This is a dumb question but Lattice Crosslink != Crosslink NX, correct?
I would assume NX is being positioned as the newest member of the Crosslink product line
but product lines aren't real
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Yes, CrossLink NX is a new part that is of interest because it is their first part in the 28nm generation
There will most likely be iCE40 and ECP5 successors on this node released in 2020
ice40 successors, you say now
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are they going to stick the iCE brand on something with no arch heritage?
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I've heard different things from different people so I don't know
Is there a good example of how to "wrap" existing verilog in migen for distribution ? (i.e. so that the verilog is packaged with it and things like that)
looking at sim models is permissible?
of course
it would be pretty bloody hard to synthesise stuff correctly without
huh I wonder what else you can do with CCU2s
what is the C input used for?
You could in theory get slightly more than the "LUT3 and LUT2" - it's really a LUT4 with a LUT2 tap but usually you tie the top input high to split the two functions
C would be used for an adder/subtractor to do selective invert
(shamelessly stolen image from somewhere)
Is the XOR gate always inline with the LUT output and the carry in just tied low usually?
I would guess it looks something like that
Carry in isn't really exposed in that way but I think disabling carry effectively ties it low
it isnt exposed but there are the bits that enable the carrys right?
I am just wondering since from my poking of hte LUT5 slices on eagle the "SUM" setting on some of the MUXes to select what is output from the F and FX outputs is the same as one of the other more normal settings, making me think that the sum function is always there but doesnt do anything unless in ripple mode
I should probably get a sim model out of the thing to have a look at
Ah its the MUX that picks the F output, has a setting for SUM, FUNC5 or LUTF
but SUM and LUTF are the same
the other one has the 3 distinct though its LUTG instead
daveshah: does Lattice have Verilog black boxes for it's slices?
White boxes in fact
e.g. SCCU2C for a carry slice
does it include the memory aspects on them?
Yes, it does
(that's called something like SRAMW and SDPRAM)
oh no I mean like does it have a SLICE module
that has all the things a slice does in it somehow?
Not a single one but one for each mode
the back annotation then chooses the right one
It also has a DPRAM one that will correctly create DPRAM out of 2 mslices and an lslice
I am also not sure how one is supposed to use that mslice cell since it gives you fco and fci but if you connect them wrong the software will fail an assertion and exit
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daveshah: I actually think those memory related signals are for hooking up two mslices to one lslice and represent the fact that internally those are hooked up between the slices in ram mode
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tpw_rules: sorry for dropping the ball on PR, will review and merge later today
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daveshah: I think the mslice ripple mode is likely very similar to the ecp5, there is a lut2 tap in the sim model, though it's inverted and conditioned on ripple mode
Yep, sounds very similar
The sim model has a mind boggling number of inversions :/
I guess that is cmos for you
also if I read it correctly the carry out is always the inverted carry in if not in ripple mode
oh no that was the inverted sense carry out, the carry out just passes the carryin through in that case I guess
and I was looking at intermediate signals
it appears that the fco is either the fci or the carry out of hte top of the ripple stack depending on whether either LUT4 output was 0
I also find it amusing that there is an _nn signal which if I read the convention correctly is double inverted
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omnitechnomancer: Why can't either Anlogic or Altera produce common sense carry logic?
(Altera have a full-adder that *sometimes* is inverted)
patents might be involved
iirc daveshah mentioned that ice40 carry logic specifically was designed to avoid patents
ZirconiumX: I suspect the carry logic is pretty common sense but might have some equivalences or something in the sim model
If the full-adder is patented I have questions
also the sim model looks like its built out of cells that are more complicated than the way they are used in this part
The Altera sim model does a fuckton of things
whitequark: other way round I think, iCE40 carry logic is patented. I think it is unusual to save power
The iCE40 carry logic is not very good, it can't do subtract without extra logic
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yes, I really don't like that aspect of it
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I suspect that the extra input that can be used to drive the DFF is also able to be used in the combining LUTs logic but some means, so that would mean the price for larger LUTs is fewer FFs unless you need exactly some subfunction of hte LUT
That's quite common, for ECP5 the mux input is shared with the DFF input
But you can drive the DFF from the logic function so it's not totally wasted
Consider for example iCE40 has no direct DFF input, you have to go through the LUT
Something I found kind of amusing: an ALM has 8 input pins, but Quartus' routing report has an "ALMs unavailable due to LAB input limits", which leads me to believe that LABs are underprovisioned for routing
hmm, could be about FF inputs rather then LUT inputs?
