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_florent_: sorry, didn't have any time to follow up with the litedram interface yesterday. so do I understand correctly that wdata_ready is only ever asserted after (cmd_ready & cmd_valid)? so for a write, I can assert cmd_valid until cmd_ready, then assert wdata_valid until wdata_ready?
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anyone know if the ECP5 with LiteDRAM uses hard IP for SDRAM interface?
pdp7: It's all soft IP doing the heavy lifting. The only hard IP is the I/O registers (DQS and DLL blocks).
For SDRAM there are no ecp5 specific primitives used at all
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thanks daveshah and greg
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_florent_: I saw you applied a bunch of spi-mode sdcard patches, including an spi-mode set of pins for the nexys4ddr; there's no gatware-side changes that I could see, so I'm wondering how I'd go about using the sdcard slot on the nexys4ddr in spi mode with the new software driver?
(not that that's going to help me with the trellisboard, just being curious :)
hey _florent_ glad you got sdcard booting merged, just noticed the sd card pins are under _mister_sdram_module_io. Maybe a quick patch to just rename it _mister_io or something is in order?
somlo: I believe it's a bios change
Title: make/soc_linux: add SPI SDCard support and enable it on Nexys4DDR/De1… · litex-hub/linux-on-litex-vexriscv@2d232e9 · GitHub (at
sajattack[m]: ah, that's the part I was wondering about, thanks!
_florent_: would it make sense to either have the sdclk command effect spi sd cards or add another one
somlo: the SDCard in SPI mode is using the SPIMaster of LiteX. That's not replacing the current work with LiteSDCard, but that's convenient for minimal SDCard support with very low resource usage.
sajattack[m]: for now the clock is not configurable with the SPIMaster, but i'll work on that
sajattack[m]: ah, for the sdclk command, was it the argument when building linux-on-litex-vexriscv or the command from the BIOS?
yeah the command in the bios, I was looking at it thinking maybe I could use it with the spisd and then realized it was different
but it seems my particular sdcard only works at 400khz anyways
I was messing with that and it only works at 400
with the SDCard i tested, 16MHz was fine
I tried 25MHz and 4MHz
_florent_: has anyone ever talked about doing an ASIC with Linux-on-LiteX-VexRiscv?
the plan is to add dynamic clock divider to the SPIMaster and do the initialization at 400KHz, get the maximum support freq from the initialization, and reconfigure the divider
_florent_: I assume that SPI-mode SDCard is only supported on a very specific subset of Xilinx boards (I think it's even mentioned in the nexys4ddr manual that it's used internally to load bitstream off the sdcard as an option)
and so unless one's board is specifically wired for it, it's not available -- just so I don't waste time thinking about it in regards to the trellisboard :)
No, no special wiring is needed for it
It's the same pins but with different functions
pdp7: that would be great to create an ASIC, but for a first one it should be something very simple with simple clocking, so maybe something similar to the SoC we are using on boards with SDRAM.
daveshah: so it *should* work on the trellisboard, if we add the right pads to the platform file?
Yes, that is thought. I met Staf, chips4makers, recently. He is doing 350nm tapeout in July. He asked me about possibility of RV Linux as he saw me talking about the HaD badge
Staf thinks the VexRiscV with SDRAM would be doable
somlo: SPI-mode for SDCard the kind of simple and minimal mode. It uses 1 wire for the datas instead of the 4.
somlo: i also tested it on ULX3S today, so it will work on the Trellisboard :)
But he is not familiar with it or LiteX. So basically he could help with the tape out (his project is retro 6502) but needs people interested in working on this Linux chip which would go on the water too
ok, I have to try it out now
Basically, as long as there is nothing special about Linux-on-LiteX-VexRiscv, like hard FPGA IP, Staf thinks it is possible. I'm very much a newbie so I thought I would raise the to see if there is interest
pdp7: what is difficult when creating an ASIC are the clocking/IOs/Analog/Memories. If you have a design that is fully synchronous (the case of the Linux-on-LiteX-Vexriscv SoC with SDRAM), with synchronous memories and simple IOs, it should not be too complicated.
That is good to hear
I suspect you'd have to reduce the cache size a bit to get it to fit into Staf's constraints
SRAM is comparatively expensive in ASICs compared to FPGAs
But it would be a cool project!
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_florent_ Staf wasn't sure if posting on litex-linux mailing list was appropriate so I thought I'd ping irc first
sounds like it is reasonable idea
I'm wondering how the emulator would work
in ASIC context
Probably not something you'd want burnt into ROM forever
More like just load it from SPI flash like everything else imo
good iea
If the pressure on area was really high some kind of SPI XIP might be an option too but that would carry a performance cost
thanks for the insight, do you know of an RV system that is doing SPI XIP?
picosoc does
I think LiteX supports it too
ha, it's fat16 only... gotta reformat my sdcard...