This isn't an academic "trivial" type thing
You just exhaustively search for the best result out of all possibilities by some arbitrary metric
Yosys uses efficiency
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Which is effectively "the best solution is the one that wastes the least space"
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:/ not again
Once again, check the logger :P
not again ?
ld-cd's having connection issues
And so am I, apparently.
Ah ...
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The systematic way might work for BRAMs but even then, the "metric" part becomes more fuzzy when you start accounting for some of the hw bram options (all stuff yosys doesn't support at all like changing r/w width etc ...). But for DSPs, properly inferring more than simple multiplies with all the freakin' modes that the DSP mode start supporting seems far from trivial.
especially if you mix-in retiming, pipeline levels and auxiliary logic in fabric to actually implement the behavior you need when 1 dsp slice isn't enough by itself.
To me it's possibly something you'd try to do after a LUT mapping pass: if you have too many DSPs, find the least critical one and relax it into soft logic
you need to find that you can use a dsp in the first place
True, yeah
But to me it's more a case of having <some other algorithm> eagerly mark things as "you can use a DSP here", and then relax the forest of nodes into something legal
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And I'm back
ZirconiumX: if you're still here, so for now is block ram support made through mappings like the multiplier you pointed out earlier?
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ld-cd: not quite
there's a techmap involved
but the main part is the memory_bram pass, which ingests a blockram description file
where you define what kinds of blockrams (or LUT rams) your target supports, what are the dimensions and capabilities of each
memory_bram pass looks at these rules and picks an option, then emits an internal blockram cell
which is then mapped to actual vendor primitive using techmap
ok that makes sense
but theres no abc style optimization like for example merging two single ports into a dual port if it fits?
there's a memory_opt pass, but it's kind of simplistic
doesn't do all that much
would that be a good place to start if I was looking to start contributing
*shrug* tbh in my experience the place where you start doesn't matter all that much in the end
note that the memory_bram pass is scheduled for bulldozing though
* mwk
considers it to be the worst part of yosys for practical usage right now
whats it being replaced with
something new, to be designed
perhaps just a more fleshed out version of the same idea
would memory_opt probably stay around though?
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probably yes
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* Sarayan
whitequark (or others), is there an output format for yosys from which something like cxxrtl could run without reimplementing half of yosys itself?
I'm thinking about embedding yosys in another app without actually embedding it but just using it externally
cxxrtl takes rtlil as input right ?
Hmmm, probably
that's yosys' own internal IR, right?
you can read/write it with yosys. with read_ilang / write_ilang
I doubt wq did a bunch of levels of transformations from there
oh, that's what ilang is
and apparently you have a special yosys branch that has write_cxxrtl to output ... cxxrtl code.
yeah, but that's c++ code
and what I'd like is more in the JIT area
I don't get what you're trying to do ...
a software-ish debugger
which would require simming on the fly and interactively
changing what you want to look at dynamically, possibly what the sim actually stores, etc
huh ok. Don't see what you're looking for. I mean cxxrtl the way I understand it is (1) a part that takes rtlil and converts it to C++ code and (2) a runtime library in support of that c++ code that help "step" the simulation forward.
then you just feed both (along with a stimulus) to any C++ compiler and you get a binary.
it works rather well too, I use it a lot
(write_cxxrtl branch in wq's yosys fork)
*but* it's kinda slow, having a compiler in the loop, and it can be annoying system-wise building the communication between the simulation executable and the debugger
so I'd rather have say llvm build executable code directly in memory from a cached version of the rtlil
instead of running yosys and gcc/clang to build a shared library to dl-load in