like, clocks / resets / clock enables
I suppose it makes sense because in the average case you won't have full ALM utilisation
FF inputs are routed through the LUT inputs, as far as I can tell
no, I mean the other FF inputs
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arent the clk, ce, sr signals usually shared among some number of FFs?
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yosys can do logic minimisation right?
That's what `opt` does, generally
does it need a cell library for that?
It has its own
I am contemplating feeding the sim model for the mslice into it and getting it to draw me a diagram
It'll need a cell library if the sim model uses it
If it's plain verilog it'll synth fine
its plain verilog AFAIK
I think it has a bunch of simulationish stuff in it
mostly I just wonder if the SVG I get out of yosys will be easier to understand than the original
actually, things like and and nand are not plain verilog right?
AFAIK they are
ah okay, I do not know verilog :P
I mean something like and(a, b, c)
are tri1 and tri0 plain verilog?
omnitechnomancer: they are
not sure how well it is supposed for synthesis though
but yosys doesnt like them
I guess yosys doesn't support these
atleast the default read_verilog throws syntax error at me
* mwk
actually it seems it breaks when you try to have an array of them?
so tri0/tri1 aren't supported, but wand/wor *nominally* are
this is the line it doesnt like: tri1 [1:0] a,b,c,d,mi;
try using those instead? also, please report an issue
tri1 is *kind of* similar to wor
is tri1 a tristate value?
0 1 or undriven?
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is tri0 kind of similar to wand?
though I guess a question is, in what cases are tri0 and tri1 different from wire?
or just plain inputs?
so they are weak pullups/pulldowns?
what do specify blocks do?
tri0 is basically a plain wire with a pulldown
ie. with no active driver, its effective value is 0
tri1 is the opposite
wor/wand have stronger semantics
with wor, 1 drivers override 0 drivers
with wand, the other way around
hrmm, wait, did I lie about wor being similar to tri1
So in my case since I just want to know what the logic looks like deleting the tri0 and tri1's regarding the inputs is fine
ah yes, pretty much
ok, ignore my commend about wor being similar to tri1, I messed up
Yea I was wondering how a wired or would imply a pullup
yosys doesnt seem to like the specify block in this sim model either
yeah, comment it out
it just describes timings
it appears to set all the timings to 0
That will be so they can be loaded from an sdf
You still need the specify blocks even if the numbers come from an sdf
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ah, cool
what does it mean if flatten causes yosys to exit claiming that techmap yielded processes?
It means you need a 'proc' before flatten
and if I ran proc before flatten?
Did you run hierarchy too?
lets try that
Might need hierarchy -top <top> too
that did it I think
The problem is that without hierarchy parameters wouldn't have been resolved before proc; so any parameterised modules would be imported by flatten "unproc'd"
But perhaps flatten needs '-autoproc' like techmap itself
well the error message mentions autoproc but I assume that is because flatten just delegates to techmap for the actual work?
Yes, flatten is just a wrapper around techmap
effectively techmapping a design with itself
*with its submodules
I think to get meaningful diagrams out of this I will need to convert most of the attribute determined things with actual inputs since otherwise much of it simplifies out of existence in an annoying manner
can you get it to not flatten something?
Yes, you can use (* keep_hierarchy *) iirc
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actually just commenting out the cases that map the attributes to the signals should let me get a picture of what it looks like with them in
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hmmm, how can I tell if an event list is synthesisable?
apparently this makes yosys unhappy: always @( clk or negedge setn or negedge resetn or d_n)
omnitechnomancer: what kind of storage element do you want?
two clocks?
its apparently trying to make a latch
actually, no, that just doens't make sense
I do not want it to synthesise it though
but I understand it might not be able to reason about it
1364.1 lays out the rules for event lists in synthesizable verilog
here clk is not a clock but the enable for the latch
whitequark: how would one write a latch with SR inputs in synthesisable verilog?
