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<tnt> Is ABC just blind.
<whitequark> ABC is so amazingly useless
<whitequark> I still don't know why everyone is using it, even Xilinx
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<ZirconiumX> Because it's fast, I think
<ZirconiumX> Being cutless and all
<tnt> whitequark: wouldn't re-lut catch that btw ?
<tnt> I thought it was run by default now.
<awygle> did anybody try mockturtle, or any of the other abc alternatives for logic minimization? just curious
<ZirconiumX> awygle: that's incredibly ungoogleable
<awygle> true
<twnqx> tnt: what exactly is the issue? out of curiosity, and assuming that ctrl_bus_mode and req_valid may cause both hit and miss to be 0 or 1 due to some kind of gating
<ZirconiumX> twnqx: lu_miss and lu_hit are identical
<ZirconiumX> But it's using two LUTs instead of one
<twnqx> are they?
<ZirconiumX> Yes, they share three terms and the fourth is a constant
<ZirconiumX> They are identical functions
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<tnt> Well their content is not identical.
<twnqx> hm. they share three inputs and one constant, but they may produce different results
<tnt> But the lut on the left can be merged
<twnqx> yes, that was something i just noticed, too
<tnt> instead of 3 luts and 2 layers, you can do the same in 2 luts and 1 layer.
<ZirconiumX> But the lut on the left is a function of two inputs
<ZirconiumX> 3 + 2 > 4
<tnt> Well no ... because the '3' is the output of the first lut
<twnqx> and you have one spare input (constant zero) plus that output on each of the second luts
<twnqx> so two -> two, i was wondering if you were referring to that part, too
<ZirconiumX> Oh, right, now I get you
<twnqx> (unless someone used <= in between and it has to be buffered synchronously)
<ZirconiumX> You'd see a flop in that case
<twnqx> ah, ok. not used to reading these :)
<daveshah> Is it possible that one of the LUTs is actually coming from Yosys?
<daveshah> Part of a carry or something
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<tnt> No adders in that whole design.
<twnqx> which reminds me of a few tests i wanted to make, e.g. if reg < 128 has the same output as |reg[upper bits]
<daveshah> So just ABC being weird then
<twnqx> well, !|reg[upper_bits]
<tnt> the first lut corresponding verilog is in another module / hierarchy level ... but that should not change anything.
<daveshah> Unless it is a comparison
<tnt> assign lu_miss = ctrl_bus_mode & req_valid & ~|way_match;
<tnt> assign lu_hit = ctrl_bus_mode & req_valid & |way_match;
<daveshah> Huh
<twnqx> so it calculates |way_match in the first lut? or what does it do there, looks weird as that syntax makes no sense with only one bit
<daveshah> I suspect this is something to do with how inversions are represented in abc
<tnt> twnqx: way_match is [3:0] and each of those signal is actual an 'OR' of 2 signals. (so it's a total of 8 signals that need to be ORed). So you get two lut4 to or each group of 4 and then those 2 signals are the input to the first lut on the diagram.
<twnqx> ah
<tnt> if I only have _hit or only have _miss, then it correctly merges into a single lut4.
<awygle> i swear there's another abc alternative but i can't remember what it's called. my brain is just throwing up the word "squirrel".
<twnqx> have you tried !|way_match instead of ~? out of curiosity
<tnt> twnqx: doesn't change anything.
<twnqx> then it doesn't like duplication of terms :P
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<ZirconiumX> awygle: So, mockturtle mentions using an algorithm a lot like ABC &mf
<ZirconiumX> So I tried just using &mf
<ZirconiumX> It's a little bit worse than the current ABC9 flow
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<awygle> it has at least two approaches for lut mapping, the mf-like one and the SAT one (which is probably slow i'd guess)
<ZirconiumX> Well, there's exactly one function called lut_mapping, so that's the only one I looked at
<awygle> the other one is "satlut_mapping"
<ZirconiumX> That I have no idea about