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<EmilJ> vup: wait, I don't need an AxiBufferWriter if I don't need the writing axi to be one accessible to the PL, right? But without it, it seems like it's not giving me a register holding the current buffer index
currently the address management is controlled by the writing side
well the register is there
but you need to replicate the ringbuffer logic done by the AxiBufferWriter
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sorear: remember the FPGA I made a while back and then kinda left?
Decided to write a blog series about another one, based on what I learned from the first
(hey, it's written in nMigen, it's moderately on-topic)
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i often find i can either write things like "if(en): m.d.sync += a.eq(a + 1); else: m.d.sync += a.eq(0)" or I could write "m.d.sync += a.eq(Mux(en, a+1, 0))", as far as I can tell it always compiles to the same number of gates and wires, is it always just a style choice / is there an obvious preference?
(in that particular example the Mux seems clearest but sometimes there's a couple of signals being controlled or sometimes I don't have anything in the Else block, nevertheless it can often be written in fewer lines using Mux, not really sure which conveys intent more clearly either)
agg: makes no difference
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Just got my integer divider algorithm implementation in Python done
it's basically just radix 8 long division
but I search for the next quotient digit with binary search
turns out that the way I've done this has a very low LUT delay
maybe 5 LUTs?
I could increase the LUT delay by about 2 LUTs to get radix 64 long division implemented
going to now write it up in nMigen
<EmilJ> vup: I am trying to debug camera.py, and at the end of AxiBufferWriter elaboration, self.current_buffer.address is still not set
<EmilJ> also if anybody thinks I'm spamming a general nmigen room with my specific questions, we can move this elsewhere
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@EmilJ: there is no self.current_buffer.address, you probably mean self.current_buffer.current_write_buffer? That is set by the AddressGenerator
<EmilJ> hm, no, there's self.current_buffer = ringbuffer.current_write_buffer
<EmilJ> anyway, it means that even when the AxiBufferWriter and its Address Generator are elaborated, ring_buffer.current_write_buffer.address is None
<EmilJ> which I assume is where the memory would appear which when equivalently incremented from software would make the read buffer emit video on HDMI
where are you getting the current_write_buffer.address from?
ring_buffer.current_write_buffer is just a Signal it has no address attribute...
<EmilJ> the debugger
<EmilJ> :D
i see
<EmilJ> well the debugger and the code are my only way of making sense of the code
it has a address attribute, but that is the address it will get mapped to on the axi bus
<EmilJ> bc of this, I estimate that things being named weird things has like doubled the time it took me to get this far
but that is set in a rather magic way :)
<EmilJ> I'm fine with abstracting away mapping on the axis themselves, but how do I find where do I write to from code?
<EmilJ> oh neat. Ddoesn't ZynqSocPlatform inheriting from SocPlatform already do this?
do what?
<EmilJ> append the pydriver hook
<EmilJ> or should I create a new hook?
yep that
the pydriver hook was meant as an example on how to get the address information in a hook
<EmilJ> I see, okay. I assume if I do a text output hook, or like, a C header outpout hook, I still won't find my current buffer register because I don't have a buffer writer in my HDL, right
@EmilJ: right, you need to add it to a module somewhere
a simple `self.current_write_buffer = ring_buffer.current_write_buffer` in the Top elaborate however is enough
<EmilJ> oh!
<EmilJ> wonderful
the memorymap is hierarchical so that will put it in the hierarchy under `top` if you want it somewhere else you need to just move that statement to another module
<EmilJ> Would that make a functional difference? What module makes all/some top-level registers accessible to the processor?
no functional difference, all registers are accessible to the processor. You can however use the hierarchy to make nicer wrappers: https://paste.niemo.de/ebufegomew.py
so you get `print(Top().buffer_writer.address_generator.current_buffer)` or `Top().buffer_writer.address_generator.current_buffer += 1`
<EmilJ> 25k lines of emitted verilog, 1896 lines of Vivado logs, 251 warnings
<EmilJ> lots of resources are unconnected, but that seems ok. Some OSERDES complaints about something about the HDMI...
<EmilJ> what worries me is this critical warning in netlist: Incorrect value '12'b011110000000' specified for property 'init'. Expecting type 'binary' with possible values of '1'b0,1'b1'.
<EmilJ> it happens in things like assign \$45 = + hsync_start;
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<EmilJ> looking at timing, I guess my clock domains are totally wrong. Time to figure out what the heck DomainRenamer actually does
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true, there should probably be a atleast a small fifo between the axi reader and the hdmi output
a small SyncStreamFifo should do the trick
<EmilJ> as in, the AxiBufferReader in axi cores instantiated from HdmiBufferReader in my thing (as well as camera.py) should have a FIFO to meet timings more easily?
currently the HdmiBufferReader connects the output stream of the AxiBufferReader directly to the HDMI encoder
putting a SyncStreamFifo between the output stream of the AxiBufferReader and the HDMI encoder should do the trick
<EmilJ> okay, do you think the design will work as it is though? Let me push the script