tnt: well, not the BSDL alone. Combine it with netlist data to produce a list of intended connections, then generate test vectors from that
tnt: dunno exactly which closed/open source software does it; but I do know it is done
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daveshah: does nextpnr-ecp5 support routing LDR signals to/from SERDES pins?
and if yes how?
You mean the low speed signals?
For those you need to instantiate a serdes primitive and use the LDR related pins
(I think assert eg CH0_FFC_LDR_CORE2TX_EN and then drive CH0_LDR_CORE2TX)
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davidc__: yeah I was wondering if there was an existing software that would just try to toggle every pin and tell me if (1) it's stuck high / low and (2) if that made another pin toggle or not or something simple like that.
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daveshah: yeah. asking because there are no hits for "LDR" in prjtrellis except for DCU.CHx_LDR_CORE2TX_SEL and DCU.CHx_LDR_RX2CORE_SEL
i'm poking the SERDES with a fast sampling scope and locking the scope to the clock proves a bit difficult
lattice devboards aren't helping
so i thought i'd grab the divided clock and pipe it through the SERDES
another option would be to have the other DCU or channel do something like output K28.3 on repeat at a much lower rate than the one i'm interested in
if you want me to check anything specific re SERDES i can try!