I am not sure; I ran into some similar issues trying to get a board updated to work with the latest litex after getting started in litex-buildenv
esden: SoCMemRegion was supposed to be used internally (but that's true it was not specified anywhere), i'll look at your design and update it
no worries I have removed that
mithro: nice tool, that will indeed be very useful
esden: so have you been able to fix your design?
not sure if I still have to deal with the memory stuff or not maybe for gdb?
xobs: helped me a bunch to navigate the api changes and stuff
also I had to disable the bios building as it is waaaaay too large
esden: i think you were using these two lines to define a memory region that is only used by the linker
so I am back to doing the jump to my program immediatly trick that xobs has as the bios is useless for me anyways
I really wish litex was bit less in "flux" let's say. It was really hard to get things to work again. :(
but it blinks now and I can write a c program for it which is very nice
but I do have a bit of a feeling that I am shooting with a bazooka at a fly here :D
but having the csr headers autogenerate is nice
Thanks for explaining the line. You are probably right, the linker script does not look right to me. I had to change the definitions by hand when I was copying out the autogenerated files into my C project.
yes sorry for the changes, we should really specify what is for internal use / what is the user API. I'm generally trying to provide retro-compatibility for the API, but that's more difficult when users are using internal elements of LiteX.
I need to tidy things up and hopefully will be able to submit a pull request at least with the icebreaker platform file.
Yeah of course. The internal API stuff was not the only issue though. :)
the change of the csr access function name threw me off too.
I was trying to do it "the intended way" but had to disable the bios completely to move forward.
Ohh great, thanks for the link. I will look at it. :)
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esden: BTW, i have an iCEBreaker board and could help more if needed. If you do a PR with your iCEBreaker design to litex-boards, i could maintain it and make sure it still build with Travis-CI.
esden: so before the changes, you were able to use the LiteX Bios with the iCEBreaker and it's no longer the case?
Awesome! Yeah it was definitely a plan from the beginning to send the stuff up stream to you. :)
Yeah before the recent changes it was fitting, barely but it was fitting.
At the end still not very useful as I don't really need or want it. I rather have the space available for the application. :)
It was more of an excercise to see that we got the SoC to work and are able to use the build system to create a working binary.
Much more useful would be generating of a "C project skeleton".
That would be good to have it working, and when space it needed (which is generally the case with iCE40 :)) the BIOS could be moved to the SPI Flash
Also I think xobs said that him disabling the bios and just forcing the 4 byte jump to application thing is not the intended way to do it and a bit of a hack.
Ohh the bios was in SPI flash all the time.
there is no way in hell it would ever fit onto the ICE40
ah ok, then there is no reason it's no longer possible
Title: GitHub - esden/litex-boards at icebreaker (at github.com)
well I say "no way" there are always ways and means. But it was not fitting on the ice40 earlier either.
I have done some work over here. I have not pushed it yet.
I need to clean up the mess I made. :)
I will be pushing it to the icebreaker branch you pointed out though.
I will let you know as soon as I have done so. :)
ok, i'm just going to do a quick test with the old files to see
_florent_: will add_mem_regions overwrite the setting for a region if called a second time on the same name of a region?
it should produce an error if you use the same name
telling you that is has already been defined
ok, well that is the point why xobs used the other method to access it. We need to override the default.
ok rebased and force pushed updated files to my branch
Keep in mind that the address where the bios in the flash is at the moment is not compatible with the master iceprog.
iceprog by default deletes bigger pages so you need to use the newly added `-i 4` option that I added in this pull request when flashing the bios at the 0x0001a000 address. Or you need to move the bios to 0x00020000 and waste some more flash space. :) https://github.com/cliffordwolf/icestorm/pull/247
Title: Added an option to choose the erase block size. by esden · Pull Request #247 · cliffordwolf/icestorm · GitHub (at github.com)
Ohh I just realized, the bios probably is overrunning now because I could not override the rom block size in the linker script... duh...
Title: GitHub - icebreaker-fpga/icebreaker-litex-examples: Example litex Risc-V SOC and some example code projects in multiple languages. (at github.com)
_florent_: I can create a pull request from my icebreaker branch if you want. Unless you have some suggestions and want me to tweak and clean things before I do that.
esden: yes sure, that will be probably be easier. You can do that, then we could merge and i will test/update it if needed.
esden: so from what i understand, with your target you want to be able to create a minimal SoC with a CPU or with the UART bridge?
Yeah the goal is to get a bare bones CPU that I can program in C, Rust, Micropython. That can have some gpio or some some other fun cores connected to the icebreaker Pmods.
Title: Add iCEBreaker FPGA support by esden · Pull Request #51 · litex-hub/litex-boards · GitHub (at github.com)
there is also a link to the example code I mentioned above.
The overarching motivating project is the TWANG game port to the icebreaker.
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Thanks for the PR, it's merged. I'll play with it in the next days and see if i can get the BIOS working again.
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turns out having fpgas close amplified dodgy rca is a bad idea
* turns out having fpgas close to amplified dodgy rca is a bad idea
esden: BTW the bios should have gotten smaller again. The bios size increase was reverted and LTO has been enable which gives somewhere between 10% and 40% depending on your configuration
_florent_: awesome thank you for merging! :)
mithro: ok that is nice. :) But first, after thinking about it I don't think the problem here was the actual size increase but the fact that I had to disable the linker rom address remap. And second, I don't really need the bios. It would be nicer if we could have a way to provide an alternative demo program as part of litex. The bios functionality is not really useful on tiny boards like the iCEBreaker or Fomu. :)
in this case we just want the bare metal and header definitions so we can program it like a small microcontroller.
That said I am glad I can finally write some C programs for it. It took long enough to get here.