1364.1 says nothing about latches with set/reset over enable
so... you cannot
(unless you use a vendor extension)
omnitechnomancer: it's not about just event list, it's about the meat of the process as well
what kind of latch do you want exactly? plain SR latch, or just D latch with SR inputs?
in the latter case: always @* if (R) Q <= 0; else if (S) Q <= 1; else if (E) Q <= D;
I want yosys to read the sim model and draw me pictures
for plain SR latch, remove the last part
note that yosys doesn't support this properly yet, and it'll make a plain D latch with S/R emulation via logic (which is glitchy and doesn't really work)
if its a problem I can probably just make a black box because I want to understand things rather than synthesise them
don't use posedge/negedge when you're not making an edge-sensitive storage device, just use combinatorial-style signal list (preferably @*)
I suppose the actual silicon implementation probably has level based SR inputs anyway right?
well, if it's a latch, yes
Well you get to pick between latch and ff, so it either has two, or it has something hooked up to be one or the other based on that config bit
Ah I see, there is a bit that can be used to combine the two LUTs in an mslice into a LUT5 by using the mi input as the selector
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omnitechnomancer: the usual implementation of a FF is just two latches glued together (with opposite gate polarity)
so when you configure it as a latch, you just bypass one of them
and the SR inputs just tap into the underlying SR latch structure?
daveshah: hey, by any chance, are you at 36c3?
No, not this year, haven't the energy
ack, understoof
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* rvense
is at the openfga table installing litex
So ~(~a or ~b) is just a and b right?
These sim models seem needlessly obtuse sometimes
look up de morgan’s laws
Some of the obtuseness is to do with x propagation, probably not this one though
well this one writes an and as a nor of two inverted signals which seems strange to me
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but yea I guess the behaviour wrt the extra states might be a reason in most cases
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thanks everyone for ruining my ability to read datasheets without spotting every latch vs flipflop typo
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is this related to the T-latch discussion earlier?
but it's a very much a recurring theme, e.g. with whitequark's analysis of ice40(?) io cells from a while back
yeah, why the fuck can't the industry keep this straight
it's a "latch" as in "latchup"
D-latch as in double latch :p
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are there any fpga related talks this year? or is it solid crosslink-nx hacking
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daveshah, I see prjoxide is doubly oxidized :)
indeed :)
It's my first time and I'm enjoying it
Surprised how easy the move from C++ has been really
the api of libtrellis / liboxide is totally arbitrary, right? it's hidden behind the architecture api in nextpnr?
Yes, that in one direction and the ecp{pack, unpack} command line tools in the other
The idea is to have another command line tool in oxide (rust also) that spits out the bba for nextpnr; instead of a Python script that links against libtrellis like for ecp5
That will remove any end user need to link against Python even at build time, which is much more of a PITA than its worth
I've kept some Python (using pyo3 which isn't too bad) for fuzzing (writing the fuzzers is kind of nicer in an interpreted language imo) but that's a dev dependency only
bonus points if it doesn't use an incredible amount of ram while doing so and not need the serialization during build
Yeah aim is something fully deduplicated, I need to play with that some more
If it all works out it shouldn't be too hard to backport ECP5 support to the new oxide framework too
did you find anything out about the LUT5 yet?
Nothing exciting - as far as I can tell it's just the two LUT4s and a mux
the ECP5 had two LUT4s and two muxes (so you could also build LUT6s and LUT7s)
so it is actually a step backwards
ok. I was curious why they called a LUT5 when it has 3 inputs
Which thing are you talking about?
I guess that must be the MUX2 to build a LUT5
ohhh I see now. on the datasheet they have a block called "LUT5 and carry" but they just mean "thing to make a LUT5"
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very recent stm32s have a cool high-resolution timer feature that uses a calibrated delay line to get an effective multi-ghz timer. that's a feature I'd love to see on a fpga
so…a PLL with multiple taps?
not sure what interface you're describing exactly
would this be like "TDR with no extra parts"