (MaximusCryptosX): PiNode-XMR updated. Monero Full node ( for single board computers ) --- Armbian Buster & Hardware testers needed. New Web UI proposal with help needed from the community. https://t.co/KPHVruvZXOhttps://t.co/Qnm0DVFbX9 (19s ago)
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Does Asus Chromebook C101PA (RK3399) support exist?
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I'm afraid not. Chromebooks in general have messy bootloader situations
Right, I've looked at it too, and tried to find a way to fit it with a u-boot based system like ours for my RK3288 based chromebook.
after disassembling the laptop, removing a screw for write protection, re-assembling, performing some command line arguments in the chrome shell, I got distracted and didn't care anymore, sadly
I don't think you have to do anything in hardware fwiw