[board-m1/master] Power_Tree.sch: added info for FPGA block - Adam Wang
just ignore
how did you find it without ISE, by the way? :)
well I would still like to know what it was meant to be or once was
there seems to be something like a 'keep circuit' that I just don't know anything about, that's what I was getting at
what does it mean electrically?
or supposed to mean
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now that FPGAs don't have internal tristates anymore, it doesn't mean anything
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tristate net maintaining its last driven state when nobody drives it anymore ?
this was obviously using a lot of power and causing timing problems... they dropped it now, along with the whole internal tristate idea
also having internal tristates means you cannot really use buffers for PIPs, only pass transistors - and enabling pass transistors adds capacitive load to a net and slows down the whole thing, making the timing model more complicated
there was also the problem of internal contention (which still exists now, but you need to fuck up the bitstream encoding, not just use the tools in the normal way)
oh, so they had a physical device doing that keeping. lovely :)
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erghh seem neither fedora is building a qemu for lm32/milkymist.. :(
yeah, and I've been asking them for a year or so... another little thing that frustrated me
funnily enough it's included in qemu for mac os x
Hi guys. First sorry, this is my last stupid question. The Milkymist one has arrived. All works fine but when I run a patch I don´t know how to return to the control panel… except pushing L-R buttons at the time. One hour testing and nothing... :|
which is a great thing to show off to apple fanboys, but doesn't help so much in the end
Yes, I have spent three days reading them just to avoid this kind of questions. Not ESC, not right click, nothing works. I´m really sorry.
xiangfu: did you break something?
um4_: what version are you using?
um4_: try Ctrl+ESC...
I think the wiki is out of date
it's not ESC nor right click anymore
xiangfu changed this to Ctrl+ESC on March 27th. though if you are using the latest release (1.2) and not the git sources it should still be ESC
it has been changed to avoid miss-clicking and leaving performance mode when doing a big show :)
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lekernel: so you seem to have more fpga debugging experience than me
i have a design that outputs status information to a bank of eight LEDs
Changing the (status bit -> LED) mapping seems to change the behavior of the circuit
preliminary looking at the PCB footprint suggests an electrical short should be impossible, the balls in question are very far away from each other (and are surrounded by other signals known to not be shorting)
and the traces never run near each other
turn it all off and measure the resistance ? shorts should be relatively easy to find
did your design meet timing?
do you have asynchronous logic?
and yes... as wpwrak said, test the PCB (make a led blinker if you want... look at arduino.cc for inspiration)